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Risk Management Crisis Management. Murphy was a meeting planner  If anything can go wrong it will…  Krug’s Corollary …at the wrong time, in the wrong.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Management Crisis Management. Murphy was a meeting planner  If anything can go wrong it will…  Krug’s Corollary …at the wrong time, in the wrong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Management Crisis Management

2 Murphy was a meeting planner  If anything can go wrong it will…  Krug’s Corollary …at the wrong time, in the wrong place and always with the wrong people

3 Risk ≠ Crisis  Risk Possibility of  Injury, loss, danger, harm or hazard to attendees  Disturbance or disruption of planned activities  Crisis Actual  Threat or occurrence  Disruption to plans beyond planner’s control Subjective and varied

4 Risk Management Components  Assessment What are you safeguarding?  Historical  Geographical  Technological  Human  Physical  Regulatory  Analysis What would results “what if” coming true? Financial, personal, property  Planning/Preparation If you can anticipate it, you can plan for it. Written checklist and plan

5 Crisis Management Plan  1 hour saves you 6 hours  Objectives in Crisis Maintain as much control as possible Prevent or minimize loss Prevent CHAOS – with advanced planning and preparation! Mitigate further damage  More crisis  PR

6 Basic elements of crisis plan  Policy/Procedures Your’s Your stakeholder’s Your venue’s  Crisis/response team  Communication/information flow  Mitigation measures

7 Response team roles and responsibilities  Planner- name here Event manager In charge of putting the meeting back on track  Accountability Manager- name here Good with people, calm and level-headed In charge of all people (attendees and staff) Possess housing and registration lists  Communications Manager- name here Calm and level-headed in state of crisis Written plan for internal and external communications Work closely with public relations contact and accountability manager  Logistical Manager- name here Organized, detail-oriented In charge of getting the things you need to respond to a crisis

8 Communication/Info flow  Command center Access and backup/safety Power options Communications options  Start with immediate response team What needs to happen immediately? What are all the others things that need to happen?  Add in others as needed Facility PR Government  What is to be said? Who needs to be involved in decisions? What is “party line”? Who will deliver it?  Communication chart

9 Call down chart

10 Rationale and Purpose Statements 2 Events Team Crisis Roles and Responsibilities 3 Team Awareness- Before the Emergency 4 First Responder Guidelines 5 Facility Crisis Information- Minneapolis Convention Center 7 Command Center Requirements 8 Communication Guidelines 9 Potential Disasters and How to Handle 10 Natural Elements 10 Extreme Heat, Fire, Flood, Thunderstorm, Tornado 10 National/Local Disasters 14 Airline Strike, bomb threat, death of national/international figure 14 Disgruntled Attendee, Team Member, Facility Staff or Transient 15 Economic Collapse, mandatory evacuation, nuclear attack, plane crash 15 Protest, shuttle bus crash, terrorist attack, violent person, war 16 Medical Emergency (next slide) 18 Call Down Chart 31 Crisis Plan - Table of Contents

11 Alcohol Misuse/Abuse 18 Broken Bone 18 Burns 19 Car Accident 19 Childbirth 20 Choking 22 Death of Attendee/Team Member 25 Death of Events Team Member/ Keynote Speaker 25 Diabetic Reaction 25 Drowning 26 Fainting Spell 27 Food Poisoning 27 Head or Spinal Injury 28 Heart Attack 28 Heat Disorders 28 Impalement 29 Minor Open Wound 29 Major Open Wound 29 Seizure 29 Shock 29 Sudden Illness 30 Medical emergencies

12 Good questions to get going  How would we contact our management and employees so they would hear from us before learning about it from the news media? How about our customers, suppliers and other key audiences? How would we do it, and how long would that take?  What kind of notification system do we have in place if a crisis occurs during non-business hours?  How long would it take to reach everyone on the Management Committee if we had a crisis at 3:00 p.m. on a Saturday?  Who is the senior leader if the designated leader is unreachable? And the backup?

13 Scenario #1  A high ranking leader within your organization has indulged too much at the champagne fountain. He is now found slumped in a chair in the middle of the ballroom where the event is being held.

14 Scenario #2  A week before your meeting is to be held in Dominican Republic a major earthquake strikes Haiti. What do you?

15 Next Time  Follow-up reading MN_CrisisManagement.pdf (on website) MN_CrisisManagement.pdf  Corporate Social Responsibility One example of a socially responsible company/organization One green meeting tip Read on web  WEC_Sustainability_Report FINAL.pdf WEC_Sustainability_Report FINAL.pdf

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