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Euromeeting 2009 Florence, november 6th ECOLABEL measuring & the quality seal Ospitalità italiana.

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Presentation on theme: "Euromeeting 2009 Florence, november 6th ECOLABEL measuring & the quality seal Ospitalità italiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Euromeeting 2009 Florence, november 6th ECOLABEL measuring & the quality seal Ospitalità italiana

2 Euromeeting 2009 ISNART partecipation goal Present the Quality Seal Ospitalità Italiana – Italian Hospitality as a useful working instrument to monitor quality performance and competitiveness of tourism SMEs Provide a qualitative and quantitative picture of effective integration of environmentally sustainable principles in Italian hotels management

3 Euromeeting 2009 ISNART S.c.p.A WHAT IS - Istituto Nazionale Ricerche Turistiche S.c.p.A., founded in Rome 16.12.1992 STAKEHOLDERS - National Union of Chambers of Commerce (promoter), 53 Provincial Chambers of Commerce, 8 Regional Chambers Union, 4 Commercial and Tourist National Organizations ACTIVITIES - Studies and publications on tourism; research, surveys and feasibility plans; editorial and promotional activities in the tourism sector; organisation of meetings and conferences

4 Euromeeting 2009 Main Activities NATIONAL AND TERRITORIAL TOURISM OBSERVATORY in cooperation with the Minister of Tourism (law 80/2005) and Italian Region THE QUALITY SEAL OSPITALITÀ ITALIANA – ITALIAN HOSPITALITY in cooperation with Italian Regions and the main Association of enterprises

5 Euromeeting 2009 The National Tourism Observatory Analysis of the economic situation: record on booking/occupancy: 5.000 operators quarterly interviewed with CATI system Dimension and behaviour of Italian tourism demand: 48.000 annual CATI interviews International organized market: 500 interviews of Tour Operators from Europe, America, Japan and India Customer satisfaction and economic impact of tourism: 30.000 CAPI interviews It is a “market intelligence” instrument which studies :

6 Euromeeting 2009 Ospitalità Italiana It is a volontary certification process based on a check-list of quality criteria developed in cooperation with the main association of enterprises that cover more than 250 parameters on: 1. access, atmosphere and surroundings 2. parking 3. reception 4. hall and hospitality service 5. rooms, bathroom and toilets 6. hall and common areas 7. breakfast and food service 8. bar and restaurant 9. other facilities including sport activities, congress areas, etc. 10. integration of environmentally sustainable principles and activities

7 Euromeeting 2009 The Quality Seal Ospitalità Italiana –promoted by Isnart in cooperation with the Italian Chambers of Commerce, was born in 1997. 1984 Hotels (all categories) 1729 Restaurants (5 typologies) 713 Country Inns 333 Other certified enterprises (campsites, beaches, B&Bs) It covers 80 provinces and 18 of the 20 regions. About 5,000 of the 12,000 enterprises analysed have been certified with the seal: Ospitalità Italiana

8 Euromeeting 2009 The Quality Seal Ospitalità Italiana – Italian Hospitality aims to guarantee an high level of customer satisfaction (high quality standards) ensure promotion and visibility of the branded enterprises (actions involve the Ospitalità Italiana Award, in collaboration with RAI radio television) Improve quality standard and preserve specificity and typical characters of local communities and places create cooperation and synergies between public and private stakeholders

9 Euromeeting 2009 European Quality Seals

10 Euromeeting 2009 Ospitalità Italiana meets ECOLABEL WHO: 194 hotels WHAT : a pilot survey aiming to verify both the effective integration of environmentally sustainable principles in their management and their their potential capability to get (future and voluntary action) the European Eco-label WHERE : one Italian region WHEN : jul/aug 2009 HOW: Environmentally sensitive aspects evaluated: Energy consumption Water consumption Waste production Awareness-raising training to staff Awareness-raising initiatives to guests Eco-friendly purchasing Other measures of sustainable management Thanks to the Memorandum of Understanding with Ecolabel Committee – inside ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)

11 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results - ENERGY Energy saving criteria most fulfilled Methane/LPG used as boiler energy sources  97% Boiler efficiency as measured according to Directive 92/42/EEC (minimum 3-star boiler)  88% More than half of electrical equipment (refrigerators, washing-machines, dishwashers, etc…) with Class A efficiency  83% Energy saving criteria less accomplished Use of electricity coming from renewable energy sources - RECS, solar panels,etc.  13% Automatic switching off of heating and/or lighting and/or air-conditioning  44%

12 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results - WATER Water saving criteria most fulfilled Dishwashers and washing machines with Class A efficiency (low water consumption)  85% Preventive mainteinance to detect water leaks  68% Water saving criteria less accomplished Water flow reducers  3% ; Dual-flush WCs  5%; Automatic sensor flush  5% Changing towels and sheets (on request)  46%

13 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results - WASTE Waste reduction criteria most fulfilled Waste separation into categories (according to the national/local systems)  93% Not use of disposable products, such as cups, plates and cutlery, in rooms and restaurants -  91% Waste reduction criteria less accomplished Waste separation by guests (providing adequate receptacles )  10% Not use of “ one-portion ” or “ one-use ” toiletries (such as shampoo, soap, shower caps, etc.) in rooms and restaurants  14%

14 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results – STAFF TRAINING Awareness-raising training to staff: initiatives implemented Staff training on detergent and disinfectant use  91% Staff training on waste, water and energy management (environmental measures)  82% Staff training on good mainteinance and servicing of equipment  82% Training on general environmental improvement  77%

15 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results – INFORMATION TO GUESTS Awareness-raising initiatives to guests most implemented Environmental communication and education notices on local landscape  32% Information on local public transport  32% Communication and education notices for application of environmental measures and awareness raising  20% Awareness-raising initiatives to guests less implemented Invitation to inform the staff of any leaks  6% Clearly information on waste separation by guests  8% Active information to guests on its enviromental policy, objectives and actions  11%

16 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results – ECO-FRIENDLY PURCHASING Products and goods Use of reffilable bottles  55% Use of products awarded with the Community eco-label (detergents,indoor paints and varnishes, etc.)  35% Availability to guests of bycicles and others environmentally-friendly means of transport  14%

17 Euromeeting 2009 Survey Results – GENERAL SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT Other measures of sustainable management most implemented No-smoking rooms  63% Offer of organic food and local food products  49% Other measures of sustainable management less implemented Bioclimatic architecture  4% Use of rainwater and recycled water  14% Heat pump, district heating, heat recovery  23%

18 Euromeeting 2009 Survey results - SUMMARY The survey finds out that:  23% need to improve their enviromental awareness and management  75% meet specific requirements necessary to limit their environmental impact  2% are environmentally friendly hotels Specifically,  hotels easily meet that requirements that allow money saving;  hotels are well-engaged in staff training (to reduce energy and water consumption etc.)  few hotels provide environmental communication and education notices to guests Finally This points out the necessity to promote sustainable development through a well-appointed educational process and awareness-raising initiatives These should help tourist providers and guests to increase attitudes, skills, knowledge and actions to limit their own enviromental impact in addition to evaluate the only economic matter. Euromeeting 2009

19 Next Steps ….. in Ospitalità Italiana To uptake survey results to improve environmental awareness and integration of sustainable principles of each sustainable hotel cluster (23%; 75%) To carry on specific actions to increase the number of Eco-label certified tourist accommodation services (2%) ….. in NECSTtouR To develop an European Chambers of Commerce method to approach measuring and improvement in sustainable tourism inside european enterprises

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