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Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How do cells divide? Do Now: Explain the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. What types of things.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How do cells divide? Do Now: Explain the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. What types of things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How do cells divide? Do Now: Explain the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. What types of things reproduce sexually? Asexually? HW: Define the following terms: mitosis, chromosome, asexual reproduction, cell plate, meiosis, sexual reproduction

2 What are the two types of reproduction? Asexual reproductionAsexual reproduction Sexual reproductionSexual reproduction MITOSIS MEIOSIS

3 What is ASEXUAL Reproduction? Requires one parent that dividesRequires one parent that divides – Asexual “A”parent Offspring are identical to parentsOffspring are identical to parents Same # of chromosomesSame # of chromosomes

4 How does ASEXUAL reproduction occur? MITOSIS – cell divisionMITOSIS – cell division One cell divides into two identical daughter cells (same # of chromosomes as parent)One cell divides into two identical daughter cells (same # of chromosomes as parent) Occurs in all body cells EXCEPT sex cellsOccurs in all body cells EXCEPT sex cells Q: How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have if its parent cell has 46 chromosomes?Q: How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have if its parent cell has 46 chromosomes? A: 46A: 46

5 What is the cell cycle? A series of events that takes place from one cell division to the next Length is not the same for all cells –Bean plants  19 hours –Animal embryonic cells  16 hours –Human cells  repair, growth, or replacement Constantly repeat the cycle

6 What are the steps of cell cycle? InterphaseInterphase ProphaseProphase MetaphaseMetaphase AnaphaseAnaphase TelophaseTelophase –Cytokinesis MITOSIS **Interphase is not part of mitosis.

7 Topic: Reproduction and Development MI: What happens during mitosis? Do Now: What does IPMAT stand for? When does cytokinesis occur? HW: Read pp. 96-102 #’s 1 - 5 InterphaseInterphase ProphaseProphase MetaphaseMetaphase AnaphaseAnaphase TelophaseTelophase CytokinesisCytokinesis

8 Most cells are in __________. INTERPHASE

9 Interphase The mass of DNA inside the nucleus during interphase is known as CHROMATIN. CHROMATIN

10 Prophase

11 Metaphase

12 Anaphase

13 Telophase

14 What are the steps of Mitosis? 1.INTERPHASE: chromosomes replicate 2.PROPHASE: nuclear membrane disappears and spindle fibers form 3.METAPHASE: chromosomes line up in the MIDDLE of the cell 4.ANAPHASE: chromosomes separate and move AWAY from each other 5.TELOPHASE: nuclear membrane starts to form

15 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How does mitosis different in plant and animal cells?

16 What is Cytokinesis? Part of telophasePart of telophase Cell membrane pinches in (cytoplasm separates) resulting in 2 new cellsCell membrane pinches in (cytoplasm separates) resulting in 2 new cells CYTOKINESIS

17 How is mitosis different in plant cells? 1.Cell membrane DOES NOT pinch in Instead a CELL PLATE forms between 2 new cellsInstead a CELL PLATE forms between 2 new cells 2.Plant cells do not have centrioles (animal cells do) CELL PLATE

18 Cytokinesis – Animal and Plant

19 What is Cancer? Abnormal and uncontrolled cell divisionAbnormal and uncontrolled cell division

20 Topic: Reproduction and Development MI: How do organisms reproduce asexually? Do Now: 1.Explain what happens during interphase. 2.Explain two differences between animal and plant cell mitosis.

21 DNA when a cell is not dividing

22 Single chromosome In interphase, chromatin shortens and thickens to form a chromosome centromere

23 2 chromatids Double chromosome During chromosome replication, the single chromosome turns into a double chromosome centromere

24 Binary Fission & Budding




28 Sporulation


30 Vegetative Propagation RUNNERS BUDS GRAFTING BULBS

31 Runners

32 Regeneration




36 What are the different types of ASEXUAL Reproduction? 1.Binary Fission – one celled organism divides into two identical cells (mitosis) –Binary Fission means “equal division” –Examples: ameba and paramecia 2.Budding – unequal division of organisms –Examples: hydra, yeast 3.Sporulation – spores (specialized cells) develop into new organisms (mitosis) –Examples: mold, mushrooms

37 What are the different types of ASEXUAL Reproduction? 4.Vegetative Propagation – Asexual reproduction used by plants a.Runners (strawberries) b.Buds (potatoes) c.Grafting (roses) d.Bulbs (onions) 5.Regeneration – process that uses cell division to regrow body parts –Examples: sponges; starfish

38 1. The process by which a starfish grows back a missing arm is called _________. 2. Explain the difference between binary fission and budding. 3. Name the following types of asexual reproduction.

39 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How can we observe mitosis in onion root tips? Do Now: A parent cell has 88 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after mitosis?

40 Onion Root Tip – Low Power

41 Onion Root Tip – High Power


43 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How can we illustrate mitosis? Do Now: Take quiz.

44 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: What is involved in sexual reproduction? Do Now: Draw in the missing two steps of mitosis. ? ?

45 What is sexual reproduction? Requires 2 parent cells, each with half the normal number of chromosomesRequires 2 parent cells, each with half the normal number of chromosomes Human: sperm + egg → zygoteHuman: sperm + egg → zygote 23+ 23 → 46 23+ 23 → 46 Involves gametesInvolves gametes

46 What are gametes? Sex cellsSex cells Male gamete = sperm cellMale gamete = sperm cell Female gamete = egg cellFemale gamete = egg cell

47 What is meiosis? Cell division occurs only in sex organs to produce sex cells (sperm and egg)Cell division occurs only in sex organs to produce sex cells (sperm and egg) Produces 4 daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as original cell (23 in humans)Produces 4 daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as original cell (23 in humans) 2 divisions (1 cell → 2 cells → 4 cells)2 divisions (1 cell → 2 cells → 4 cells)

48 What is the difference between haploid and diploid cells? Diploid: a cell in which the basic chromosome number is doubledDiploid: a cell in which the basic chromosome number is doubled As a result of mitosis, cells are diploid.As a result of mitosis, cells are diploid. Diploid = 2nDiploid = 2n Haploid: a cell that contains half the number of chromosomes as a diploid cellHaploid: a cell that contains half the number of chromosomes as a diploid cell As a result of meiosis, cells are haploid.As a result of meiosis, cells are haploid. Haploid = nHaploid = n

49 Meiosis

50 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: What is fertilization? DO NOW:

51 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: What is fertilization? Do Now: What type of cell division produces haploid cells? If a cell’s diploid number is 10 what is its haploid number?

52 How does meiosis occur in males? Occurs in testes to produce spermOccurs in testes to produce sperm Produces 4 new sperm cellsProduces 4 new sperm cells

53 How does meiosis occur in females? Occurs in ovariesOccurs in ovaries Produces 1 egg cell and 3 polar bodiesProduces 1 egg cell and 3 polar bodies

54 What is fertilization? Two haploid cells coming together creates a diploid cell (zygote) Zygote: fertilized egg

55 What is fertilization? Union of egg and sperm to form a zygoteUnion of egg and sperm to form a zygote Two types:Two types: Internal fertilization: occurs inside the female (humans)Internal fertilization: occurs inside the female (humans) External fertilization: occurs outside the female (frogs); can occur on land orExternal fertilization: occurs outside the female (frogs); can occur on land or in water

56 What happens to the zygote after fertilization? Zygote divides by MITOSIS to form 3 layers that will develop into different parts of the embryoZygote divides by MITOSIS to form 3 layers that will develop into different parts of the embryo 1.Outer layer: forms the skin and nerves 2.Middle layer: forms muscles 3.Inner layer: forms heart and stomach Outer layer Middle layer Inner layer

57 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How can we dissect regents questions on mitosis/meiosis and review for the test? Do Now: Copy and complete the table below: MITOSISBOTHMEIOSIS  1 division (IPMAT)  2 daughter cells  Identical chromosome #  Diploid  Creates all body cells  Asexual  Cell Division  2 divisions (IPMAT  PMAT)  4 daughter cells  Half chromosome #  Haploid  Creates sex cells (sperm & egg)  Sexual

58 Topic: Reproduction and Development Aim: How can we review for the test? Do Now: What does each layer of cells specialize and develop into? Outer layer Middle layer Inner layer

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