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Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Ossama Mahmoud Professor of Otorhinolaryngology Ain Shams University ILO’s of ENT Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Ossama Mahmoud Professor of Otorhinolaryngology Ain Shams University ILO’s of ENT Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Otorhinolaryngology

2 Ossama Mahmoud Professor of Otorhinolaryngology Ain Shams University ILO’s of ENT Course

3 Welcome To the Clinical Division Studying basic sciences is very essential to understand the clinical part of medicine Basic sciences are like fitness training for a football or a basketball players Clinical study is real game that you will practice in your future career

4 GP & ENT Problems Some ENT conditions are common reasons for patients to visit the GP. It is important that GPs in training know how to manage such conditions. Curriculum statement of ENT/GPs in training to be able to: 1. Detect patients who have an ENT problem 2. Identify symptoms that are within the range of normal and require no treatment 3. Explain the indications for appropriate referral to an ENT specialist 4. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the scientific backgrounds of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment and some ENT interventions. 5. Understand and implement the key national guidelines that influence health- care provision for ENT problems

5 As a GP you will face in the ER some cases that need a good knowledge of ENT e.g. airway obstruction, nose bleeding, ---- etc.



8 Sound Knowledge 1- Diagnosis & Treatment of - External otitis - Acute supp. Otitis media - Otitis media with effusion - Ch. Supp. Otitis media - Complications of otitis media - Facial paralysis

9 Sound Knowledge 2- Differential diagnosis of - Discharging ear - Earache (Otalgia) - Hearing loss & Tinnitus - Vertigo (Meniere’s,BPPV, Labyrinthitis ---)

10 Basic Knowledge 1- Anatomy and physiology of hearing 2- Congenital anomalies 3- Ear trauma 4- Audiology (how to interpret audiogram and tympanogram)


12 Sound Knowledge 1. Acute and chronic rhino-sinusitis 2. Epistaxis 3. Nasal allergy 4. Nasal and facial trauma

13 Basic Knowledge 1- Anatomy and physiology 2- Fungal sinusitis 3- Cysts and Tumors of the nose and Para-nasal sinuses 4- Nasal Granulomas


15 Sound Knowledge 1. Stridor (causes, differential diagnosis and treatment) 2. Neck Swellings 3. Tracheotomy (indications & complications) 4. Cancer larynx

16 Basic Knowledge Anatomy & Physiology Congenital anomalies of the larynx and trachea Laryngeal trauma Phoniatrics


18 Sound Knowledge Pharyngeal ulcers Tonsils and adenoids disorders Suppuration and Abscesses of the pharynx Dysphagia Pharyngeal and esophageal neoplasm

19 Basic Knowledge Anatomy and physiology Trauma of the pharynx and esophagus (FB., Corrosive --) Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

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