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SECTION 1 Globes and Map Projections. A) Hemispheres North of Equator=Northern Hemisphere. South of Equator= Southern Hemisphere. Prime Meridian is at.

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Presentation on theme: "SECTION 1 Globes and Map Projections. A) Hemispheres North of Equator=Northern Hemisphere. South of Equator= Southern Hemisphere. Prime Meridian is at."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECTION 1 Globes and Map Projections

2 A) Hemispheres North of Equator=Northern Hemisphere. South of Equator= Southern Hemisphere. Prime Meridian is at 0 degrees longitude. Equator is at 0 degrees latitude.

3 B) Latitude and Longitude Degrees North or South of the equator is called latitude. Tropic of Cancer is at 23 ½ degrees North of the Equator. Tropic of Capricorn is at 23 ½ degrees South of the Equator. Degrees measured East or West of the equator is called longitude. What is the purpose for latitude and longitude?

4 To find the exact location of a city or place. Absolute location- pinpoints the precise spot of where one line of latitude crosses one line of longitude. EX: Florence, KY 38 degrees N 85 degrees W

5 C)Globes and Maps The globe is the most accurate way to represent the Earth. Mapmakers use projections to make a map. 3 types of map projections

6 1) Goode’s Interrupted Projection- Adv: accurately presents the size and shape of continents. Disadv: distance in oceans less accurate.

7 2) Mercator Projection Adv: land shapes fairly accurately, shows true directions Disadv: size and distance not close

8 3) Robinson Projection Adv: shows size and shapes of oceans and continents accurately. Disadv: near north and south poles not accurate.

9 Chapter 1 Section 1 Using Geography Themes

10 A) Five Geographic Themes 1) Location- Knowing where you are -Relative location is finding out how far and in what direction you are from another place. 2) Place- Where a place is and what a place is like. -Physical Characteristics (land shape, plants, climate, animals)

11 Five Geographic Themes Con’t -Characteristics of people, things they have created, language, clothing, music, ways they live. 3) Human/Environment Interaction- Way earth appears after humans have changed it. (Ex) Build roads, cut down forests, build houses.

12 Five Geographic Themes Con’t 4) Movement- How people in one place make contact with another place. Trading goods with other countries. (Ex) telephone, computer, satellite 5) Region- Areas that share common characteristics (Ex) landscape, climate, language, religion, work people do.

13 Chapter 1 Section 2

14 A) Planet Earth 9 planets in our solar system including Earth. The sun is 93 million miles from the Earth. The sun is made up of hot gases. The Earth makes one revolution around the sun in 365 1/4 days.

15 B) Seasons The Earth is tilted on axis which is why we have seasons. June 21 is summer solstice (most hours of sunlight) December 22 is winter solstice (least hours of sunlight) Sept 23/March 21 is spring and fall equinoxes (12 hours of sunlight & 12 hours of darkness)

16 Chapter 2 Section 1 Earth’s Water

17 A) Earth’s Water Water covers 70% of Earth’s surface. Climate determines the amount of water a place receives. Water, climate, and vegetation influence how people live.

18 B) The Water Cycle Rivers, lakes, and oceans contain water in liquid form. Atmospheres holds water vapor. Water cycle is constantly moving. The sun drives the water cycle. Draw the water cycle! (Open Response Question)

19 C) Types of Water Water is home to millions of kinds of plants and animals. Water at the Earth’s surface can be freshwater or saltwater. Which water is most important to humans?

20 HOMEWORK Chapter 3 Vocab Worksheet is due on Tuesday. Worth 22 points.

21 1) Freshwater Only 2-3% of the water on Earth is freshwater. 80% of that is frozen in glaciers and ice sheets. Lakes and rivers very important sources. Regions with little rainfall use aquifer’s for water supply.

22 2) Ocean Water All oceans are salt water. 4 major oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic) 97-98% of the planet’s water is salt water. The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean in the world.

23 Chapter 2 Section 2 Influences on Climate

24 What causes climate? The original source of climate is the sun.

25 A) Latitude and Climate Real hot and dry between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. Cool or cold at the N/S poles. The Earth’s tilt and rotation causes regions to receive different amounts of sunlight and seasons. The sun’s direct rays fall year- round at low latitudes near the Equator.

26 B) Storms Moving wind and water make climates milder, but also cause storms. Hurricanes form over warm Atlantic Ocean in the summer and fall. Hurricanes bring high winds and tons of rain. Hurricanes that form in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons.

27 C) Wind, Water, Currents -Latitude, movement of air, and water help create Earth’s climate. -Near equator, air and water are most intensely heated. -Large warm water ocean current is the Gulf Stream. -Gulf Stream current flows from Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of U.S.

28 D) Hurricanes What states could be in danger of getting hit by a hurricane?

29 Chapter 3 Section 1 Culture

30 A) Culture Culture is a way of life of a group of people who share same beliefs and customs. Culture includes gov’t, music, literature, ways they make a living.

31 1) Early Cultures 4 cultures arose in Asia and Africa 4-5,000 years ago. All four cultures developed agriculture and ways of irrigating, or bringing water to the land.

32 B) World Culture Regions There are 5 major things that make up Culture. 1) Governments- Authoritarian (1 person rules with unlimited power) or Democracy (Citizens choose their leaders, checks & balances) 2) Language- Sharing languages is very important for culture.

33 3) Religion- Major ones are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. 4) Social Groups- Many types of social groups, the amount of money normally determines your social group. 5) Economies- How people produce goods, what goods they produce, and how they are bought and sold.

34 Chapter 3 Section 2 Population

35 Population Growth Population increasing at a rapid rate over the last 200 years. Why? 1) Better health care and living conditions have decreased the death rate. 2) High birthrate Challenge from increased population growth is famine. Famine is lack of food in an area.

36 A) Population Distribution People live on only about 15% of the world’s land. People can’t make home, grow crops on land covered with ice, deserts, and high mountains. Population distributed very unevenly over the Earth’s surface. Largest population 1) Asia- 3.6 billion 2) Africa- 770 million 3) Europe- 730 million

37 Know these Vocab Words Population Density- Refugee- Urbanization- Developing Country- Birthrate- These vocab words are on your test this Friday. Make sure you know their definitions.

38 B) Population Growth The world’s population is about ______ billion people. Population has grown rapidly since the 1800’s. 3 things determine where people live. 1) Climate 2) Culture 3) Jobs


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