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Warm-Up! Take out last nights HW – Study Guide

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1 Warm-Up! Take out last nights HW – Study Guide
Take a Venn diagram off the stool and begin to compare and contrast the Minoans and Mycenaeans

2 Compare and Contrast Minoans Mycenaeans Traders Lived on peninsula
Lived on an island Peaceful and fun loving Similar style palaces and architecture Warlike Bronze weapons and armor Beautiful artwork/paintings Conquered by invaders Distributed/traded goods for OTHER countries craftsmen Traded the goods they made Underground tunnels and fortified walls Indoor plumbing and toilets Limited natural resources Good farmland What was the cause of the ‘Dark Age’ in Greece, and why was it called this? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When the Dorians, uncivilized people ( farmers not traders), so the Greeks entered a period of cultural decline. No written language and virtually no trade.

3 Phoenicians, Minoans, and Mycenaeans: Study Guide
Name_____________________________ Ms. McIntyre Color_____________ Date:_______________ Phoenicians, Minoans, and Mycenaeans: Study Guide Phoenicians: Bordering the Mediterranean Sea included: Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan (see map) – cities – Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos Where?(modern country and important cities) __________________________________________ When? (dates)______________________________________ How did the Phoenicians get their name? Why were they called this? Explain the economy of the Phoenicians (what made them “rich”)? __________________________and ______________________ were major resources that made Phoenicia rich. Explain why the Phoenicians had to simplify writing. 2000 BCE-800 BCE Their name comes from the Greek word “phoinikes” which means “purple men,” because they produced purple cloth/dye using murex shells. The Phoenicians were traders. They established trading colonies around the Mediterranean and traded and distributed goods which influenced other cultures and people. Purple dye/ snails cedar Their alphabet was based on sounds rather than the earlier pictures and this was easier to learn so more people could write. And because they had so much to record for trade, this would increase their wealth. Minoans Crete Where?_______________________________________ When?(dates)______________________________________ Main deity:____________________________________ Why were the Minoans such a successful society? (how and why were they able to become wealthy?) 2000 BCE – 1450 BCE Mother Goddess/ Snake Goddess Minoans were wealthy because they had fertile farmland which meant surplus crops (enough to feed everyone and then some to trade!). The Minoans then traded their surplus resources (grain, olive oil, and honey) for raw materials (metals, cloth) to make beautiful art work (jewelry, clothing, pottery) which they would then sell again!

4 Beautiful art (fresco) Indoor plumbing 1,000 rooms
Minoans (cont.) Boxing Bull leaping ___________________ and _____________________ are the two main recreational activities enjoyed by the Minoans. Where was the grand palace?________________________________ List three features of the palace. What was the famous piece of literature associated with the Minoans? __________________________ Describe the possible causes of the downfall of the Minoans. Knossos Cedar pillars Beautiful art (fresco) Indoor plumbing 1,000 rooms Theseus and the Minotaur Volcano on Thera (north of Crete) Tidal waves, cloud of black smoke, earthquakes Conquered by the Mycenaeans Mycenaeans Peloponnesian Peninsula – Greece Where?________________________________ When?(dates)_________________________________ Complete the chart comparing and contrasting the Mycenaenans with the Minoans: Why were the Mycenaeans forced to rely on trade? What product were the Mycenaeans especially well known for?_________________________ What led to the downfall of the Mycenaeans? Who eventually conquered them? 1650 BCE BCE Similarities with the Minoans Differences with the Minoans Copied Minoan style of architecture and writing Had strong fleet of ships Good traders More warlike Did not have as many natural resources They were forced to rely on trade because they had few natural resources. This often made the Mycenaeans aggressive and warlike and sometimes take what they need from other places. Bronze They were weakened by fighting(civil war) between their colonies. This made it easy for the Dorians to conquer them.

5 Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Mycenaeans (cont.) Athens
_________________ was the only city-state able to resist the attack. How were they able to keep Greek culture alive? ____________________ is the Greek epic poet(bard) who wrote stories about the Mycenaeans. Homer’s most famous works are _______________________ and ___________________________ Mycenaeans (cont.) Athens Athens had an underground supply of water, and remained isolated to keep Greek culture alive during the Dark Ages. Homer Iliad Odyssey Geography of Greece: Label the present day countries of Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Greece. Also, label the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Crete, and Red Sea. Shade in the area of the…. Phoenicians PURPLE Minoans GREEN Mycenaeans RED Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Asia Minor (present day Turkey) Greece Ionian Sea Syria CRETE Lebanon Mediterranean Sea Israel Egypt Red Sea

6 The Minoans: Essential Information Study Guide
Name______________ Section_____________ Where were the Minoans located? _______________________________________ 2)What are the dates of their civilization? ______________________________________ Why were the Minoans such a wealthy society (explain their economy)? What impressive technology did the Minoans have? What did the Minoans do for fun/recreation? What was the famous piece of literature associated with the Minoans? __________________________________________ What was the famous palace?____________________________ Island of Crete in Mediterranean 2,000 B.C.E B.C.E Minoans were wealthy because they had enough farmland and crops to survive. They actually produced more than they needed (surplus). The Minoans then traded their extra goods for other raw materials. They would take the new raw materials and make fine goods to sell again. Minoans had plumbing system with indoor toilets and drainage systems. Even poor people had plumbing in their homes. Boxing and bull jumping Theseus and the Minotaur Palace at Knossos

7 The Mycenaeans : Essential Information
Name: _________________ Section_____________ Date: _________________ The Mycenaeans : Essential Information How were the Mycenaeans influenced by the Minoans? 2) Why were the Mycenaens forced to rely on trade ? The Mycenaeans were influenced by the Minoans because they used their ideas for architecture (columns) and pottery. The Mycenaeans also became a trading economy, like the Minoans. They were forced to rely on trade because they did not have enough resources for survival. This often made the Mycenaeans aggressive and warlike and sometimes take what they need from other places. 3) Why was Athens able to resist the Dorians? What did this allow the people of Athens to do? Athens was able to resist Dorians because they had an underground tunnel system that gave the city water. When the Dorians sieged Athens, the Athenians were able to stay alive from their water supply.

8 The Mycenaeans : Essential Information
4) What was the cause of the “Dark Age” of Greece? 5) Who was Homer and why was he important? When the Dorians invaded mainland Greece, they took over and stopped trading with other cultures and returned to a farming society. They also had no written language. Without trade and language, mainland Greece did not advance culturally – hence the Dark Age. Homer was a blind poet and traveling BARD. He was important because he was the first to write down the history of the Early Greeks (Minoans and Mycenaeans). He did this about 400 years after these civilizations existed around 700 B.C.E.. 6) What are two of Homer’s great poems? What are they about? Two of Homers great poems are the Iliad and Odyssey. The Iliad is about his conquest of Troy and the Odyssey is about his adventures on his return home from Troy back to Ithaca, his hometown. **He also wrote the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur about the labyrinth on the Minoan island of Crete.

9 Phoenicians: Essential Information
Where were the Phoenicians located? _______________________________________________________ 2)What are the dates of their civilization? ______________________________________ Why were the Phoenicians such a wealthy society (explain their economy and what made them “rich”)? 4) What was the major contribution of the Phoenicians? What are the two major cities in Phoenicia? What kind of food did they trade? __________________________________________ Explain why they had to simplify writing. Bordering the Mediterranean Sea included: Lebanon Syria, and Jordan (see map) 1100BC-800BC They were the world’s 1st trading empire, even going into the stormy Atlantic . This trade also brought rich good from foreign lands . The purple dye from snails found on the shores in Tyre were highly valued (worth a lot of MONEY$$) THE PHONECIAN ALPAHABET: forms the bases of the alphabet used in the US (22 symbols). It was also the world’s 1st trading empire. They sold goods at a bazaar including cedar wood and purple dye. Tyre, Sidon Figs, olives, honey and spices were sold at bazaars Because they had so much trade. It was far easier to learn and many more people could now write (not just scribes)

10 Asia Minor (present day Turkey) Aegean Sea Greece
Adriatic Sea Asia Minor (present day Turkey) Aegean Sea Greece Syria Peloponnese Peninsula Ionian Sea Lebanon CRETE Mediterranean Sea Israel Egypt Red Sea How good are you? Let’s see. Label the present day countries of Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Greece. Also, label the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Crete, ad Red Sea. Shade in the area of the Minoans RED, the Mycenaeans YELLOW, and the Phoenicians GREEN.

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