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T S M D E R Captain Song ha jun D E R S.U.B Captain Park jin soo

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Presentation on theme: "T S M D E R Captain Song ha jun D E R S.U.B Captain Park jin soo"— Presentation transcript:

1 T S M D E R Captain Song ha jun D E R S.U.B Captain Park jin soo
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation D E R Captain Song ha jun D E R S.U.B Captain Park jin soo

2 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Review

3 T S M Ideal Posture Head : Neutral Cervical : Lordosis
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Ideal Posture Head : Neutral Cervical : Lordosis Thoracic : Kyphosis Lumbar : Lordosis

4 T S M 1. Forward Head Posture Cause : Excessive Cervical Lordosis
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 1. Forward Head Posture Cause : Excessive Cervical Lordosis Shortening : Cervical Extensor, Upper Trapezius, Levator scapular SCM m(Sternocladomastoid) Weakness : Deep Neck flexor

5 T S M 2. Flat Neck Shortening : Cervical Extensor,
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 2. Flat Neck Shortening : Cervical Extensor, Posterior cervical ligament Weakness : Deep Neck flexor

6 Shortening : SCM , Scalene ,
T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 3. Torticollis Cause : after effect Shortening : SCM , Scalene , Upper trapezius

7 T S M Contents of Study 1 2 3 4 5 Ankle / Knee Anatomy
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Contents of Study 1 Ankle / Knee Anatomy 2 Injury Mechanism 3 Basic Test 4 Therapy Massage / Taping 5 Corrective / Rehabilitation Exercise

8 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Ankle / Knee

9 T S M Ankle Joint Talocrural Joint Subtalar Joint
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Ankle Joint Talocrural Joint Subtalar Joint

10 T S M Ankle Ligament Deltoid Ligament Lateral Ligament
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Ankle Ligament Deltoid Ligament Anterior Tibiotalar Lig. Posterior Tibiotalar Lig. Tibiocalcaneal Lig. Tibionavicular Lig. Lateral Ligament Anterior Talofibular Lig. Posterior Talofibular Lig. Calcaneofibular Lig. 두장근

11 T S M Knee Joint & Ligament Lateral Collateral Ligament
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Knee Joint & Ligament Lateral Collateral Ligament Posterior Cruciate Ligament Medial Collateral Ligament Anterior Cruciate Ligament

12 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Meniscus “반원상연골판은 하지의 쿠션역할을 하는 구조물이며 체중의 분산과 안정 윤활역할을 하는 기능을 가지고 있다”.

13 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Injury Mechanism 체육활동에서 상해의 기전은 외부의 충격에 의한 접촉성과 불안정한 자세에서 체중이동비접촉성 (방향전환, 감속, 외반력, 과회전, 과신전). 과도한 안쪽번짐/내번(Inversion)시 외측인대에 충격을 주며 대부분의 상해가 Inversion에 의한 외측인대의 염좌이다. 과도한 가쪽번짐/외번(Eversion)시 내측인대와 삼각인대에 충격

14 T S M Injury Mechanism 1도염좌 : 약간의 통증부종, 출혈 없음 정상적인 활동가능
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Injury Mechanism 1도염좌 : 약간의 통증부종, 출혈 없음 정상적인 활동가능 2도염좌 : 통증이 심해지며 인대가 조금 찢어지는 손상, 부종, 관절경직과 정상보행 불가! 3도염좌 : 인대의 완전한 파열 심한통증, 관절경직, 큰부종 수술로 인대 재건필요…

15 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Basic Test

16 T S M Basic Test 1 2 3 4 5 5 Examination Pain Dominance Muscle
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Basic Test 1 Examination Pain 2 Dominance Muscle 3 ROM Test 4 MMT (Manual Muscle Test) 5 Special Test 5 Movement Pattern Test

17 T S M Movement Pattern Test Ankle : Dorsi Flexion / Plantar Flexions
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Movement Pattern Test Ankle : Dorsi Flexion / Plantar Flexions Inversion / Eversion Knee : Flexion / Extension 약간의 IR, ER (Lateral Rotation)

18 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation ROM (Ankle) Plantarflexion 50º / Dorsiflexion 20º / Inversion 30º / Eversion 10º

19 T S M ROM (Knee) flexion 130º Extension 0º Hyperextension 15º
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation ROM (Knee) flexion 130º Extension 0º Hyperextension 15º

20 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Special Test

21 T S M Drawer Test 당김검사 Talar Tilt Test 거골 경사검사
Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Drawer Test 당김검사 Talar Tilt Test 거골 경사검사

22 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Therapy

23 스포츠테이핑은 각종 테이프를 이용하여 근육이나 관절을 보호하고 상해 및 통증을 관리하는데 많은 도움을 주고 있다.
T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 스포츠테이핑 이란? 스포츠테이핑은 각종 테이프를 이용하여 근육이나 관절을 보호하고 상해 및 통증을 관리하는데 많은 도움을 주고 있다.

24 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 스포츠테이핑 효과

25 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 스포츠테이핑 종류

26 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 스포츠테이핑 주의사항

27 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Knee (Patellar, ACL, Quad)

28 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation

29 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Hamstring

30 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Calf, Achilles

31 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation

32 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation Ankle (힐락, 피겨에잇)

33 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 발, 족저

34 T S M Department of Exercise Rehabilitation 평발

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