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Board Room Basics Lehigh Valley PaLA 2016 Annual Spring Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Board Room Basics Lehigh Valley PaLA 2016 Annual Spring Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Room Basics Lehigh Valley PaLA 2016 Annual Spring Conference

2 Top Ten Board Problem Areas Recruiting new members Disengaged – Micromanaging Ineffective meetings – nothing every gets decided Board struggles to find role Group Dynamics No one wants to be an officer/committee chair Weak Board chair Library director considered an employee It’s always all about money

3 Who’s In Charge? Whose Responsible for the Board Doing its Job? “Board members are part-time amateurs overseeing the work of full-time professions, which, by definition, takes a certain amount of hubris” Richard Chait, 2001 Board Summit speech “Effective functioning of the corporate board is the responsibility of the chief staff person.” Peter Drucker “The executive director must be largely responsible for the board fulfilling its governance role.” The Best of Board Cafe

4 Which Are You? Strong Board – Subordinate Executive Director Strong Executive- Ornamental Board Equal Partners Partners with clear boundaries Servant Leaders Each of these models have advantages and disadvantages and boards can and do change models over time and dependent upon circumstance. These different perspectives provide context into the roles and responsibilities of an Executive Director.

5 Duties of the Board and the Library Director Board Adopts bylaws for board procedures Employs a competent and qualified director. Reviews director’s organizational structure, identifying lines of authority and responsibility Determines and adopts written policies to govern the operation and program Library Director Develops and reviews bylaws in consultation with board Acts as technical advisor to the board. Employs and supervises all staff. Makes recommendations on organization structure to the boar Recommends and drafts policies for board action. Carries out adopted policies delegating staff as needed

6 Duties of the Board and Library Director Board In cooperation with director and staff, develops a long-range plan for commitment of resources to meet the changing needs of the community Reviews the annual budget to determine its adequacy for meeting goals and objectives. Works actively for public and official support. Explores all possible revenue sources Library Director Works together with board and staff in preparation of a long- range plan by projecting needs and trends in library service Prepares the annual budget draft to achieve objectives as identified with the board. Supplies facts and figures to aid in interpreting the library’s financial needs. Attends budget hearings as a resource person

7 Duties of the Board and the Library Director Board Reviews and approves monthly financial statements in context of annual budget Establishes, supports and participates in a planned public relations program. Interprets the library’s role and plans to other community boards and committees Knows local, state and federal laws. Actively supports state and federal library legislation Reports regularly to governing officials and the general public Library Director Prepares and presents monthly financial statements and bills for board action Maintains and active program of public relations and public information. Represents the library on other community boards and committees Knows local, state and federal laws. Keeps board informed of pending legislation, library trends and standards Reports regularly to the board and other official bodies

8 So What Should I Really Be Doing ? Ten Basic Responsibilities Commit to your mission Lead the staff – Manage the organization Exercise responsible financial management Follow the highest ethical standards, ensure accountability and comply with the law Engage the Board in planning and lead implementation

9 Develop future leadership – succession planning Lead and manage fundraising Build external relationships and serve as an advocate Ensure the quality and effectiveness of programs Support the Board

10 Personal Qualities of Effective Executive Directors from The Nonprofit Chief Executives Ten Basic Responsibilities by Rick Moyers Integrity Credibility Charisma Courage Initiative Vision Competence Responsiveness

11 Practice Self Management Stay Organized – Be prepared Ask Questions Listen Concentrate Be Flexible – be open an approachable Diffuse anger and conflict – take the highroad and avoid “drama” Learn how to read people Seek Feedback Build a support network Be your own devil’s advocate

12 Principals of Effective Board/Director Relationships Never vent to the Staff about the Board – your job is support all board decisions Never vent to the Board about the Staff, the Friends municipal officials or personnel, or challenging patrons Get to know your board members – what are their community connections, why are they on the board Build coalitions and connections in your community but outside of the library – this is networking, not outreach Work with established channels NO SURPRISES You are more of a community leader than a Librarian – think like one, act like one.

13 Grow the Board You Want Recruit members with nonprofit board experience Keep them engaged with mission driven reports – tell the story behind the statistics Keep them focused on Board responsibilities Build accountability/responsibility into each initiative. Step up to the plate. Reach out to Board members to ask what you can do to help Conduct an extensive board orientation. Encourage leadership opportunities. Facilitate group dynamics. Get to know Board members on a personal level. Learn what is important to them and help them accomplish that.

14 Grow the Board You Want Support a committee structure and the work of the committees Meet regularly with the Board chair in addition to board meetings Always act with a sense of professionalism. Develop alliances and networks beyond your library Money IS important – it’s what makes the mission happen..

15 Board Recruitment - The Right Questions What do you know about our organization/mission? What other board level experience do you have? Are you willing to make a meaningful contribution to our organization? What kinds of fundraising experience do you have? What other community activities and organizations are you involved with? What skills do you have that will benefit our mission? What is your preferred method of communication?

16 Board Handbook Articles of Incorporation, all chartering documents Bylaws Mission/vision statement Strategic plan Board approved policies or policy manual Director and Officer liability insurance policy Current audit and 990 Current Annual report Brief history of the organization Minutes/Financial reports/committee reports for past months Roster of current board members with contact information Staff organizational chart

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