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An Introduction to Environmental Science. Environmental Science is the study of how humans interact with the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Environmental Science. Environmental Science is the study of how humans interact with the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Environmental Science

2 Environmental Science is the study of how humans interact with the environment

3 The goal of environmental science is SUSTAINABILITY— the condition in which human needs are met indefinitely

4 What Humans Need Water Food/Nutrition Clean Air/Oxygen Health/Medicine

5 Common Terms used in Env. Science Natural Resources Pollution Climate Change Biodiversity Developed vs. Developing Nations

6 Natural Resources can be any natural materials used by humans. Ex. Wood from trees, coal, water

7 Pollution is any undesired change that adversely affects the health, survival, or activities of humans and other organisms

8 Climate Change Long term change in the Earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the avg. atmospheric temperature

9 Biodiversity The variety of life of Earth

10 Developed Nations have strong social support systems (schools, healthcare, etc.), diverse industrial economies, higher average incomes, slower population growth Ex. US, Japan

11 Developing nations have simple agricultural economies, lower incomes, few support systems, and more rapid population growth. Ex. Mexico, Haiti

12 Developed Nations have 20% of the world’s population, but use 75% of its resources!

13 An Ecological Footprint is a measure of the amount of resources from Earth needed to support a person’s lifestyle.

14 Ecological Footprint

15 How do other nations compare to US?


17 Major fields of study in Env. Science: Biology Earth Science Physics Chemistry Social Sciences

18 Hunter Gatherers hunted animals and collected plants—setting fires and driving animals off cliffs A brief History of Env. Science…

19 Agricultural Revolution allowed human population to grow rapidly because of stable food supply, but also destroyed wetlands, forests, grasslands to create farmland.

20 Industrial Revolution made huge improvements for human life, shifting source of energy from animal/human power to machines, but detrimental to the environment because of use of fossil fuel use and resource consumption.

21 The Earth’s natural resources are the modern day “Commons” that need to be protected and cared for even though we do not own them.

22 As supply increases, demand decreases and prices drop. As supply decreases, demand increases and prices soar.

23 Think about the most recent iPhone and oil prices..

24 1.Resource Depletion—including renewable and non-renewable like trees and copper 2. Pollution—air, water, soil 3. Loss of Biodiversity—plants and animals 3 Main Categories of Environmental Problems

25 The Earth is a closed system— everything we need is found here, but any wastes created also stay here.

26 The Importance of the Individual “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

27 3 Ways to Influence the Environment 1. Vote--People we elect will make decisions that affect our environmental future

28 2. Think Globally, Act Locally! Awareness of individual actions on the environment. Ex. Products we buy, Food we eat, Water Use, Energy we use, etc.

29 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

30 Recycling at RHS Riders Are Going Green

31 3 Benefits of Recycling 1. Less need for natural resources Ex. Cutting down trees, mining aluminum 2. Less pollution, energy use, and cost Ex. 96% savings when aluminum is recycled 3. Save on landfill space

32 Our Challenge We are doing a pretty good job of recycling at RHS, but we can do better. We need to raise awareness and encourage everyone (students, staff, parents) to properly recycle at RHS. How can we raise awareness to improve our recycling efforts?????

33 1. Be a Leader Start with a group of friends ex. Commons before school Educate your classmates ex. “Hey, did you know that can be recycled?” Encourage teachers to promote recycling.

34 2. Advertise Classrooms Hallways Garbage Cans Announcements Athletic Programs Commons TVs PSA—public service announcement

35 Examples

36 Scare Tactic

37 Content Specific

38 Riders in the “Spotlight”

39 Simple, yet Classic

40 Modern or Trendy

41 Community Interests

42 Staff or Students


44 Your Task Create an advertisement that encourages recycling at RHS using any of these venues. Classrooms Hallways Garbage Cans Announcements Athletic Programs Commons TVs PSA—public service announcement to broadcast during ad room Come up with your own idea!

45 Things you should know Yes, you may work with 1 partner (or less) Mrs. Jensen will determine which ones are done satisfactorily enough to be displayed at RHS. A panel consisting of staff and students will determine the overall “Best” advertisement and winners will receive a $5 gift card to the student store.

46 Grading the Project Encourages Recycling2 Rider Pride/Personality2 Created “Professionally”– must be able to 2 reproduce or copy it Effort on Work Days2 Creative/Unique (can not be identical to examples I gave you, but could have similar content)2 Total 10

47 Let’s Get Started! Brainstorm ideas off each other Talk to your friends Enlist the help of others Ask teacher opinions on what would work Let Mrs. Jensen know if you need special materials. Have fun….it might make you famous!

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