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ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE 13. OBJECTIVES To Understand The Importance of Establishment and Terms of Service Features of the Standing Orders and.

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Presentation on theme: "ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE 13. OBJECTIVES To Understand The Importance of Establishment and Terms of Service Features of the Standing Orders and."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES To Understand The Importance of Establishment and Terms of Service Features of the Standing Orders and the Acts under the Legislative Framework The Various Rules of Service and their Importance Difference Between Discipline and Rights of an Employee Process of Domestic Enquiry 13

3 CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE (i) Permanent (ii) Probationer (iii) Badli (iv) Temporary (v) Casual (vi) Part Time (vii) On Contract (viii) Trainee (ix) Apprentices

4 MODEL SERVICES RULES Salary, Increment and Revision in Grade or Salary Scale Transfer Record of Age/Identity Change of Address Abandonment of Service Termination of Employment Grounds for Termination. Conditions for Termination Employee on Termination to Give Account of the Employer’s Property Discipline in the Organization 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE

5 Causes of Indiscipline (a) Non-placement of right person on the right job which is suitable for his qualification, experience and training. (b) Undesirable behaviour of senior officials. (c) Lack of upward communication (d) Leadership which is weak, flexible, incompetent and distrustful (e) Lack of properly drawn rules and regulations and also absence of goods supervisors. (f) The divide and rule policy of the management. 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE

6 Causes of Indiscipline 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE (g)Bad working conditions. (h) Inborn tendencies to flout rules. (i)Discrimination in the matters of selection, promotion, transfer and placement and improper coordination, delegation of authority and fixing of responsibility. (j) Psychological sociological reasons, including misunderstanding, rivalry and distrust among workers and supervisors, and absence of fellow-feeling, a widespread sense of injustice or apathy on the part of the management.

7 PUNISHMENT OF MISCONDUCT (i)Suspension without pay for a period not exceeding one month (ii) Demotion (iii) Reduction in salary (iv) Stoppage of increments (v) Discharge (vi) Dismissal 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE

8 MODEL SERVICES RULES 13 Procedure for Disciplinary Action Complaint and Grievance Procedure Resignation Secrecy Exclusive Service Certificate on Cessation of Service Fitness for Work Retirement ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE

9 MODEL SERVICES RULES 13 Leave and Holidays Distinction between Leave and Holidays Festival and National Holidays Obligation of an Employer to Grant Leave Application for Leave with Reasons, if Necessary Obligation of Workers to Produce Medical Certificates in Case of Sickness ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE

10 Casual Leave Privilege Leave Extraordinary Leave (Leave on Loss of Pay) 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE MODEL SERVICES RULES

11 (a)sickness; (b)domestic problem; (c)inadequate transport facilities; (d)housing problems; (e)large families; (f)small income; (g)changes of promotion; (h)personal mal-adjustments; (i)lack of interest in the job; (j)absence of satisfaction in the job; (k)complexities and intricacies of industrial technology; 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE MODEL SERVICES RULES

12 (l) lack of due supervision; (m) inaction on the part of the managerial staff to take timely action with a view to minimize its future occurrences; (n) inadequate wage structure; (o) insecurity of employment; (p) poor working conditions; (q) long working hours; (r) inadequate leave facilities; (s) employee’s indebtedness; (t) employee’s spending habits; (u) job dissatisfaction; 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE MODEL SERVICES RULES

13 13 ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE MODEL SERVICES RULES (v)inadequate welfare facilities; (w)lack of training; (x)company environment; (y)outside job opportunities; and (z)absence of non-financial incentives, inspiration for loyalty to management besides the absence of motivation to better performance.

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