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Presentation on theme: "SECURED LAND TENURE PROGRAM IN MOZAMBIQUE - A FIT FOR PURPOSE APPROACH Marisa Balas"— Presentation transcript:

1 SECURED LAND TENURE PROGRAM IN MOZAMBIQUE - A FIT FOR PURPOSE APPROACH Marisa Balas; marisa,.balas@gmail.commarisa, João Carrilho, Rossana Carimo, Teresinha Pascoal, Jacinto Tualufo, Daniel Queface, André Pinheiro, José Murta

2 Introduction Mozambique is located on the south eastern part of the African Continent Territory > than 800 000 km2 in 11 provinces Different cultures and customary practices throughout the country Population of about 24 million

3 Context Pressure on the land is increasing considerably; Government defined appropriate legislation, promoting land tenure regularization; For the past 4 years, Government invested in the implementation of a LIMS - SiGIT; 90% of the land is estimated to be used under unregistered good-faith occupations and customary tenure arrangements; Currently defined “ Terra Segura” program aimed at registering 5 million parcels and delimitating 4 thousand communities in 5 years.

4 Objective The challenge is to ensure that land tenure registration is done for the entire country, involving communities, in a cost-effective manner. Several tools were designed to support the entire process. The main objective was to validate the methodology and the suitability of the various developed instruments Based on the findings produce conclusions and recommendations for a Mozambican fit-for-purpose approach.

5 Methodology (1) Detail all processes of the RDUAT/DelCom methodology

6 Methodology (2) New form and a mobile application, based on cloud technology, were developed in order to benefit from lower cost, available countrywide access, and popularity of smartphones in rural areas

7 Methodology (3) Field work in two districts: Marracuene - digital forms and Mopeia - paper-forms; A test area within one community and one cadastral block; 2 methods for alphanumeric data capturing: mobile application (SiGIT-field) and paper based form; 3 methods for geographic data capturing: GPS, Map, Tablet; 2 methods for data insert: manual and automatic; Satisfaction questionnaires; Comparison of results (time, quality, easiness, errors,…).

8 Results (1): Geographic information data collection GPS coordinates Drawing on Map Tablet Coordinates

9 Results (2): Alphanumeric information data collection – rejection rate

10 Results (2): Alphanumeric information data collection – Working time

11 Results (2): Alphanumeric information data collection – Errors encountered

12 Results (3): Defined RDUAT Processes Operational Processes – Not possible to validate all processes defined in the methodology. – Focus given to the first 5 operational processes – ongoing work and within timeframe of the test – Several issues detected that need adjustment

13 Results (3): Defined RDUAT Processes Managerial processes: Pla nning – There is some effort on this process but still insufficient. Execution – Outsourced – Different approaches and outcomes as there were NO standardization Monitoring and control – not in place as a day-by-day activity, – Designed processes not being followed, – occurred at a later stage and not as continuous activity.

14 Conclusions and Way Forward (1) RDUAT/DelCom Methodology – Urgency mindset, associated with jumping important steps and actors just to get the things done. Challenge: Social preparation, Form simplification, Capacity building, Program and project Management Mobile application tool for data capturing – OK alphanumeric data capturing – NOT OK for geographic information based on tablet GPS. Challenge: Combine the digital form with imagery.

15 Conclusions and Way Forward (2) Geographic Data Processing Clear advantage of using images: – good georreferencing and up to date images – help the surveyor to mark the plot – easy to rectify the plot – Reduced subjectivity of the plot drawing – time reference Problem: some images are old or not clear enough to design the plot. Challenge: Test next version of mobile application with integrated imagery. Allow combination of methods. Utilize always printed version of map.

16 Conclusions and Way Forward (3) The experience reflects the current way of doing things in Mozambique. It was a good opportunity to compare the current practice with the various aspects that a more normalized approach would recommend. Successful and continued results require the continuation of this innovative experimentation, contemplating the various aspects and issues that need to be implemented: – Change management, new organization structures, simplification of business processes and procedures, installed capacity, … – MAKE IT HAPPEN!

17 Acknowledgements Ministry of Land Environment and Rural Development, and the National Directorate of Land. Our colleagues of the “Terra Segura” group. All SiGIT users and managers. SiGIT technical team. THANK YOU


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