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ERASMUS+ MONITORING VISIT, MAY 19, 2016. HISTORY 1974 Founded 1975 First agreement with University of Florida 1992 After beeing named by national.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS+ MONITORING VISIT, MAY 19, 2016. HISTORY 1974 Founded 1975 First agreement with University of Florida 1992 After beeing named by national."— Presentation transcript:


2 HISTORY 1974 Founded 1975 First agreement with University of Florida 1992 After beeing named by national hero Veljko Vlahovic, it was officialy called as the University of Montenegro 2004 Bologna implementation 2015 More than 100 agreements signed with more than 40 countires HISTORY

3 Located in 10 towns

4 UNITS OF UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO Faculty of Architecture Biotechnical Faculty Faculty of Economics Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Dramatic Arts Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty of Political Science Maritime Faculty Faculty for Sport and Physical Education Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Faculty of Philology Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Civil Engineering Institute of Marine Biology Institute for History Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology Music Academy Faculty of Law Faculty of Science and Mathematics UNITS OF UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO

5 ORGANIGRAMME Rectorate Centre for Studies and Quality Control Centre for PhD Studies Centre for International Cooperation and Career Development IT centrePR centreConfucius Institute Governing BoardSenate CommitteesScientific Board Court of Honour Faculties ORGANIGRAMME

6 STUDY LEVELS Studies according to Bologna Declaration principles since 2004. Undergraduate academic studies, BSc, BA (3 or 4 years) Undergraduate applied studies BApp (3 years) Postgraduate specialist studies (BSc, BA and BApp + 1 year) Postgraduate master studies, MA, MSc (BSc and BA + 2 years; postgraduate specialist studies + 1year) Doctoral studies (MA, MSc + 3 years) STUDY LEVELS

7 74 Specialist Studies Programmes FIGURES 87 undergraduate study programmes 510 master students 20236 students from Montenegro and the region 17476 undergraduate students 1746 specialist studies students 80 master study programmes 29 PhD Study Programmes 504 PhD students

8 IPA Programme H2020 FP7 Erasmus+ – University of Montenegro signed more than 30 agreement for credit mobility HERD (Programme for Higher Education, Research and Development 2010-2014) SCOPES (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland) KBF (King Baudouin Foundation) TEMPUS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS

9 Founded in 2015 Departments of Serbian, Montenegrin, English, Russian, Italian, French, and German Erasmus, Tempus, Ceepus, Basileus, DAAD… Tempus 511116 SEEPALS (2010-2013), South East European Project for the Advancement of Language Studies FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY

10 Re@WBC (2015-2018) Enhancement of research potential contributing to further growth of WBC Towards the HR principles from The European Charter and Code for Researchers

11 1.University of Niš, Serbia - coordinator 2.University of Belgrade, Serbia 3.University of Novi Sad, Serbia 4.University of Kragujevac, Serbia 5.University of Montenegro, Montenegro 6.University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 7.University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 8.University of Vlora "Ismail Qemali", Albania 9.University of Tirana, Albania 10.Coventry University, United Kingdom 11.University of Liege, Belgium 12.Polytechnic University of Turin, Italia 13.Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia CONSORTIUM

12 enhancing of human research potential and development of human resources; improving conditions for development of research and professional careers; developing support services for young and talented researchers; brain-gain through active participation in research activities; harmonisation of research space; regional cooperation through participation in the creation of the WBC regional science strategy; encouraging mobility. GOALS to improve institutional HR policies and practices through a series of bylaw changes that will prepare researchers for the labour market and society by facilitating their career development. to enhance their level of competences through a series of practical trainings in transversal and transferable skills. to harmonize the management of university research potentials and foster regional cooperation in the WBC region converging with EU developments in HE

13 improvement of promotion criteria and procedures for researchers; development of support services for researchers; reinforcement of the research component of HE; enhancing of the innovative potential; increasing international openness of HE system; establishing international mobility of teachers, students and researchers; enhancing research capacities and excellence in research. FURTHER COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACTION PLAN FOR THE STRATEGY OF HIGHER EDUCATION

14 - to enhance the legislative aspect of university HR services by strengthening and regulating the position of university centres (Centre for Career Development of Researchers, Centre for Quality Assurance, Centre for International Cooperation, Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies, Centre for Science and Research, etc.) and offices (International Office, University Legal Office, University Accounting and Finance Office, etc.) - to regulate promotion procedures in a more efficient and transparent way - to provide more efficient resolution of ethical issues by regulating the responsibilities of ethical committees - to establish a sustainable system of awards for successful researchers to further motivate them - to regulate a new institution of a Mentoring System for assistant professors IMPORTANT BYLAWS

15 WP1. Preparation for the HR research management reform 1.1. Research potential at WBC universities mapped 1.2. Review of HR strategies at EU partners 1.3. Comparative analysis 1.4. Action plans for HE management reform 1.5. HR offices and centres equipped WP2. Excellent university for the researchers 2.1. University centres and HR offices reinforced 2.2 Administrative competences improved 2.3. University managements educated on the C&C implementation 2.4 HRS4R strategy created and adopted at partner universities 2.5. Training trainers 2.6. Promotion procedures improved 2.7. Plagiarism monitoring tools implemented 2.8. Ethical committee procedures improved 2.9. Cooperation with scientific diaspora established WP3. Excellent researchers for the community 3.1. Researchers trained on C&C and HRS4R 3.2. Webpages offer opportunity links 3.3. Young researchers trained on research methodology 3.4. Young researchers trained in various skills 3.5. Training on teaching methodology 3.6. Pilot Mentoring system introduced 3.7. Measures for enhancement of multidisciplinarity in research 3.8 Guide book published WP4. Quality at Re@WBC 4.1. Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) established 4.2. Project quality procedures developed 4.3. WP reports 4.4. Annual QA reports 4.5. Reports analysis 4.6. External monitoring

16 WP5. Dissemination and exploitation 5.1. Project web-site regularly updated 5.2. Promotional material distributed 5.3. Project results disseminated 5.4. The label "HR Excellence in Research" obtained 5.5. Establishment of awards for young researchers 5.6. Mentoring system adopted 5.7. Strategy on continual training of researchers adopted WP1. Preparation for the HR research management reform 1.1. Research potential at WBC universities mapped 1.2. Review of HR strategies at EU partners 1.5. HR offices and centres equipped… WP4. Quality at Re@WBC 4.1. Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) established 4.2. Project quality procedures developed 4.3. WP reports …. 4.6. External monitoring … ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT WP6. Management at Re@WBC 6.1. Kick-off and coordinating meetings realised 6.3. PA signed 6.4. Software platform for project management 6.5. Day-to-day coordination…. WP6. Management at Re@WBC 6.1. Kick-off and coordinating meetings realised 6.2. Procedures for project management 6.3. PA signed 6.4. Software platform for project management 6.5. Day-to-day coordination 6.6. Financial management WP5. Dissemination and exploitation 5.1. Project web-site regularly updated

17 Implementation - timely Partnership - exemplary Transparency - exemplary Financial support Internal institutional support Other issues? PRACTICAL ISSUES

18 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Contact information: Filološki fakultet Danila Bojovića bb, 81400 Nikšić CRNA GORA e-mail: Tel: +382 40 224 008 Fax: +382 40 224 008

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