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Cluster Active Archive Science User Working Group (CAASUWG) - update Matt Taylor on behalf of CAASUWG.

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Presentation on theme: "Cluster Active Archive Science User Working Group (CAASUWG) - update Matt Taylor on behalf of CAASUWG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cluster Active Archive Science User Working Group (CAASUWG) - update Matt Taylor on behalf of CAASUWG

2 CAASUWG- who? CAASUWG set up to provide forum for science users to comment on and /or suggest possible improvements of their CAA experience. CAASUWG input mechanism via the CAA user feedback area:

3 Submit CAASUWG comments here


5 CAASUWG - Do what? CAASUWG has reviewed and processed a number of inputs. Part of this work involved definitions and requirements of the quick-look plotting by the CAA. This activity from the CAA is focused on facilitating a quick-look set of plots, based on CAA data, of various instrument data sets.

6 CAASUWG- Quick look plotting Basic idea is to have a database of pre- generated, pre-defined plots from which the user will be able to select various combination of plot types. Resolution of these plots is: 1,6,24 and orbit. The current working list of ‘plot subjects’ includes: ‣ FGM: B field magnitude, GSE ‣ EFW E field GSE, spacecraft potential ‣ WHISPER – Spectrogram (Active) Full range 2-80 KHz ‣ WHISPER – Spectrogram (Passive) Full range 2-80 KHz ‣ CIS and PEACE moments (density, temperatures) ‣ RAPID, CIS, PEACE Spectra

7 CAASUWG - Particle plots Will concentrate on CIS, PEACE (and RAPID) with query to teams. Requirement is to have quick look plots of: Omnidirectional / spin averaged spectrograms (already there for RAPID) Would be nice to have pitch angle (PA vs time not optimum because of energy dependences), 3 component: parallel, perpendicular and antiparallel, in same/similar units across instruments. Problems relate to which products to use in CAA database. The data is presented in different ways for each instruments. What product should be used to create the plot?

8 What product should be used? PEACE: Level 2 PAD distributions (MAR = most typical) PEA_CPPADMARH_DEFlux(2x12x32) AzimuthxPolarxEnergy change this to simple Energy versus time: average polar and azimuth? ~mean(*,*,0) Or just sum (*,*,0) (correct units?) NOT CAA PLOT! CAASUWG - Omnidirectional plot: What?

9 What product should be used? CIS: Level 3 distributions e.g. HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PF = (8x16x31) PolarxAzimuthxEnergy change this to simple Energy versus time: average polar and azimuth? ~mean(*,*,0) Or just sum (*,*,0) (correct units?) Or just sosumAzimuth NOT CAA PLOT!

10 RAPID could be added onto CIS and PEACE plots (although units are small issue here) CAASUWG - Omnidirectional plot: What?

11 CAASUWG - PITCH ANGLES To avoid energy dependance of some distributions, have 3 panels Parallel AntiParallel Perp

12 CAASUWG - PITCH ANGLES RAPID IES to use same format? add levels to PEACE? (units, different ‘zone’ size)

13 CAASUWG - PITCH ANGLES How to do this: CIS = no PA data, requires FGM CAA product and rotation matrix need rotation matrix and preferred FGM data (value added product, spin res FGM) PEACE= PA data in file, but based on PEACE derived high res field, NOT CAA FGM. Should we use PAD or wait for SPINPAD. (PA based on PEACE dervied FGM product, not CAA) RAPID - Separate angle x angle matrix of pitch angle allocation, but based on IEL information. RAPID have been requested to look at rebinning high res CAA data.

14 CAASUWG - PITCH ANGLES How to do this: CIS = bin width 22.5 degrees ( around 0, 90 and 180 degrees) PEACE= bin width 15 degrees (around 0, 90 and 180 degrees) RAPID= bin width 20 degrees (around 0,90, 180 degrees) maybe


16 1.FGM – Magnitude 2.FGM – GSE direction (x,y,z or directions theta, phi) note issue with scaling when using components due to large variations of the orbit. 3.FGM - ????Curl B, Div B ???? But this would need to be produced as new product. 4.EFW – Spacecraft potential 5.EFW – Three component L3_EGSE product 6.EFW – Three component drift velocity and magnitude L3 VGSE product 7.(Where available over plotted on EFW E and V panels?) 8.EDI - Three component Electric field product 9.EDI – Three component drift velocity product 10.CIS – Ion speed 11.CIS – Ion velocity GSE (x,y,z or directions) 12.CIS – Ion density (HIA/CODIF) 13.CIS – Spectrogram (HIA/CODIF) 14.CIS – Parallel spectrogram 15.CIS – Perp spectrogram 16.CIS – Anti-parallel spectrogram 17.PEACE – Electron Density 18.PEACE – Electron Velocity GSE (x,y,z or directions) 19.PEACE – Electron omni-dir Spectrogram 20.PEACE – Parallel spectrogram 21.PEACE – Perp spectrogram 22.PEACE – Anti-parallel spectrogram 23.RAPID – IIMS added to CIS spectrogram (full ion energy range) 24.RAPID – IES added to PEACE spectrogram (full electron energy range) 25.RAPID – Flux levels (multiple energies) 26.RAPID – Electron Par/perp/anti-par spectro data added to PEACE plot 27.STAFF – B Spectrogram (Magnitude) 28.STAFF – E Spectrogram (spin plane magnitude) 29.STAFF – Polarisation data spectrogram 30.WHISPER – Spectrogram (Active) Full range 2-80 KHz 31.WHISPER – Spectrogram (Passive) Full range 2-80 KHz 32.WHISPER – ?Spectrogram (Active) Full range 2-10 KHz? 33.WHISPER – ?Spectrogram (Passive) Full range 2-10 KHz? 34.WHISPER - Density 35.ASPOC – Status on/off/current – ?combine with EFW SC potential plot? 36.DWP – Status (correlator data availability). 37.WBD – Status on/off (but where do we get this info, e.g. ?extract from postscript file?). 38.AUX – SC Position (x,y,z or directions) 39.AUX – Configuration parameters 40.AUX – Event markers (e.g. eclipse, magnetopause, etc)

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