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Ecology Jeopardy 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Parts of an Ecosystem Relationships.

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4 Ecology Jeopardy 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Parts of an Ecosystem Relationships Investigations Changes in an Ecosystem Diagram Analysis! FINAL

5 Parts of an Ecosystem 100 Organism that performs photosynthesis to create its own food Autotroph

6 Parts of an Ecosystem 200 Any organism that must obtain food and eat to obtain nutrients. Heterotroph (or consumer)

7 Parts of an Ecosystem 300 This type of factor is either an organism (dead or alive), or some product of an organism (e.g. feces or sap) Biotic factor

8 Parts of an Ecosystem 400 Three examples of abiotic factors that could be found in an ecosystem Water, Carbon dioxide, oxygen, temperature

9 Parts of an Ecosystem 500 Multiple populations of different species living in the same area Community

10 Relationships 100 True or False? Human activity like hunting increases biodiversity? False

11 Relationships 200 Organism responsible for changing nitrogen into a useable form Bacteria

12 Relationships 300 A diagram that shows the relationships between food chains Food Web

13 Relationship 400 The maximum population of a species that the environment can sustain without damaging the environment. Carrying Capacity

14 Relationships 500 Organism that plays a critical role in stabilizing relationships within an ecosystem. Keystone species

15 Investigations 100 A biology class was measuring the amount of rainfall in a nearby forest. What would make the investigation more reliable? Taking the measurements more often, running more trials.

16 Investigations 200 We want to learn about the insect populations and their habitat in the JHS Forest. What type of investigation would be most appropriate? A field study

17 Investigations 300 We want to measure the height of all the trees in the JHS forest. What are some constraints, other than cost? What are limitations caused by those constraints? Need proper equipment otherwise it is not accurate. Need time, otherwise the job would not be completed.

18 Investigations 400 What could be an unintended consequence of cutting trees down for firewood? The land might erode, animals might leave the area….

19 Investigations 500 How would you determine the validity of an investigation about plant growth in different locations? Use another location different than the original locations.

20 Changes in an Ecosystem 100 An organism’s unique role in the ecosystem Niche

21 Changes in an Ecosystem 200 Process of change that occurs in an ecosystem as new plant and animal life enter Succession

22 DAILY DOUBLE – Changes in an Ecosystem Term used to describe a stable ecosystem that has completed succession Climax Community

23 Changes in an Ecosystem 400 The term for the process of pollutants that build up in an organism’s body. Bioaccumulation

24 Changes in the Ecosystem 500 The organism that would need to be reduced to decrease hawks, but increase grass Grass Rabbit Snake Hawk Rabbit

25 Diagram Analysis! 100 What is the carrying capacity for rabbits? Roughly 65 rabbits

26 Diagram Analysis! 200 This organism has the potential for a high concentration of pesticides. Owl (Tertiary Consumer)

27 Diagram Analysis! 300 Predict what the moose population will be at the peak of the next generation. Roughly 1500 moose

28 Diagram Analysis! 400 A majority of energy is available at this level. Producer

29 Diagram Analysis! 500 What impact does removing mice have on the food web? Nothing. The food web is stable enough to continue.

30 Write down the chemical reactions for Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration H 2 O + CO 2  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  H 2 O + CO 2 FINAL JEOPARDY

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