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Drive on the FastTrack to SharePoint End User Adoption in Your Organization for Office 365 & SharePoint 2016 Heather Newman.

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Presentation on theme: "Drive on the FastTrack to SharePoint End User Adoption in Your Organization for Office 365 & SharePoint 2016 Heather Newman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drive on the FastTrack to SharePoint End User Adoption in Your Organization for Office 365 & SharePoint 2016 Heather Newman

2 Special thanks to our sponsors! Platinum Silver Gold T-Shirts Prize sponsors include: Mahalo!

3 Tweet this Talk @heddanewman @contentpanda @SPSNashville #SPSNashville @heddanewman Heather Newman

4 IMPROVEIT! BOOK - ESSAYS ON SHAREPOINT ANALYTICS & ADOPTION The paperback and Kindle editions are available on Amazon. The free eBook is available here: Photo credit Bing Images

5 IT Unity Women in Tech #IStandByYou Calling all women in technology to share your stores and be heard on the IT Unity Women in Technology community site. Launching the I Stand By You Campaign June 2016 technology

6 WaterProof, DropProof cases to live life without limits Sand, dirt, water, shock? For iPhone 6, 6S or gift card equivalent for non iPhone users ($50 value) Stop by our booth and Enter to Win

7 Adopt a Panda Enter to win a World Wildlife Fund Adopt a Panda Kit (Value $55 USD) Soft plush version of your adopted animal 5" x 7" formal adoption certificate 5" x 7" full-color photo of your species Species spotlight card, full of fascinating information about the animal Shipped to you post-event

8 Knowledge of Fast Track Program Resources Checklist No Adoption = No Value Walk Away With

9 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Usefulness The degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her performance Perceived Ease of Use The degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort

10 Focus on the “Why” Not on the “What”

11 Software is used and consumed by humans

12 Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards

13 Adoption Campaign Checklist Define Your Vision Choose Executive Sponsors Define Key Stakeholders Define Use Cases/Business Scenarios Gather Your Champions Release in Phases Adoption Communication Plan End User Training Look to Experts Make it Fun - Gamification Measure, Share, Iterate

14 End user adoption and governance has not changed in 15 years for SharePoint or Office 365 People just don’t take the time to do it, because its not easy.


16 Define Your Vision Choose Executive Sponsors Define Key Stakeholders




20 Gather Your Champions Release in Phases Adoption Communication Plan






26 Release in Phases Adoption Communication Plan End User Training Look to Experts










36 Make it Fun - Gamification Measure, Share, Iterate



39 Fast Track Resources

40 Focus on new and updated functionality * Covers what’s coming in the near-term, and some longer-term Offers high-level details, including name, description, status Not a comprehensive view of all change

41 Q&A

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