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Breaking Tradition Replacing one-shot instruction with online videos Andrea Brooks Information Literacy Coordinator Northern Kentucky University

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1 Breaking Tradition Replacing one-shot instruction with online videos Andrea Brooks Information Literacy Coordinator Northern Kentucky University



4 Learning Outcomes Use the presenter’s model as a guide to potentially develop an online literacy series at your institution Identify 3 to 5 new tips/tools/apps to create successful online videos Discuss potential challenges and advantages of teaching information literacy online in first year courses

5 “Freshmen were unified as a group by their inexperience, newness, and lack of awareness about information systems and resources available to them.”

6 NKU First Year Students n=126 Pre-test data Fall 2013/Spring 2014

7 NKU First Year Students Freshmen/Sophomores = 184 Juniors + = 180 p value <.05

8 NKU First Year Students “I'm not exactly sure what to expect. My senior year English teachers showed us how to write papers in college, properly research and find credible sources. I have an idea of how to research in college, but I'm not exactly confident in it.” “Confidence is key to being successful and research isn't very hard to do” “Its not hard to do internet research” I'm not really sure how to do a research paper. I am very confident because the Internet provides many varieties of topics that can tie into my topic that I am choosing from. Also, it provides many different resources and opinions on my topic. “I feel confident in being resourceful on the Internet to find the information I need”

9 FY Students and IL Exposure UNV 101 ENG 101 CMST 101

10 Wait! We’ve done this… UNV 101 Fall 2010: Online videos, assessment, tour Fall 2011: Online videos, assessment, QR codes

11 Action Plan Met with ENG chair/program coordinator Developed learning outcomes Created videos Google Drive (Docs) for assessment Marketing/Outreach

12 UNV 101 Describe a situation where information choices impacted their personal or academic life Identify three research tools available through the library’s website Navigate the physical library to locate a book, a resource collection, or a research service Identify two characteristics of an academic library Explain how to get research assistance at the library 5 videos Embedded on UNV 101 webpage Includes a virtual tour QR Code Quest ndstaff/informationliteracy/cu rriculum/university101orientat ion.html ndstaff/informationliteracy/cu rriculum/university101orientat ion.html

13 ENG101 Explain how to get research assistance at the library Locate resources using a library database Use a library catalog to locate a book in the library (print or electronic) Identify different types of sources and identify a source’s target audience Identify advantages and limitations to searching the Web Select and refine a topic while identifying keywords to broaden/ narrow a topic Identify and avoid plagiarism 11 videos NKU created and already made YouTube videos Focus on tools within the library – highlights databases and the catalog Getting Research Help aff/informationliteracy/curriculum/ eng101infolitcompetencies.html aff/informationliteracy/curriculum/ eng101infolitcompetencies.html


15 Making the Videos Explain Everything Xtranormal Animoto

16 Explain Everything $2.99 iOS and Android Devices Insert live URL links Record videos Other options: Educreations and Screen chomp

17 Video Making Tips Write out your script! Set expectations early on Reference prior videos Persuasive appeals Professional, clear, enthusiastic Keep users engage “The narrators of good videos had either scripted their lines or had at least rehearsed them prior to recording” (Morain & Swarts, 2012)

18 Keeping Users Engaged Xtranormal GoAnimate Wideo Voki Animoto

19 “Embedding modules into the research process – better help systems, short web-based tutorials, and explanatory YouTube videos – helps students, in general, learn about research in context as the process unfolds.”

20 Assessment – UNV 101 9HNGtlYVE6MA

21 Assessment – UNV 101 n=45; Fall 2013 responses

22 Assessment – UNV 101

23 Assessment – ENG 101 Nearly 470 students completed the assessment Fall 2012-present Some instructors are using videos in class No formal instructor feedback

24 Assessment – ENG 101

25 Future CMST 101 Edit ENG 101 series and update assessment In-depth assessment of a few classes

26 Lingering Questions How important is it that we meet with students face-to-face in first year introductory courses? Are online videos sufficient for introductory IL concepts? Where should we focus our efforts?

27 References & Additional Readings References Head, A.J. (2013). Learning the ropes: How freshmen conduct course research once they enter college. Retrieved from: Morain, M. & Swarts, J. (2012). YouTutorial: A framework for assessing instructional online videos. Technical Communication Quarterly, 21, 6-24. Additional Readings McClure, R., Cooke, R., Carlin, A. (2011). The search for the skunk ape: Studying the impact of an online information literacy tutorial on student writing. Journal of Information Literacy, 5, 26-45. Orme, W.A. (2004). A study of the residual impact of the Texas Information Literacy Tutorial on the information-seeking ability of first year college students. College & Research Libraries, 65. Weiner, S.A., Pelaez, N., Chang, K., & Weiner, J. (2012). Biology and nursing students’ perceptions of a web-based information literacy tutorial. Communications in Information Literacy, 5, 187-201.

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