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 To develop technology for innovative, value added high quality products related to food products, herbal drugs, herbal cosmetics, Neutraceuticals, feed.

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Presentation on theme: " To develop technology for innovative, value added high quality products related to food products, herbal drugs, herbal cosmetics, Neutraceuticals, feed."— Presentation transcript:


2  To develop technology for innovative, value added high quality products related to food products, herbal drugs, herbal cosmetics, Neutraceuticals, feed supplements, bio fertilizer, bio-pesticides, plant growth promoters and Panchgavya based consumer products, cosmetics, drugs and neutraceuticals etc.  Disseminate technologies to MSMEs, NGOs, SHGs & individuals to strengthen the range of products and enhance quality for domestic and global market competitiveness.  To work on scientific validation, quality evaluation and standardization.  Product standardization based on traditional knowledge.




6 Spray Drier for the Drying of Biotechnological Materials Fermentor For Biotechnological Fermentation Processes Facility For Analysis of Microbial Contamination and Ultramodern Well Equipped Lab for Quality Control and Quality Assurance

7  Problems identification and solution provider for MSMEs, NGOs, SHGs and individuals entrepreneur  Testing of Food, Herbal, Panchgavya and Agri-inputs products  Waste management through Value addition  Short/ long terms Incubation programme for enterprise development  Skill Building & training for programme for artisans & Trainers  Technology dissemination and Consultancy

8 AreaCategory Parameters Food Processed Food & Fruit products Tests as per Food Safety & Standard Act of India:  Physico-chemical  Bio-chemical  Microbial  Total calories Herbal Herbal Drugs, Cosmetics, Neutraceuticals etc. Tests as per Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India  Physico-chemical  Phyto-chemical  Assays of Major compounds  HPTLC studies  Microbial analysis Panchagavya Panchagavya drugs, Cosmetics, Neutraceuticals and general Consumer products etc. Tests as per Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India  Physico-chemical  Phyto-chemical tests  Assays of Major compounds  HPTLC studies  Microbial analysis Agri-inputs Soil, Bio-fertilizers, Bio-pesticides, Bio- manures & Pest-repellents etc. As per the Act of Min. of Agriculture and Chemical & Fertilizer  Physico-chemical  Major & Micro- nutrients  Microbial analysis

9 Value Added Food and Fruit Based Products  Soymilk of various Flavor  Calcium rich Paneer/Tofu and Shrikhand from soya bean  Pro-biotic Honey and honey based value added products  Various types Jam and Jelly  Amla Ladoo, Barfi, Canday, Chocolate Chikki  Tamarind and guava based Digestive powder, Toffee, Ketchup  Health Drink based on Arjun, Palash, Ambadi

10 Bakery products  Herbal/Nutraceutical based biscuit  Sugar free Chawan prass based biscuit  Multi Grain based sugar free biscuit  Vegatable extract based bread  Spirulina based biscuit  Soya bean based bread and biscuit Spices  15 types of Masala

11 Techno-economic Feasibility Name of product Cost of production (Rs.) Market Price (Rs.) Soymilk5 / 200 ml18 / ml Soya Tofu70/Kg120- 150/kg Soya Shrikhand 80/Kg250- 300/Kg Innovative Features: In activated trypsin inhibiter enzyme, 100% masked beany flavor & calcium rich Status: Standardized product, suitable for micro and small unit. Dissemination Status: Presently 5 entrepreneurs

12 Name of productCost of production (Rs.) Market Price (Rs.) Amla Ladoo60/ Kg150-200 /Kg Amla Barfi70/Kg150-200/kg Amla Chocolate Cranchi 250/Kg400-450/Kg Amla Murraba100/Kg200-300/Kg Amla Canday120/Kg200-300/Kg Techno-economic Feasibility Innovative Features: Antioxidant, rich in vitamin c and calcium, provide immunity for general health care Status: Standardized product suitable for micro and small unit Dissemination Status: Presently 6 entrepreneurs

13 Name of productCost of production (Rs.) Market Price (Rs.) Honey with dry Fruits 200/ Kg400-500 /Kg Honey probiotic150/Kg300-400/kg Techno-economic Feasibility Innovative Features: Highly testy and nutritious rich in antioxidant proteins and minerals along with 10 8 minimum microbes.(LB) Status: Standardized product suitable for micro and small unit Dissemination Status: Presently no entrepreneurs

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