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“iPhone photography is cool, eyeball photography is cooler”

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1 “iPhone photography is cool, eyeball photography is cooler”

2 Instead of using your eye to compose a photo on a camera or smartphone, what if your eye was the camera? Sony is looking into creating a contact lens that acts as a digital camera. The contact lens can capture still images or video using embedded sensors and camera components. To take a picture, all you have to do is blink. The device would be able to detect the difference between unconscious and conscious blinking, allowing a person to control the device by purposefully opening and shutting their eye. The unit would be powered by the movement of the eye, and even allow for advanced camera adjustments like aperture and shutter speed. After the images are captured, they can be transferred to an external device like a smartphone. Eyes have become a hot "next frontier" in technology. The failed Google Glass was just one of many stabs at face-mounted computers. Samsung has also patented a blink-controlled contact lens that acts as a camera. These are all just patent applications and don't mean you'll be able to pick up a new DSLR-eye at Best Buy anytime soon. That will give everyone time to consider the privacy implications of being recorded by invisible cameras, or the difficulties of taking a selfie when the camera is stuck in your body.

3 In Other News  We haven't seen Mars like this in more than a decade. The red planet will soon be closer to Earth that it has been in 11 years: On May 30, Mars will be about 46.8 million miles from Earth. Yes, that's still a long way off, but sometimes Mars is 249 million miles from Earth. What does this close approach mean for sky watchers? It means Mars will appear bigger and brighter from May 18 until June 3, according to NASA. But you don't have to wait. Mars already is putting on a spectacular show in the early morning sky. And you don't need a telescope or binoculars to see it. In the United States, the best time to look for Mars during its close approach will be around midnight Eastern time, according to NASA. It will be the brightest "star" that you'll see in the southeastern sky and it will appear a bit reddish.  Google has designed a new set of emojis depicting professional women to highlight "the diversity of women's careers" and combat sexism. The 13 proposed emojis -- unveiled on Tuesday -- show women in a range of jobs, including health care, science, education, farming and construction. A further 13 corresponding emojis will show men in the same roles. Google's goal is to have these emojis in regular use on smartphones and computers by the end of the year to "empower girls everywhere," according to its proposal.

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