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Goals, Priorities, & Outcomes Fostering Participation in the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals, Priorities, & Outcomes Fostering Participation in the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals, Priorities, & Outcomes Fostering Participation in the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture

2 Native Brook Trout: Contiguous The Eastern Contiguous Range

3 Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Principal Goals  Conserve, enhance and restore  Encourage partnerships  Outreach and education  Develop support

4 EBTJV Partners  States : CT, GA, ME, MD, MA, NJ, NH, NY, NC, PA, RI, SC, TN, VT, VA, WV  Federal : BLM, FS, FWS, NPS, OSM, EPA  NGOs : AFS, ASA, IWL, TPL, TU, FFF  Academia : VA Tech

5 Status and Distribution of Eastern Brook Trout  6th level Hydrologic Unit watersheds(mean area = 8,972 ha)  11,374 sub-watersheds  5,337 (48.8%) support self-sustaining brook trout populations  extirpated (21%)  reduced (27%)  Intact (9%)  Unknown (23%)


7 to ensure healthy coldwater systems with fishable brook trout populations throughout their historic eastern geographic range.” “to ensure healthy coldwater systems with fishable brook trout populations throughout their historic eastern geographic range.” Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Vision Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Vision :

8 Eastern Brook Trout Conservation Scales  Range-wide  Regional  State

9 Range-Wide Objectives 1. Protect the “best of the best” 2. Re-establish what’s been lost 3. Strengthen what we have 4. Prevent declines 5. Determine the status of the unknown

10 Regional Habitat Objectives (by 2012) 1.Maintain status (no net loss) of 617 healthy subwatersheds 2.Strengthen populations in 31 subwatersheds classified as healthy 3. Establish self-sustaining populations in 8 extirpated subwatersheds 4. Improve 7 reduced subwatersheds to healthy classification

11 Regional Habitat Objectives (by 2012) 5. Strengthen populations in 63 watersheds classified as reduced 6. Maintain 713 reduced subwatersheds 7. Validate the predictive population status model by assessing 50% of predicted subwatersheds 8. No net loss of healthy pond/ lake watersheds; assess status 100 unknown

12 States with State-level Conservation Action Plans  Habitat protection  Assessment  Outreach  Restoration/Enhancement  Recreational fishing

13 EBTJV Steering Committee  Decision-making body  Oversight responsibilities  Conservation Strategy Action Plan

14 Work Groups Northern (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, PA, OH) Southern (NJ, VA, NC, SC, GA, TN, MD, WV) Charge:  Develop annual action plans that address short term regional habitat objectives  Develop accurate estimates of conservation costs  Review and score proposed EBTJV proposals

15 Subcommittees Conservation Strategy / Habitat Science and Data Grants & Development Outreach & Communications

16 EBTJV Project Funding Priorities  Partnerships & Project Leveraging  Technical Design  Conservation of Sustainable Populations  Project Planning & Success

17 EBTJV Project Funding History 67 Projects from 2006 to 2012  $2.7 Million NFHAP / $13.6 Million Match  208 Miles Enhanced or Restored  278 Miles of Streams Reopened  67 Barriers removed  254 Riparian Acres Restored

18 EBTJV Project Partners YearNFHP – Funded Projects Partners 2006623 2007841 20081376 20091450 20101247 2011841 2012743

19 EBTJV Project Partners  Federal agencies - 17  State agencies - 39  Local agencies - 33  NGOs - 70  Academia - 20  Private industry - 21

20 Southern Region Habitat Objectives (through 2010) Strengthen populations in 11 subwatersheds classified as healthy Achieved 15 (136 %) Achieved 15 (136 %) Establish self-sustaining populations in 6 extirpated subwatersheds Achieved 12 (200 %) Achieved 12 (200 %) Determine population status in 50 unknown subwatersheds Achieved 15 (30 %) Achieved 15 (30 %)

21 EBTJV: An Active Partnership

22 Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture

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