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Reindeer. chimney stocking candy cane bell Sentence teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Reindeer. chimney stocking candy cane bell Sentence teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 reindeer

2 chimney

3 stocking

4 candy cane

5 bell

6 Sentence teaching

7 decorate hang put sing eat make prepare

8 decorate + decorate the Christmas tree

9 make + make the Christmas card

10 prepare + prepare the Christmas gift

11 hang + hang the Christmas stocking

12 hang + hang the Christmas bell

13 hang + hang the Christmas candy cane

14 put + put the Christmas star

15 eat + eat Christmas dinner

16 sing + sing the Christmas song

17 decorate + He decorates the Christmas tree.

18 make + He makes the Christmas card.

19 prepare + He prepares the Christmas gift.

20 hang + He hangs the Christmas stocking.

21 put + He puts the Christmas star.

22 eat + He eats Christmas dinner.

23 sing + He sings the Christmas song.

24 Storytelling

25 Tom has to do many things on Christmas Eve every year. Christmas tree? Christmas gift? Christmas stocking? Christmas bells? Candy canes?

26 In the afternoon, he decorates the Christmas tree at school.

27 He puts the Christmas star on the top of the Christmas tree. He puts Christmas gifts under the Christmas tree. He hangs the Christmas stocking on the Christmas tree. He hangs Christmas bells on the Christmas tree. He hangs the candy cane on the Christmas tree.

28 He prepares and makes the for his friends. Christmas gifts Christmas card

29 2014/12/25 Dear Jack: Christmas is coming. I am happy you receive my Christmas card. I hope you like it. Happy Christmas! Love Yours, Tom

30 In the evening, he eats with his family. Christmas dinner

31 He exchanges Christmas gifts with his family.

32 He receives ?

33 He is happy to receive many. gifts

34 Before he goes to sleep, he sings with his family. the Christmas song

35 At midnight, Tom wants to see the. Santa Clause

36 He wants to receive from Santa Clause. the Christmas gift

37 Tom doesn’t sleep well.

38 So, he decides to wait for the Santa Clause.

39 He hides himself the bed. under

40 But the Santa Clause does not come.

41 He feels tired and sad.

42 When he wants to go to the bed to sleep, something happens.

43 He sees the. light

44 He sees the. reindeers

45 He sees an old man with red Christmas hat and Christmas clothes.

46 He runs to the living room to see how Santa Claus falls down from the chimney.

47 Tom runs to the bed quickly.

48 He sees Santa Clause putting his in the. Christmas gift Christmas stock

49 The Santa Clause touches his head

50 Good boy, Happy Christmas, good night.

51 I will come here next year. Bye bye.

52 The end

53 Let’s make the Christmas card

54 2014/12/25 Dear Jack: Christmas is coming. I am happy you receive my Christmas card. I hope you like it. Happy Christmas! Tom

55 2014/12/25 Dear : Christmas is coming. I am happy you receive my Christmas card. I hope you like it. Happy Christmas! _______________

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