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Chapter 35 Chest Trauma EMS 475 DR SADIA FARHAN
Learning objectives At the end of this lecture students must be able to: Interpret the basics of clinical anatomy of thorax Describe the basics of pathophysiology related to thoracic injuries Interpret the immediate general management of patient with thoracic injuries Recognize and differentiate between the fractures of thoracic cage Outline the emergency field management of common injuries of lungs, heart and medistional structures Prioritize and justify the referral of patient to trauma centre according to the assessment of thoracic trauma
Introduction Annually, thoracic trauma causes:
700,000 + emergency department visits 18,000+ deaths One in four trauma deaths are due to thoracic injuries. © PhotoStock-Israel /Alamy Images
Anatomy Thorax—bony cage over chest organs
Anatomy Diaphragm inserts below 4th or 5th rib
Size/dimension of thoracic cavity varies during respiration
Anatomy Sternum Clavicle Scapula Consists of:
Superior manubrium Central sternal body Inferior xyphoid process Clavicle Connects to the manubrium and overlies the first rib Scapula Overlies posterior aspect of the upper thoracic cage
Anatomy 12 pairs of ribs attach to 12 thoracic vertebrae.
First 7 pairs attach directly to sternum 8–10 attach indirectly to sternum 11 and 12 are “floating ribs”
Anatomy Intercostal space houses: Intercostal muscles
Neurovascular bundle Mediastinum contains: Heart and great vessels Esophagus Lymphatic channels Trachea Mainstem bronchi Vagus and phrenic nerves
Anatomy Heart resides inside pericardium
Anterior portion is the right ventricle Mostly protected anteriorly by the sternum Average cardiac output: volume of blood pumped by heart in one minute stroke volume ×pulse rate/ min 70 × 70 = 4,900 mL/min
Anatomy Aorta: largest artery in body
Three points of attachment: Annulus Ligamentum arteriosum Aortic hiatus Lungs occupy most space in thoracic cavity Lined with pleura Pleura is separated by viscous fluid Keeps lungs from collapsing on exhalation
Anatomy Diaphragm: primary breathing muscle
Breathing effort can be helped by accessory muscles.
Physiology Primary functions of thorax: Breathing process includes:
Maintain oxygenation and ventilation. Maintain circulation. Breathing process includes: Delivery of oxygen to body Elimination of carbon dioxide
Physiology Brain stimulates breathing via chemoreceptors.
If CO2 is too high, respiratory rate increases. Hypoxic drive: secondary mechanism Intercostal and accessory muscles pull chest wall away from the body as the diaphragm contracts downward. Negative pressure draws air through mouth and nose to alveolar spaces. Replaces air in the alveoli
Physiology Blood is delivered by pulmonary circulation to capillaries adjacent to alveoli. Has low O2 and high CO2 concentrations Oxygenation process delivers O2 to blood Ventilation: how CO2 leaves the body CO2 diffuses down its concentration gradient and enters air within the alveoli. Positive pressure is created within the thorax and air is exhaled.
Pathophysiology Traumatic injury to chest may compromise: Ventilation
Oxygenation Circulation Two mechanisms of injury: Blunt Penetrating Two basic injury patterns Closed Open
Pathophysiology Blunt trauma may lead to:
Fracture of ribs, sternum, areas of chest wall Bruise of lungs and heart Damage to aorta Broken ribs lacerating intrathoracic organs Organs torn from attachment
Pathophysiology Thoracic trauma may impair cardiac output. Blood loss
Pressure change Vital organ damage Combination of these
Pathophysiology Ventilatory impairments can be rapidly fatal.
Shallow breathing reduces minute volume. Air entering pleural space compresses lungs and decreases tidal volume. Blood collection prevents full lung expansion.
Pathophysiology Other complications include:
Atelectasis reduces area for gas exchange. Bruised lung tissue may cause hypoxemia. Tearing or rupture of respiratory structures prevents O2 from reaching alveoli.
Scene Size-Up Be sure scene is safe to enter.
Follow standard precautions. After identifying number of patients: Triage patients and request resources. Determine MOI if possible.
Primary Assessment Form a general impression. Airway and breathing
Assess level of consciousness. Observe the neck for: Accessory muscle use during breathing Extended or engorged external jugular veins Airway and breathing Assess while performing spinal immobilization. Signs of obstruction may include: Stridor Hoarseness Alterations in mental status
Primary Assessment Airway and breathing (cont’d)
Abnormal findings may include: Tachypnea Hemoptysis Retractions Immediate manage airway impairment: Manually immobilize patient. Use jaw-thrust maneuver. Identify and manage impairment of oxygenation and ventilation.
Primary Assessment Airway and breathing (cont’d)
Address life-threats first. Apply occlusive dressing to penetrating injuries. Assess ventilation and oxygenation. Evaluate skin circulation. Decreasing O2 saturation may indicate hypoxia. Watch for impending tension pneumothorax signs.
Primary Assessment Circulation Check pulses.
Tachycardia is not always associated with hypovolemia. Low heart rate does not rule out hypovolemia or shock. Thready or weak pulse may suggest volume loss.
Primary Assessment Circulation (cont’d) Irregular pulse suggests:
Hypoxia Hypoperfusion Serious underlying injuries or shock Auscultate the heart. Note if heart sounds are easily heard or muffled. If shock suggested, may not be from thorax. Obtain history and complete physical.
Primary Assessment Transport decision
Priorities: patients with ABC problems If signs of poor perfusion/ inadequate breathing: Transport quickly. Perform assessment en route.
History Taking May need to be done en route
Obtain relevant patient history (SAMPLE). Questions about event should focus on MOI.
Secondary Assessment Includes a head-to-toe assessment
Check for injuries that may compromise ABCs. Obtain full set of vitals. Monitoring equipment can aid assessment If chest injury is isolated with limited MOI, focus on: Isolated injury Patient’s complaint Body region affected
Secondary Assessment If significant trauma affects multiple systems:
Perform full body scan using DCAP-BTLS. Inspect region for deformities. Palpate for tenderness. Check for lacerations and swelling.
Reassessment Obtain repeated assessments of:
Vital signs Oxygenation Circulation Breath sounds If pneumothorax is suspected, patient should be considered unstable. Reassess at least every 5 minutes.
Flail Chest May result from blunt force mechanisms
Two or more adjacent ribs fractured in two or more places Segment becomes separated from chest wall
Flail Chest Location and size affects degree that chest wall and air movement are impaired. Flail sternum (most extreme) Underlying pressure causes paradoxical movement of segment and rest of chest wall. May not be initially apparent Palpate for rib cage fractures and crepitus.
Flail Chest Pneumothorax or hemothorax may occur if bone fragments are driven into the body. Pain may prevent adequate tidal volume. Limits the ability to compensate for flail segment Management may involve: Positive-pressure ventilation Positive end-expiratory pressure
Flail Chest Assessment and management Signs and symptoms include:
Hypoxia Hypercarbia Pain Palpation may reveal: Crepitus Tenderness Dissection of air into tissue Auscultation may reveal: Decreased or absent breath sounds
Flail Chest Assessment and management (cont’d)
Poses a threat to patient’s ability to breathe Intubation and positive-pressure ventilation may be needed. Stabilization of flail segment is controversial.
Rib Fractures Most common thoracic injury
Pain contributes to: Inadequate ventilation Atelectasis Pneumonia from inadequate respiration Blunt trauma may result in fracture at: Point of impact Edge of object Posterior angle of rib
Rib Fractures Associated injuries can be: Ribs 4–9 Ribs 9–11
Aortic injury Tracheobronchial injury Pneumothorax Vascular injury Ribs 9–11 Intra-abdominal injury
Rib Fractures Patients report: Exam shows: Pleuritic chest pain
Mild dyspnea Exam shows: Chest wall tenderness Soft-tissue injury Crepitus Subcutaneous emphysema
Rib Fractures Assessment and management (cont’d)
Management focuses on: ABCs and evaluating for other injuries Administer supplemental O2 Gently splint chest wall. Consider intravenous analgesic.
Sternal Fractures One in 20 patients with blunt thoracic trauma can have sternal fracture Associated with other injuries, including: Myocardial contusions Intra-abdominal injuries Assessment and management Patient reports pain over anterior part of chest. Palpation may reveal: Tenderness Crepitus Possible flail segment
Sternal Fractures Assessment and management (cont’d)
Perform an ECG rhythm analysis. Supportive treatment only ABCs Manage associated injuries. Analgesics
Clavicle Fractures One of the most common fractures
Assessment and management Patient will: Report pain in the shoulder Usually hold arm across front of body Splint fracture with a sling and swathe. Apply gentle upward support to the olecranon process of the ulna. Knot should be tied on the side of the neck
Br ak
Simple Pneumothorax Accumulation of air/gas in pleural cavity
Air enters through a hole in the chest wall or lung causes lung collapse on affected side Delayed or improper treatment may lead to a tension pneumothorax
Simple Pneumothorax Assessment and management (cont’d)
Cover large open wounds immediately. Nonporous dressing secured on three sides Maintain ABCs, provide high-concentration O2. If tension develops, dressing may need to be removed to release trapped air.
Open Pneumothorax Occurs when chest wall defect allows air into thoracic space Results from penetrating chest trauma Negative pressure draws air into pleural space. As size increases, lung loses ability to expand.
Open Pneumothorax If hole is larger than glottis opening, air is likely to enter chest wall. Creates a “sucking chest wound”
Open Pneumothorax Assessment and management
Signs and symptoms may include: Tachycardia and tachypnea Restlessness Physical assessment shows: Chest wall defect Impaled object Sucking chest wound Bubbling wound Subcutaneous emphysema
Open Pneumothorax Assessment and management (cont’d)
Treat immediately. Convert wound to a closed injury. Place on high-flow supplemental O2 via nonrebreathing mask.
Tension Pneumothorax Life-threatening condition from air accumulation within interpleural space Results from open or closed injury
Tension Pneumothorax As air accumulates, pressure builds against surrounding tissue. Compresses the lung, which diminishes: Ability to oxygenate blood Ability to eliminate CO2 Pressure causes eventual lung collapse and mediastinum to shift. May exceed pressure in major venous structures If venous return decreases, the body will increase heart rate.
Tension Pneumothorax Assessment and management
Classic signs may include: Absence of breath sounds on affected side Pulsus paradoxus Tracheal deviation Tachycardia is induced because blood cannot return to heart. Accumulates in great vessels Pressure pushes blood into jugular vein.
Tension Pneumothorax Assessment and management (cont’d)
During normal inspiration: Negative pressure decreases blood return. Preload and systolic blood pressure decrease. Jugular veins are distended when engorged 1 to 2 cm above the clavicle. May show: trachea deviation from affected side diminished breath sounds pleuritic chest pain and dyspnea
Tension Pneumothorax Assessment and management (cont’d)
Administer immediate high-flow supplemental O₂. Inspect the chest. Cover open wounds with dressing. If elevated pressure is suggested: May need to perform a needle decompression
Hemothorax Occurs when blood accumulates within pleura
Commonly caused by lung parenchyma tearing Collection of blood compresses and displaces lung
Hemothorax Hemopneumothorax Massive hemothorax
Blood and air in the pleural space Massive hemothorax Accumulation of more than 1,500 mL of blood within pleura
Hemothorax Assessment and management Signs include:
Ventilatory insufficiency Hypovolemic shock Findings that differentiate from other injuries: Lack of tracheal deviation Dullness on percussion Flat neck veins with hypovolemia Distended neck veins with increased pressure
Hemothorax Assessment and management (cont’d) Prehospital management:
Supportive care Rapid transport High-flow supplemental O2 Two large-bore peripheral IV
Pulmonary Contusion Alveolar and capillary damage results from lung tissue compression against chest wall. Injury may lead to: Loss of fluid and blood into involved tissues White blood cell migration into area Local tissue edema Local surfactant in alveoli is diluted. Causes atelectasis Delivery of O2 is reduced, causing hypoxia
Pulmonary Contusion Assessment and management
Hypoxia and CO2 retention may cause: Respiratory distress Tachycardia Agitation Auscultation may reveal: Wheezes Rhonchi Rales Diminished lung sounds
Pulmonary Contusion Assessment and management (cont’d)
Treatment includes: Managing airway Using caution when administering IV fluids Administering small amounts of analgesics for pain
Cardiac Tamponade Excessive fluid in pericardial sac, causing
Compression of the heart Decreased cardiac output
Cardiac Tamponade Hemodynamic effects determined by: Mortality varies.
Size of pericardium perforation Rate of hemorrhage Chamber of heart involved Mortality varies. Can occur in both medical and trauma conditons Medical—slow fluid collection Trauma—bleeding is rapid.
Cardiac Tamponade Continued bleeding increases pressure in the pericardium. Atria and vena cavae compress. Preload delivery is drastically reduced. Heart increases rate to compensate.
Cardiac Tamponade Assessment and management
30% diagnosed will have Beck triad: Muffled heart tones Hypotension JVD Classic finding: electrical alternans in ECG strip Findings typical of shock, including: Weak or absent peripheral pulses Cyanosis Tachycardia or tachypnea
Electrical alternans
Cardiac Tamponade Assessment and management (cont’d)
Treatment includes: Assess and manage ABCs. Ensure adequate O2 and establishing IV access. Provide a rapid fluid bolus. Rapidly transfer to trauma center.
Cardiac Tamponade versus Tension Pneumothorax
Myocardial Contusion Sudden deceleration of chest wall may cause collision of heart to sternum. Characterized by: Local tissue contusion and hemorrhage Edema Cellular damage within myocardium
Myocardial Contusion Damage to myocardial tissues may cause:
Ectopic activity Dysrhythmias Structural changes may include: Ventricular septal defect Myocardial rupture or aneurysm Coronary artery occlusion
Myocardial Contusion Assessment and management
Signs and symptoms include: Sharp, retrosternal chest pain Soft-tissue or bony injury in area Crackles or rales on auscultation Treatment includes: Nonspecific supportive care Fluid resuscitation Consulting with medical control before administering antidysrhythmic agents
Commotio Cordis Cardiac arrest caused by a direct blow to the thorax during the repolarization period Result of chest wall impact directly over heart Second most common cause of sudden cardiac death in young male athletes
Commotio Cordis Assessment and management
Signs and symptoms may include: Unresponsiveness Cyanotic Tonic-clonic seizures Survival rates increased because of: Increased awareness CPR preparation Accessibility of AED at sporting events
Traumatic Aortic Disruption
Dissection or rupture of the aorta Usually caused by crashes and falls Aorta is injured at fixed points by shearing forces. Impact causes the aortic arch to swing forward. Tension and area rotation cause aorta to rupture at point of attachment.
Traumatic Aortic Disruption
If intima is torn, blood can dissect along the media. Severe injuries may allow blood to leak from all layers.
Traumatic Aortic Disruption
Assessment and management Symptoms vary and may include: Tearing pain behind sternum or in the scapula Hypovolemic shock Dyspnea Altered mental state Recognition often from suspicion based on MOI Assessment of extremity pulses is important
Traumatic Aortic Disruption
Assessment and management (cont’d) Assess and manage ABCs. Gradual IV hydration to treat hypotension Do not use pressor agents. Expedite transport to trauma center.
Great Vessel Injury Great vessels protected by bony structures and other tissues (except for aorta) Injuries more likely with penetrating trauma Injuries may result in occlusion or artery spasm .Presentation may include: Pain Pallor Paresthesias Pulselessness Paralysis
Great Vessel Injury Assessment and management
If bleeding not prevented, presentation includes: Hypovolemic shock Hemothorax Cardiac tamponade Procedures for acute blood loss Establish IV for hydration during transport. Treat pericardial tamponade immediately. Do not use pneumatic antishock garment.
Diaphragmatic Injuries
Occurs in a small percentage of trauma Most occur on left side Liver protects right side. Recovery is inhibited by pressure differences between abdominal and thoracic cavities.
Diaphragmatic Injuries
Three phases: Acute—begins at injury; ends with recovery from other injuries Latent—entrapment of abdominal contents Obstructive—abdominal contents herniate through defect Tension gastrothorax Herniation of abdominal contents into thoracic cavity, causing pressure to: Compress lung on affected side. Compromise circulatory function.
Diaphragmatic Injuries
© SIU Bio Med Comm./Custom Medical Stock Photo
Diaphragmatic Injuries
Assessment and management (cont’d) Acute phase: Hypotension Tachypnea Bowel sounds in chest Chest pain Absent breath sounds Obstructive phase: Nausea and vomiting Abdominal pain Constipation Dyspnea Abdominal distension
Diaphragmatic Injuries
Assessment and management (cont’d) Management focus: maintaining oxygen and providing rapid transport Elevate head of backboard. Positive-pressure ventilation NG tube placement (if allowed by protocol) Definative surgical repair
Esophageal Injuries Rapidly fatal injury in GI system
Assessment and management Signs and symptoms include: Pleuritic chest pain Subcutaneous emphysema Associated tracheal injury No specific therapy in the prehospital setting Do not give anything orally.
Tracheobronchial Injuries
Rare, typically caused by penetrating injuries High mortality rate Allows for rapid movement of air into pleural space, causing a pneumothorax May progress to tension pneumothorax
Tracheobronchial Injuries
Assessment and management Presentation varies and may include: Hoarseness Dyspnea and tachycardia Respiratory distress Focuses on ABCs Bag-bask ventilation instead of intubation Avoid high ventilatory pressure.
Traumatic Asphyxia Induced by traumatic injury that forcefully compresses the thoracic cavity Causes pressure to major veins of the head, neck, and kidneys Causes rupture of the capillary beds
Traumatic Asphyxia Assessment and management Physical findings:
Cyanosis of head, upper extremities, and torso Ocular hemorrhage Swollen and cyanotic facial structures © Chuck Stewart, MD.
Traumatic Asphyxia Assessment and management (cont’d)
Provide high-flow supplemental O2. Take cervical spine precautions. Obtain IV access with two large-bore IV lines. Transport to nearest trauma center.
Traumatic Asphyxia Assessment and management (cont’d)
Provide high-flow supplemental O2. Take cervical spine precautions. Obtain IV access with two large-bore IV lines. Transport to nearest trauma center.
Summary Thorax contains ribs, thoracic vertebrae, clavicle, scapula, sternum, heart, lungs, diaphragm, great vessels, esophagus, lymphatic channels, trachea, mainstem bronchi, and nerves. Oxygenation, ventilation, and some aspects of circulation take place in the thorax. Thoracic injuries can cause air or blood in the lungs or prevent organs from moving properly.
Summary A thoracic trauma assessment begins with scene size-up and ABCs assessment. When assessing breathing, note any injury to the thorax, which may indicate underlying injuries. Consider ventilation and oxygenation adequacy. Always consider spine stabilization.
Summary Managing chest injuries includes maintaining airway, ensuring oxygenation and ventilation, supporting circulation, and transporting quickly. Chest wall injuries include flail chest, rib fractures, sterna fractures, and clavicle fractures. In flail chest, two or more ribs are broken in two or more places, which can result in a free-floating rib segment.
Summary Flail chest management includes airway management and possible positive-pressure ventilation. Rib fractures cause significant pain and may prevent adequate ventilation. Rib fracture management should focus on the ABCs and gentle splinting of the chest.
Summary Lung injuries include simple pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, hemothorax, and pulmonary contusion. In a pneumothorax, air leaks into the pleural space from an opening in the chest or the surface of the lung. Management of a pneumothorax starts with the ABCs and high-concentration oxygen administration.
Summary A tension pneumothorax results from air collection in the pleural space, and is a life-threatening condition. Patients with a tension pneumothorax should be placed on high-flow supplemental oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask. Cover open wounds with a nonporous or occlusive dressing.
Summary A hemothorax is the accumulation of blood between the parietal and visceral pleura. If a patient with a hemothorax does not require airway intervention, place the patient on high-flow supplemental oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask. A hemopneumothorax is the collection of both blood and air in the pleural space.
Summary A pulmonary contusion occurs from compression of the lung, resulting in alveolar and capillary damage, edema, and hypoxia. If a patient has a pulmonary contusion or cardiac tamponade, assess and manage the ABCs and consider administering IV fluids. Myocardial injuries include cardiac tamponade, myocardial contusion, myocardial rupture, and commotio cordis.
Summary Cardiac tamponade occurs when excessive fluid builds up in the pericardial sac around the heart, which compresses the heart and compromises stroke volume. Treating cardiac tamponade begins by managing the ABCs, ensuring adequate oxygen delivery, and establishing IV access. Pericardiocentesis is the ultimate treatment option.
Summary Myocardial contusion is blunt trauma to the heart, and may cause hemorrhage, edema, and cellular damage. Management for myocardial contusion is supportive, but should also include cardiac monitoring and establishing IV access. Myocardial rupture is perforation of one or more elements of the anatomy of the heart, occurring from blunt or penetrating trauma.
Summary Management for myocardial rupture should include supportive care and rapid transport to a trauma center for a thoracotomy. Commotio cordis occurs from a direct blow to the chest during a critical portion of the heart’s repolarization period. ALS treatment for commotio cordis must follow standard ACLS guidelines for sudden cardiac arrest.
Summary Vascular injuries include traumatic aortic disruption and great vessel injury. Traumatic aortic disruption is the ripping of the aorta. Management for traumatic aortic disruption focuses on symptom control. Other injuries include diaphragmatic injuries, esophageal injuries, tracheobronchial injuries, and traumatic asphyxia.
Credits Chapter opener: Courtesy of ED, Royal North Shore Hospital/NSW Institute of Trauma & Injury Backgrounds: Blue–Jones & Bartlett Learning. Courtesy of MIEMSS; Gold–Jones & Bartlett Learning. Courtesy of MIEMSS; Green–Courtesy of Rhonda Beck; Red–© Margo Harrison/ShutterStock, Inc. Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs and illustrations are under copyright of Jones & Bartlett Learning, courtesy of Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems, or have been provided by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
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