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Capstone Project Chinook Trail Elementary School Noel Wilson EDLS 643 Regis University Thursday, June 07, 2012 (Revised 6/13/2012)

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1 Capstone Project Chinook Trail Elementary School Noel Wilson EDLS 643 Regis University Thursday, June 07, 2012 (Revised 6/13/2012)

2 Target Audience & Communication Proposal  Goal: To include all stakeholders in the each stage of the plan rollout and to effectively communicate goals, resource needs, barriers and outcomes. All stakeholders must be aware of the need to continually increase achievement levels in reading, as well as other areas, even when they are already so high. We must be able to also discuss strategies which will help improve and increase achievement across the board.  Potential Stakeholder Contacts  District Administration (School Board and Cabinet Members)  Building Level Leadership  Faculty and Staff (All those trained as Proctors for TCAP)  Students  Parents & Families (PTA, etc.)  School Accountability Committee  District Accountability Committee  Parent Sounding Board

3 Components of Effective Communication  All those involved must have a voice in this process, but communication must be proactive and goal oriented  Must be timely  Language must be understandable by all and in layman's terms, when possible  Dates and meeting times must be set aside for ongoing discussion and planning  Data and outcomes from meetings must be kept in the form of easy to understand minutes or notes  Collect data and feedback and provide time for discussion and planning  Venues for communicating goals and outcomes  Electronic (e-mail, text, social networking, etc.)  Scheduled face to face committee meetings  Meeting minutes  CDE Training materials with member notes  District Training Materials on Marzano SRBC strategies with notes

4 Action Plan Foundations  From the 2009-2010 school year to the present, 3 rd grade students at Chinook Trail Elementary School have consistently scored in the 90 th percentile and above in the CSAP and TCAP reading assessment.  Due to the fact that achievement in reading is already so high and because of expectations from both the state and district, administrators and staff must develop and employ tactics which will aid in sustaining continued growth in reading scores for the 2012-2013 school year.

5 Action Plan Outcomes  By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 100% of classroom teachers will include standards based reporting data to help increase achievement on both school and state standardized tests.  2012-2013 building and district level professional development will be designed around using standards based reporting to increase student achievement across the board, but with a deep focus on raising achievement in the area of reading.  3 rd and 4 th grade teachers will collaborate regularly in order to devise a plan which will raise achievement both vertically and horizontally.

6 Action Plan Tactics  Introduce goals and rationale to building and district stakeholders.  Devise and discuss communication plan, goals and expectations.  Design an achievable timeline for staff implementation.  Assign duties to staff members and stakeholders.  Discuss specific tactics and desired outcomes.  Consider and discuss potential obstacles which might inhibit outcomes and goals.  Design tools for ongoing evaluation and assessment of overall achievement of plan throughout its various stages of implementation and goal attainment.

7 SMART Goals Raising Student Achievement Using TCAP & Reading Assessment Data By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, Chinook Trail Elementary School will see an increase from 95% proficient or advanced on the 2012 3 rd grade TCAP Reading test, to a 98% proficient or advanced on the 2013 4 th grade test.

8 2011 CSAP Reading as compared to ASD20 school District

9 Reading at Chinook Trail Strengths  All grade level show higher than average achievement in reading.  More than half of present teachers use Standards Based Reporting Data to guide instruction.  School and district level Professional Development on the correlation between using SRBC Data and raising high student achievement even higher is beginning to be offered. Areas for Growth  All teachers need to use multiple data points (body of evidence) to help find disparities or gaps in instruction.  All teachers need to buy in to the idea of supporting and using SRBC to guide instruction.  There needs to be a firm system in place for vertical and horizontal alignment in instruction and standards.

10 Student Discipline

11 Strengths  Strong Family Support and Values  Strong Character Education in School  Strong Classroom Management strategies in place within classrooms Areas for Growth  RtI process and systems need to be in place and utilized effectively  Communication with stakeholders can ALWAYS be better

12 School Budget Strengths  Strong Fiscal management systems in place  Professional Development is a budget priority  Teachers are involved in the budgetary prioritization decision making process Areas for Growth  District needs to release more funds for PD and Curriculum Adoption  Needs to be a building level Budget Advisory Team in place.

13 Parent and Community Involvement Strengths  More than 90% of parents and families are involved in the school and its overall culture  Very supportive PTA  Outside business and professional support at student, classroom and building levels Areas for Growth  School Administrators need to be more transparent about community and parent needs and complaints  We need to have more definitive systems and policies in place regarding building and classroom volunteer involvement

14 School and Professional Culture Strengths  Highly Effective staff is in place  Administrative team works as a unified front  Community is strongly involved in the overall culture building of the school Areas for Growth  Systems must be in place for conflict resolution between staff members  Evaluation systems must more deeply take into account the overall professionalism of staff  Peer mentoring must be more effective

15 Tentative Action Plan Month 2012-13 Activities Persons(s) Responsible ResourcesBarriersTasks/Interventions Evidence of Success June 8 Marzano Training in use of SRBC to aid in improving achievement District Admin and Directors Principals & Assistant Principals Faculty (by invitation only) Materials provided by Marzano staff District materials with outcomes listed School goals and action plans School SRBCs Only certain staff will be attending Lines of communication will possibly be fractured Task: Take materials and training outcomes back to home buildings for rollout of plan Intervention: District Directors, building admin & staff will train remainder of staff not included in initial training The ability to apply what was learned to CTE SBRCs July 2012 Scheduled training for SRBC rollout Scheduled trainings for implementation of strategies which will increase student achievement in state and district reading assessment Principals All grade level teachers Student assessment coordinator CDE TCAP Guides Tech Lab Building Level Assessments Researched-based LA materials SRBCs Will majority of staff be available at this time? Buy in from those involved How to incorporate classroom practices which will help increase reading achievement How do SRBCs fit into this plan? Modification of LA Curriculum Maps Vertical and horizontal articulation of goals and outcomes Communication plans

16 Action Plan Cont. Month 2012-13 Activities Persons(s) Responsible ResourcesBarriersTasks/Interventions Evidence of Success August - Sept 2012 Curriculum Mapping Updates and training for all classroom teachers SRBC training for new teachers TCAP and building assessment training for new teachers DIBELS Assessments Adams 50 Testing SCANTRON Principals All grade level teachers Student assessment coordinator CDE TCAP Guides Tech Lab Building Level Assessments Researched-based LA materials SRBCs Lesson Plans Curriculum maps Chart Paper, Markers Post-it notes Time Effective implementation of plan with short notice Lack of Direction by senior members of team Task: Bringing all staff up to speed in goals, use and ongoing strategies to effectively use Curriculum Maps, SRBCs and Assessment data to drive instructional practices and higher achievement goals in reading Vertical and horizontal plans and understanding of defined tasks and activities Oct. – Dec. 2012 Grade Level Team Meetings Cross Grade Level Team Meetings LA Team Meetings TCAP prep Meetings\ SAC meetings DIBELS Assessments Adams 50 Testing SCANTRON CoGAT ITBS Principals All grade level teachers Team Leaders Student assessment coordinator CDE TCAP Guides Tech Lab Building Level Assessments Researched-based LA materials SRBCs Lesson Plans Curriculum maps Chart Paper, Markers Post-it notes Ability to schedule times for all involved to meet Achievable goals Lower than average building level achievement of 2012-13 students Classroom practices Building Admin will facilitate ongoing discussions around direction of plan and goal completion Updated maps for reading instruction Up to date reading assessment \ data (building and grade level)

17 Action Plan Continued Month 2012-13 Activities/Strategies Persons(s) Responsible ResourcesBarriersTasks/Interventions Evidence of Success Jan- March 2013 Weekly Team and cross grade level meeting w/ LA & Reading focus. ( How to drive instruction w/ Assessment data) TCAP Prep and Exam SRBC data and dissemination DIBELS Adams 50 SCANTRON Principals All grade level teachers Team Leaders Student assessment coordinator CDE TCAP Guides Tech Lab Building Level Assessments Researched- based LA materials SRBCs Lesson Plans Curriculum maps Chart Paper, Markers Post-it notes Time Consensus on goals and direction of plan Using data to drive daily instructional goals and classroom practices Answering the question – Is data across assessments giving a clear picture of instruction? Information gained from multiple assessments April- May 2013 Weekly Team and cross grade level meeting w/ LA & Reading focus. ( How to drive instruction w/ Assessment data) TCAP Prep and Exam and data dissemination SRBC data and dissemination Yearly DIBELS data dissemination Yearly Adams 50 data Dissemination Yearly SCANTRON data dissemination Principals All grade level teachers Team Leaders Student assessment coordinator CDE TCAP Guides Tech Lab Building Level Assessments Researched- based LA materials SRBCs Lesson Plans Curriculum maps Chart Paper, Markers Post-it notes Related Data Time for a clear and detailed dissemination Identify if plan goals and outcomes were achieved Begin planning year 2 rollout and modifications based on outcomes of objectives Increased achievement scores as compared to previous year Growth information gathered across all LA assessments

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