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Welcome to Auburn Riverside High School Home of the Ravens.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Auburn Riverside High School Home of the Ravens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Auburn Riverside High School Home of the Ravens


3 Our goal today; To introduce you to Auburn Riverside High School To give you an Auburn School District catalog (write your name on the cover) To help you learn how to register for classes next year

4 9 th Grade Requirements 1 st Semester2 nd Semester Honors LA9 or Regular LA9 Algebra, Geometry, or AAT World Studies or AP Human Geography Orientation or AP Human Geography Science Links or BiologyBiology or Elective ElectiveHealth Elective

5 Registrati on page Teacher Signature must be done on this page of your registration

6 Lets look at the Registration Sheet If you fall in the category of ELL or Special Ed please write that on the top of the page

7 Course Catalog on our school website (Name)

8 Box Page 2020 credits requirements You will follow the requirements on page 17. (Box page)

9 2020 High School Graduation requirements

10 The counseling Center Staff Counselors are divided by alphabet Mr. Hartt A-F Ms. Holloman G-L Mr. Polley M-Ro Ms. Brown Rp-Z Mr. Mead/ Career Center Angela Anderson/ Career Center Mrs. Schadel, Office Assistant Mrs. Husar, Registrar

11 Career Center Steve Mead - Career Counselor »Mr. Mead helps students with scholarships and NCAA clearinghouse registration. »Go in and check out our resources and vocational testing when you are at Riverside.

12 State Testing Requirements Class of 2020 English Language Arts MathScience 10 th grade ELA Exit Exam based on the Common Core or 11 th grade Smarter Balanced ELA Test Must pass 1 of the following: Algebra EOC Geometry EOC EOC Exit Exam based on Common Core 11 th grade Smarter Balanced Math Test Biology EOC or Comprehensive NGSS test HSPE not administered after Summer 2014 Common Core tests not available until spring 2015 Math EOCs not administered after Winter 2015 Common Core tests not available until spring 2015 Next Generation Science Standards not yet adopted by Washington State, when they are, then test will switch from Biology EOC to NGSS *Requirements subject to change as a result of Legislative decisions

13 Graduation Requirements Class of 2020 Minimum Graduation Requirements 4 credits Language Arts 3 credits Social Studies 3 creditsMath ½ creditHealth 1 ½ creditsPE 2 creditsScience (Biology 1.0) 1 creditFine Arts/ 1 credit Occupational/CTE 6 ½ creditsElectives 22.5 TOTAL CREDITS

14 Ways in which counselors assist students: Help students stay on track for on- time graduation Personal issues; friends, family, school Crisis intervention and support, mediation Academic support and guidance

15 How does high school differ from middle school? Non attendance impact grades significantly Treated as a young adult responsible for actions and decisions The teacher/student relationship is a partnership. You need to talk to your teachers Less drama and rumors. Fighting and “drama” are considered immature Transition; Freedom, Opportunity, Self- Respect

16 School Demographics Total Staff: 128 – (Teachers, Counselors, Administrators, Support Staff, etc.) Students: o 9 th 457 o 10 th 374 o 11 th 391 o 12 th 376 o Total1598

17 ARHS Structure Traditional Comprehensive High School 6 period day/ 6 classes per day-approx.55 min. each 5 minutes passing time 2 lunches determined by 4 th period class Lockers are available Student driven scheduling process Multiple AP courses PLC Mondays – staff collaboration, students arrive one hour late Average class size: 27 students

18 Advice from Counselors Take the most rigorous classes you can (it looks good to colleges when you challenge yourself) Maintain highest grades possible (transcript) Get involved (sports/clubs) Develop clear goals for your future Begin networking with your teachers, counselors, coaches, etc…

19 Advice from counselors continues... Cell Phones and Time Management Reminders and alarms are some of the most useful tools on a cell phone, but they are also the least appreciated. Most cell phones come with a scheduler to allow you to set an alarm at a certain time of day or on a certain date. You can set alarms to remind you of an established daily homework time to keep you from chatting right through your work time. You could also use calendar reminders to notify you when projects and assignments are due. These reminders can be set up weeks and months ahead of time. Once you get into the habit, you'll find it very effective.

20 Freedom and Responsibility More independence with choosing classes Choosing career path Personal choices - Peers, work habits Special events, Dances Clubs / Activities Sports Tech Prep classes Running Start

21 World Languages Choices You need a minimum of 2 years for college admission Spanish French German Japanese American Sign Language

22 Career & Technical Education – Marketing & Manufacturing DECA classes Sports Entertainment Marketing Woodworking & Design Electronics Computer Systems Engineering PET Drafting – new name… Robotics

23 Career & Technical Education – Health & Family Culinary Arts Food Science Interior Design Independent Living Fashion Careers with Children Anatomy & Physiology Sports Medicine

24 Performing Arts Band Choir Orchestra Drama

25 Advanced Placement Biology Chemistry Physics Language & Composition Literature Human Geography European History US History Politics & Government

26 Specifically Athletics:

27 Are you eligible? To be eligible incoming freshman need: – A valid annual athletic registration form – Current Physical dated after June 1 st (This physical will be good for two years) – Academic eligibility – Student Body ASB card – Resident of Auburn School District

28 Sports Offered 2019-2020: Fall—begins in August. Girls’ Swim/Dive, Football, Volleyball, Girls’ Soccer, Cross Country, Boys’ Tennis, Boys’ Water Polo, Golf Winter—begins in Nov. Boys’ Swim/Dive, Gymnastics, Basketball, Wrestling Spring—begins late Feb./March. Baseball, Fastpitch, Track/Field, Girls’ Water Polo, Girls’ Tennis, Boys’ Soccer, Cheer tryouts for next year NEW : Boys’ and Girls’ Lacrosse

29 Registration for 9 th grade Counselors will be helping you enter your classes on March 3rd Remember to talk to your parents and get teachers signatures Counselors will return on March 3rd to pick up your registration forms and to help you enter them on the computer into career cruising

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