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Wp6 – Action plan for period 7-12/14 Renata Turčinov, LLMAncona, July, 16-18, 2014 Croatian Health Insurance Fund Communication Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Wp6 – Action plan for period 7-12/14 Renata Turčinov, LLMAncona, July, 16-18, 2014 Croatian Health Insurance Fund Communication Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wp6 – Action plan for period 7-12/14 Renata Turčinov, LLMAncona, July, 16-18, 2014 Croatian Health Insurance Fund Communication Officer

2 Content Implemented activities through the work packages Future activities

3 WP 6 (Pilot actions)   Coordinator – Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia (MoH)   Key beneficiaries in Croatia:   Croatian Health Insurance Fund   Croatia Institute of Telemedicine

4 WP 1 (Cross border project management and Coordination)   Delivered to Lead Partner all documents necessary for project preparation   Provided names and contact information for members of working bodies   Participation in the Kick off Meeting

5 (Communication and dissemination) WP2 (Communication and dissemination)   Delivered an opinion on the Communication and Dissemination Plan (Act. 2.1.)   Provided contacts for “Call” conferences   Confirmed logo of the project

6 WP 3 (Capitalization and sustainability)   Croatia filled questionnaire on past experiences of institutions in the projects related to transportation models in the field of health and care (Act. 3.1).   Delivered to the Leader of WP3 contact information of institutions in the field of urgent medical care, smart haus, telemedicine/telecare, home care and transport

7 WP 4 (Analysis, surveys and studies)   Delivered an opinion on the draft questionnaire for mapping of health institutions that meet the criteria of the project ( Act. 4.1).

8 WP 5 (Levers for sustainable changes in health and care systems mobility) Submitted comments on the Action Plan for WP5

9 WP 6 (Pilot actions) WP6 includes pilot actions refer to the activities:   Exploitation of the AdriHealthMob ICT Resource Centre   Equipment of health and care area in airports   Cross-border Health Mobility Info Point   Tele-monitoring and Tele-control in rural areas   Establishment of an Adriatic Health services booking system

10 WP 6- Implemented and future activities WP 6- Implemented and future activities 1) Produced the final draft of Coordination Plan for the WP 6 - delivered to the WP Leader - according to the comments of WP Leader currently is being updated - after update, it will be delivered to all partners in the project for approval

11 WP6 - Implemented and future activities 2) Work on the preparation of the Action Plan for WP6 - Goal - 01/09/2014 final draft of the Action Plan - Preparation of AP WP6 depends of the results of Act. 3.1 of WP 3. and Act. 4.1. of WP4, which are:

12 WP6 - Implemented and future activities WP6 - Implemented and future activities - Previous experience of institutions in projects related to models of transport in the area health and care ( Act 3.1. WP3 ) and - List/mapping of health institutions that meet the criteria of the project ( Act. 4.1. WP4 )

13 WP6 - Implemented and future activities WP6 - Implemented and future activities - Final draft of the Implementation Plan for the WP 6 will be submitt to all project partners - Reviewing the draft Implementation Plan according to the received comments - Delivering the final Implementation Plan to the all project partners

14 WP6 - Implemented and future activities WP6 - Implemented and future activities 3) Prepared and submitted to the Lead Partner reallocation of budgets per work packages 4) Made changes/additions of the Act. 6.2 - Equipment of health room at the airport in Dubrovnik 5) Made changes/additions of the Act. 6.4 - Proposed offering of telemedicine services   Waiting for reply of Lead Partner eka se mišljenje vodećeg partnera

15 WP6 - Implemented and future activities WP6 - Implemented and future activities 6) Waiting for receave the contacts of all key beneficiaries that will be involved in the implementation of the activities, from all project partners (establishing a mailing list for each Activity)

16 WP6 - Implemented and future activities WP6 - Implemented and future activities Also, plan: 7) Monitoring the progress of implemented activities according by mail, skype, videoconference 8) Organising the first round sub-activities under the activities of the WP6 by all project partners for the six months implementation and delivering the plan to WP Coordinator - depends on the results of previous activities

17 Thank you for your attention!

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