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Grey County Destination Development Action Plan Background & Context Feb. 9, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Grey County Destination Development Action Plan Background & Context Feb. 9, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grey County Destination Development Action Plan Background & Context Feb. 9, 2016

2 2 “We live in the best County, in the best Province, and in the best Country in the world.” Warden Alan Barfoot Dec. 1, 2015

3 Made in Grey – Economic Development Strategy  Becoming more business- friendly & Investment Ready  Support for broadband  Workforce Development/Youth Retention  Tourism Recognized as a key sector  Local Food & Agriculture also  Communication 3

4 Grey County Corporate Strategic Plan To be the place where people feel genuinely at home and naturally inspired – enjoying an exceptional blend of active and healthy living, and economic opportunity. Securing our place as Ontario’s recreation jewel Support and promote the exceptional natural assets that make Grey County a four season recreation destination for residents and visitors alike. Expanding the Prosperity Base Enhance and diversify economic opportunities within the county, by becoming “investment-ready” and insuring the foundation is in place for sustained success. 4 Vison Goal 3 Goal 1

5 2010 Tourism Action Plan Goals Grow GCT’s role as a collaborative tourism leader Use research to build market insight, track performance and guide product development Align Grey’s marketing with communication strategy and demand generators Support further development of Grey County’s top demand generators Leadership Market Research Increase sustainable tourism revenues through managing & marketing Grey County as a tourism destination. Demand Generators Marketing

6 Completed DDAP 1st Let’s Talk Tourism Region 7 Transition co-chair 2010 Annual update to municipalities RTMP Distribution Strategy 2011 RTO7 Board member RTMP Chair GBDDP Executive  DMOs Relationship with RTO7  GBDDP International Marketing Project RTOs 7, 13a, 12 2012 2013 2014/15  DMO Group formed  RTMP Chair  Tourism Role in Ec Dev Strategy Grow GCT’s role as a collaborative tourism leader Tourism Partners Slide – eg. for Blue Mountains

7 100 visitor surveys at 8 VICs Satisfaction ratings stay the same or  2010 Region 7 Research published Region 7 brand insights Grey County events/attraction tracking 2011 2012 2013 2014/15  New RTO7 research – Grey County: image, awareness Google Analytics Grey County research Synthesized Web Personas Cycling research  Seasonal Metrics for Web Marketing  Regional Dashboard Market Research – Tracking Use research to build market insight, track performance and guide product development Data Aggregation Google Analytics

8 Data Aggregation Project Tourism Related Employment in RTO7 & Counties


10 10 Facebook Campaign Results

11 Marketing Align Grey’s marketing with communication strategy and demand generators

12 Apple green for the apples, escarpment and natural environment, turquoise blue for waterfalls, lakes and Georgian Bay, wine for wineries, arts, heritage, fun and festivals. This is a bright, fun collection of logo colours that is intended to be used interchangeably and randomly.

13 Brand Logo

14 New Website - May 2015 1.Architecture & Navigation 2.Mobile & Tablet-friendly 3.Site Build 4.Content 5.Social Media integration

15 DRAFT 15

16 Marketing – Bucket List

17 Summer: Waterfalls, Paddling, Cycling Facebook ads, posts, blogs 17 Facebook Campaign

18 Results 18 Facebook Campaign

19 Results 19 Facebook Campaign

20 Support to Apple Pie Trail start-up Apple Pie Trail packages (BMVA) Fall colour & harvest Google rankings  2010 Support to Horse & Buggy Trail start-up Grey County Cycling Routes Regional Fall colour & harvest ad campaign in place Motorcycle/snowmobile tours further developed 2011 2012 Demand Generators Support further development of Grey County’s top demand generators GBay Coastal Route Signage completed  Paddling Kiosks Saugeen River Cycling Workshops - 20 Certified members

21 Cycling Development 2013/14 Partnership Project with BruceGreySimcoe Developed 6 experience-based itineraries – wineries, attractions, accommodators Expanded Share the Road initiatives – radio ads, 4800 magnets Support active transportation/tourism benefits of cycling – Grey County TMP Expanded marketing of cycling – Printed new Cycling Map

22 Working with GC Transportation Services & local municipalities to map all roads, prioritize investments in cycling infrastructure Cycling Development 2015

23 Canoe Route (2014/15) Waterfall (2016) Signage Kiosks  2 Partnership Funding projects with RTO7  6 sign kiosks x 2 projects  Canoe access, & Waterfalls  Kiosks built by Grey Highlands Secondary School 23

24 Grey County Information & Tourism Signage Criteria  Partnership Funding project with RTO7  Final Draft plan received  Staff review  Consultation with municipalities 24

25 Saints & Sinners: Bootleggers Run  Grow awareness of the region as a producer of high quality beer, wine and cider  Promote experiential agri-culinary tourism opportunities  Create awareness of the region’s rich history; Temperance movement, Prohibition and bootlegging through partnership with cultural institutions: SUMAC, Grey Roots Museum and Archives 25

26 2016 Destination Development Action Plan  PF project with RTO7  Build on 2010 plan – new approaches -Stakeholder Engagement (R&R) -Destination Management (demand generators, brand, market readiness) -Market Research - GC Tourism Resources 26

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