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24-Month STEM OPT Extension Webinar Presented by: Mayra Serna-Gallegos International Student Advisor Eugenia Kim International Student Services (ISS) Director.

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Presentation on theme: "24-Month STEM OPT Extension Webinar Presented by: Mayra Serna-Gallegos International Student Advisor Eugenia Kim International Student Services (ISS) Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 24-Month STEM OPT Extension Webinar Presented by: Mayra Serna-Gallegos International Student Advisor Eugenia Kim International Student Services (ISS) Director California State University, Long Beach

2 Audio Set up Set up your audio by using the “Audio Setup Wizard” as shown in the image. If you have a microphone, you will be able to ask questions verbally. If you don’t have a microphone, you will be able to type your questions. You will not be able to use your video camera in this session.

3 Webinar Overview The 3 different applications available through CIE to file for the 24-Month STEM OPT extension. The application process and deadlines. Q&A I-983 Form brief overview. Mandatory Reporting requirements. Frequently asked questions. Q&A Resources.

4 24-Month STEM OPT vs. 17-Month STEM OPT The length of the employment authorization is now 24-Months. The employer must commit to train the student appropriately and complete form I-983. Mandatory Reporting requirements for both the Student and Employer. STEM OPT can be done twice- Students may be eligible for a second period of STEM OPT at a higher educational level. Prior STEM degrees can be used for STEM OPT Allowable unemployment increased to 150 days.

5 STEM OPT Final Rule Key dates March 11, 2016- the Department of Homeland Security published a final rule allowing certain F-1 students who receive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees, and who meet other specified requirements, to apply for a 24-month extension of their post-completion OPT.a final rule April 29,2016- CIE stops processing 17-Month ext. May 10, 2016- the New rule becomes effective. May 13, 2016- SEVP will deploy the STEM-related functionality into the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). May 16, 2016- first day DSOs are able to request I-20s with the 24-Month STEM OPT extension.

6 24-Month STEM OPT extension Eligibility You are eligible if: Have a STEM OPT qualifying job Have a STEM OPT qualifying employer Have qualifying degree Are currently in post-completion OPT/STEM OPT

7 Student Eligibility 24-Month STEM OPT for students in OPT 24-Month STEM OPT for students with pending 17-Month STEM OPT applications 7-Month STEM OPT for students currently in the 17-Month STEM OPT with at least 150 days left in their EAD.

8 Qualifying Degree Degree program must be at one of the following educational levels: Bachelor's; Master's; or Doctoral. The degree that serves as the basis for a second lifetime STEM OPT extension, however, must be at a higher educational level than the degree that served as the basis for the student's first STEM OPT extension. The major field of study of the degree program must have a CIP code that appears on the DHS STEM OPT Designated Programs List. The STEM OPT extension may be based either on: ▫The degree that serves as the basis of the student's current period of standard 12- month post-completion OPT, ▫A degree conferred prior to the one that serves as the basis of the student's current period of standard 12-month post-completion OPT, if it meets the above conditions and was conferred within 10 years of the filing date with USCIS

9 The STEM OPT qualifying employer The regulations require any job undertaken during a 24-month STEM OPT extension to be with an employer who meets the following conditions: The employer is enrolled in E-Verify The employer has an IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) The employer has sufficient resources and personnel available to provide the training specified in the Form I-983 The employer signs the Form I-983 Training Plan, agreeing to the wage, working conditions, supervision, site visit, and reporting obligations set forth on the form and in the regulations- ▫Employer will provide compensation to the STEM OPT student commensurate to that provided to similarly situated U.S. workers

10 The STEM OPT qualifying job The job must be directly related to the degree that qualifies the student for the STEM OPT extension. The job must assist the student in reaching his or her training goals. The job must be a paid job. Volunteer or unpaid positions do not constitute qualifying jobs for purposes of a 24- month STEM OPT extension. The job's compensation and working conditions must be "commensurate with terms and conditions applicable to the employer's similarly situated U.S. workers in the area of employment." The student on a STEM OPT extension cannot replace a full- or part-time, temporary or permanent U.S. worker Any job undertaken must be for at least 20 hours per week, "excluding time off taken consistent with leave-related policies applicable to the employer’s similarly situated U.S. workers." The job must comply with "all applicable Federal and State requirements relating to employment."

11 Qualifying job cont. The job must be in the context of a bona-fide employer- employee relationship. ▫Self-employment does not constitute a qualifying job for purposes of a 24-month STEM OPT extension ▫F-1 students seeking STEM OPT extensions may be employed by new “start-up” businesses so long as all regulatory requirements are met. According to DHS, the following do not constitute a bona-fide employer-employee relationship and are therefore not “apt” for the STEM OPT extension: ▫"multiple employer arrangements" ▫"sole proprietorships" ▫"employment through “temp” agencies" ▫"employment through consulting firm arrangements that provide labor for hire, and" ▫"other relationships that do not constitute a bona fide employer- employee relationship"

12 General process to apply for the 24-Month STEM OPT extension 1 Determine if you are eligible for the 24-Month STEM OPT extension. 2 Student and employer complete and sign Form I-983 (Training Plan for STEM OPT Student). 3 Submit the evidence of eligibility to the DSO (use the appropriate Application Guide). 4 DSO recommends the STEM extension and provides new I-20 to student. 5 Student prepares the application using the Cover Sheet provide by the DSO, Files the complete Application for Work Authorization an all supporting documents to USCIS in a timely manner. 6 USCIS reviews the application and makes a decision.

13 Application Guide The CIE website has specific Application Guides for all three types of applicant: ▫Select the application guide that applies to you! ▫Read the application guide carefully ▫Provide the DSO with the evidence that you qualify for the 24-Month STEM OPT extension via email ONLY! ▫Allow 7-10 business days for processing.

14 What to email to your DSO Students in OPT- [24-Month STEM OPT application (1)] Students in Active 17-Month STEM OPT – [7-Month STEM OPT application] Students with Pending 17-Month STEM OPT applications- [24-Month STEM OPT application (2)] Request Form G-1145 I-765 Form I-983 Job Offer letter Copy o f U.S. Degree Copy of Passport Copy of Visa Copy of all EADs Copy of I-94 Copy of last I-20 Request Form G-1145 I-765 Form I-983 Job Offer letter Copy o f U.S. Degree Copy of Passport Copy of Visa Copy of all EADs Copy of I-94 Copy of last I-20 Request Form RFE Form I-983 We will not longer review checks/money orders or pictures! Cost is still $380 for most applicants! ***Use the appropriate application guide to determine what to email to your DSO

15 Cover Sheet All students requesting the 24-Month STEM OPT will receive the following from the DSO: ▫Cover Sheet ▫I-20 (except special 7-month applicants) The Cover Sheet will include: ▫How to prepare your packet [including fees/pictures] ▫Where to mail your packet ▫What to expect after the application is file ▫A summary of the mandatory reporting requirements

16 General Application Deadlines Students in OPTStudents in Active 17- Month STEM OPT Students with Pending 17-Month STEM OPT applications Apply as early as 90 days before the end of your post-completion OPT time. Apply for the additional 7-Month STEM OPT extension between May 10, 2016-August 8, 2016 *Must have 150 days left in EAD when application in file with USCIS Apply as soon as you receive the RFE (Request for further evidence) File application within 60 days from the day the DSO request the extension. Students with active 17-Month STEM OPT With filing date before May 23, 2016 Special Cases (STEM OPT ends 10/06-10/18) File application between May 10-22, 2016!

17 180 days continuation of employment USCIS may take up to 90 days to process your application. If you file your OPT STEM extension application in a timely manner, you will receive an extension of employment authorization while your application is pending for up to 180 days, or the date of the decision over your request, whichever date is earlier. You will not receive any special confirmation for this extension but your STEM OPT I-20 will show the authorization for employment continues after the end of your current EAD.

18 What are your questions? (5 min) If you would like to use microphone to ask questions verbally: 1.Raise your hand 2. When I ask you to speak click on the “Talk” bottom as illustrated below: Or you can also ask questions by typing in the chat box on the bottom left.

19 Form I-983 Also called the Training Plan for STEM OPT Students Student and Employers Sign on it  DSO reviews it! A complete Form I-983 is required before a DSO makes the recommendation for the 24-Month STEM OPT extension. Pg. 6-7 are due to the DSO ONLY when the yearly evaluation on student progress is completed. Form I-983 stays with the DSO (it will not be mailed to USCIS). Material changes on Form I-983 must be reported.

20 I-983 Form brief overview- CSULB Click here to see the Form I-983 Tutorial I-983 Form brief overview- CSULB Click here to see the Form I-983 Tutorial

21 When is Form I-983 Due? When 24-Month STEM OPT is requested When there are any material changes to the original training plan When the Student stops working for employer listed in the form When Student changes employer

22 What are material Changes? Any change of the employer’s Employer Identification Number, (i.e., the company’s Federal Tax ID number) resulting from a change in the employer’s ownership or structure. Any reduction in student compensation that is not tied to a reduction in hours worked. Any significant decrease in hours per week that a student engages in a STEM training opportunity. Changes to the employer’s commitments or student’s learning objectives as documented on the Form I-983.

23 Mandatory Reporting Requirements * SEVIS Student Portal * Coming 2017!! RequirementWhen to ReportHow & What to Report or Validate On-Going Reporting Requirements Report any changes within 10 days Use MyCSULB account: Address updates. CIE Employment Update Form: Address, contact information and Employment Status updates. Form I-983: Material changes to your training plan or when changing employers. 6 Month Validation Reports Every 6 Months, within 10 days of due date 6-Month Validation Report is due: ____________________________ 12-Month Validation Report is due: ____________________________ 18-Month Validation Report is due: ____________________________ Use CIE Employment Update Form:  Legal name.  Residential or mailing address.  Employer name and address.  Status of current employment. Evaluation on student Progress 1st Self Evaluation– p.6 (After 12 months on STEM OPT ) due:__________________________ 2nd Self- Evaluation—p. 7 (After 24 months on STEM OPT or when terminate employment) due:__________________________ Form I-983 (pages 6-7): 1. The student must evaluate his or her progress towards the training goals. 2. The supervisor must sign the evaluation. 3. The student must send the evaluation to the CSULB DSO.

24 When are you expected to start the Mandatory reporting? When you File for the 24-Month STEM OPT application. Filing Date: the date USCIS receives your application.

25 Valid Employment A student authorized for a 24-month extension must work a minimum of 20 hours per week with each employer, in a position directly related to his or her DHS-approved STEM CIP, with an employer that is E– Verify. Students cannot qualify for STEM OPT extensions unless they will be bona fide employees of the employer signing the Training Plan, and the employer that signs the Training Plan must be the same entity that employs the student and provides the practical training experience (different from the 17-Month STEM OPT ext.). F-1 students seeking STEM OPT extensions may be employed by new “start-up” businesses so long as all regulatory requirements are met. Volunteering or unpaid work is not valid for STEM OPT.

26 Allowable Unemployment Time If you received...You may be unemployed for...For a total of … Post-completion OPT only Up to 90 days90 days 17-Month extensionAn additional 30 days120 days 24-month extensionAn additional 60 days150 days The SEVIS System will automatically terminate students who exceed the unemployment time! Each day (including weekends) during the period when OPT authorization begins and ends that the student does not have qualifying employment counts as a day of unemployment. Unemployment time begins with the start date in the EAD card.

27 Travel It is never recommended that you travel while you have a pending application with USCIS If traveling you must have the following: ▫Valid Visa ▫Valid Passport (for at least 6 months) ▫I-20 signed for travel ▫EAD ▫Letter from employer

28 Can I take classes while in STEM OPT? So far only vocational and recreational classes are allowed in part time basis (up to 6 units per semester). Classes cannot lead to a certificate or degree. You must get authorization from a DSO prior to registration.

29 Cap Gap Students who are eligible for a Cap-Gap extension of post-completion OPT employment and F1-status may apply for a STEM OPT extension during the Cap-Gap extension period. However, such application may not be made once the Cap-Gap extension period is terminated (if the H-1B petition is rejected, denied, revoked, or withdrawn), and the student has entered the 60-day departure preparation period. Specific questions about the CAP Gap extension should be discussed with an International Student Advisor.

30 After STEM OPT You have a 60 day grace period at the end of your STEM OPT extension. During this time you can depart the U.S., start a new academic program or change visa status.

31 What are your questions? (5 min) If you would like to use microphone to ask questions verbally: 1.Raise your hand 2. When I ask you to speak click on the “Talk” bottom as illustrated below: Or you can also ask questions by typing in the chat box on the bottom left.

32 Resources CIE Support Services for STEM OPT 1.Meet with an Advisor or email your questions about the 24-Month STEM extension to an International Student Advisor in CIE.Meet with an Advisor 2.STEM OPT Helpful Forms 3.Letter for the employer 4.24-MONTH STEM OPT EXTENSION WEBINAR SERIES- participate in a LIVE Webinar to discuss among other things:24-MONTH STEM OPT EXTENSION WEBINAR SERIES 5.OPT/STEM OPT Application Clinic- during the month of May you can drop by the Study Abroad Office-Conference Room (BH-201), to get assistance with your OPT or STEM OPT applications. OPT/STEM OPT Application Clinic Dates May 10, 2016- 10:00-11:00AM May 12, 2016- 10:00-11:00AM May 23, 2016- 10:00-11:00AM May 26, 2016- 10:00-11:00AM

33 Resources cont.… Final Rule Resources Read the preamble and text of the final rule in the Federal rule in the Federal Register Browse SEVP's Study in the States STEM OPT Help Hub that contains resources to help students, schools, and employers.STEM OPT Help Hub View the new STEM OPT Designated Programs List to see the CIP codes covered under the new rule starting May 10, 2016. Visit U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) page on STEM OPTU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) page on STEM OPT

34 Center for International Education (CIE) Brotman Hall(BH) 201 Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm +1 562-985-4106 Have your CSULB ID number and name ready when you contact any office in the university

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