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You will apply for a classroom job each month.

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Presentation on theme: "You will apply for a classroom job each month."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will apply for a classroom job each month.
Classroom Jobs In order for our classroom to be a success every person must take part in running it. You will apply for a classroom job each month. Applications are to be filled in neatly, with careful consideration, and returned tomorrow.

2 Materials Controller 2 students Responsibilities:
Pass out and collects supplies Replaces supplies as needed Checks staplers and hole punchers twice weekly to make sure they are working correctly Maintain neat bookshelves Qualifications: Some organization skills Attention to detail Be able to check and replace staples, tape, etc. 2 students

3 Pencil Engineer 1 student Responsibilities:
Sharpens pencils from the “Sharpen Me” pencil bucket and places them in the “I’m Sharp” pencil bucket Use the hand sharpener to sharpen colored pencils Qualifications: Know how to use the electric pencil sharpener Remember to empty the pencil sharpener shavings daily 1 student

4 Administrative Assistant
Responsibilities: Changes the date on the board each morning Erases and cleans areas of the white board as needed and the entire board on Friday Makes sure caps are securely on and organizes markers at the end of each day Checks to make sure all markers are working each week (replaces as needed) Qualifications: Good handwriting Able to reach to the top of the board Attention to detail Capable of remembering upcoming events 1 student

5 Courier 1 student Responsibilities:
Carries and delivers messages and items to the office or other teachers Walks with students to the office if needed Qualifications: Professional Polite Pleasant Know their way around the school Be able to carry items 1 student

6 Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Responsibilities: Greets visitors or new students Explains classroom projects and/or displays to parents and visitors Helps new students learn the way around and keeps them company at recess/lunch Qualifications: Professional Polite Pleasant Comfortable speaking with visitors Able to remember classroom routines 2 students

7 Property Manager 1 student Responsibilities: Opens and closes blinds
Turns on/off lights as needed Waters and sprays the plants each Tuesday & Friday afternoon, cleaning up spills/wet areas Removes brown leaves as needed Qualifications: Alert Enjoy plants Capable of watering them carefully 1 student

8 Line Leader 1 per line Responsibilities:
Leads class line throughout the campus at appropriate pace Qualifications: Know your way around school Capable of staying silent in line and walking at appropriate pace 1 per line

9 Superintendent 1 student Responsibilities:
Makes sure everyone is out of the room Turns off the lights Closes the door Helps class stay in line when walking to and from recess and lunch Qualifications: Responsible and trustworthy Know how to follow in line silently 1 student

10 Environmental Engineer
Responsibilities: Sweep the classroom floor at the end of the day Sweeps the entry way to the classroom each day Dusts the shelves around class weekly Empty the recycling bin Qualifications: Responsible Hard-working Attention to detail 2 students

11 Patriotic Facilitator
Responsibilities: Leads the class in flag salute each day Qualifications: Responsible Good speaking voice 1 student

12 Human Resource Director
Responsibilities: Checks to ensure each student is wearing the correct attire Records uniform infractions daily Qualifications: Responsible Attention to detail 1 student

13 Delegate 2 students Responsibilities:
Performs the jobs of absent students Qualities: Responsible and able to think on your feet Good organizational skills 2 students

14 Legal Advisory Team 3 students Responsibilities:
Hears disputes between student Settles disputes Qualifications: Good listener Be impartial Be fair 3 students

15 Receptionist 1 student Responsibilities: Answers classroom phone
Delivers messages to teacher Qualifications: Good listener Polite Excellent oral communication skills 1 student

16 Software Engineer 2 students Responsibilities:
Makes sure all laptops are off at end of day. Turns off any media at end of day Ensures laptops are locked and secure at end of day In charge of maintaining the computer stations Qualifications: Organizational skills Knowledge of computers (or willing to learn) Attention to detail 2 students

17 Salary If you have fulfilled your job requirements, and there have been no issues with job performance, you get paid your salary each week.  If there have been issues with how the job was performed that week, the teacher will make a case by case sliding scale of payment.

18 Environmental Engineer (2) Materials Coordinator (2)
Job Salary PRO’s (2) $5.00 Environmental Engineer (2) Materials Coordinator (2) Patriotic Facilitator (1) $3.00 Pencil Engineer (1) Human Resource Director (1) Administrative Assistant (1) Legal Advisory Team (3) Courier (1) * Delegate (2) $4.00 Property Manager (1) Software Engineer (2) Line Leader (1) Receptionist (1) $3.00* Superintendent (1) *substitute is only paid per class job performed, per day performed

19 When Does My Job Get Done?
Jobs are to be done on a daily basis unless otherwise stated. Whenever your work is done you may go do your job. If your job becomes too much of a responsibility discuss with your teacher your difficulties and you will decide on a solution together.

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