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ERASMUS MUNDUS MSc in Computational Mechanics. Participating Institutions School of Engineering, University of Wales Swansea In partnership with: Universitat.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS MUNDUS MSc in Computational Mechanics. Participating Institutions School of Engineering, University of Wales Swansea In partnership with: Universitat."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERASMUS MUNDUS MSc in Computational Mechanics

2 Participating Institutions School of Engineering, University of Wales Swansea In partnership with: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France Universität Stuttgart, Germany

3 Background Extension of existing 12 Months MSc/MRes in Computer Modelling & Finite Elements in Engineering Existing MSc started in 1965 by O.C. Zienkiewicz has trained hundreds of students, many now prominent in the Computational Mechanics Community MSc has gained significant international reputation in the Computational Mechanics Community MSc/MRes highly praised by TQA visit MSc/MRes have attracted significant EPSRC funding through four successful MTP and CTA applications Civil Engineering at Swansea rated 5* in successive RAe exercises on the strength of research in computational mechanics.

4 Consortium Rationale  Development of Finite Elements in Europe led by Swansea (Zienkiewicz) and University of Stuttgart (Argyris)  The “International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering” (CIMNE) at UPC currently hosts the secretariat of IACM and ECCOMAS  CIMNE has developed an extensive and successful track record of EU projects (over 150)  Ecole Central de Nantes is among the 10 best Engineering Institutions in France and has recently invested in top quality international research staff.  The four institutions have extensive research output and strong existing research links.  The combined expertise in computational mechanics in the four institutions represents an unrivalled academic resource worldwide.

5 COURSE AIMS To provide students with a general knowledge of the theory of computational mechanics To provide students with a general knowledge of the theory of computational mechanics To provide students with practical computer experience in the application of computational mechanics to engineering applications using modern software To provide students with practical computer experience in the application of computational mechanics to engineering applications using modern software To provide students with training in the development of new software for the improved simulation of engineering problems; To provide students with training in the development of new software for the improved simulation of engineering problems; To provide students with a wide choice of specialization areas by incorporating modules from four leading European institutions, and in this way allowing them to experience postgraduate education in more than one European institution. To provide students with a wide choice of specialization areas by incorporating modules from four leading European institutions, and in this way allowing them to experience postgraduate education in more than one European institution.

6 Benefits to the Students Increased added value of combined programme Wider range of optional courses minors Exposure to more than one country, academic environment and culture Common set of core courses, regulations and procedures Access to an unrivalled pool of experienced researchers in computational mechanics Possibilities of further research in any of the Consortium institutions Generous funding through the Erasmus Mundus programme

7 Course Structure UPC UWS ECN USUPC UWSe-learning Electives 10 ECTS Masterthesis (40 ECTS) Industrial Project (15 ECTS) Minor core courses and electives 30 ECTS Core Courses Core Courses Common Exams 25 ECTS Common selection and admission governed by Board of Studies 3 rd term2 nd term1 st termAdmission 1st institution2nd institution Induction weekend 1 st Board Meeting Internal MeetingFinal Meeting

8 First Semester Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and University of Wales Swansea (UWS) Core Courses (Common UWS/UPC Examinations): Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (5 ECTS) Finite Element Method (5 ECTS) Continuum Mechanics (5 ECTS) Computer Assignment (5 ECTS) Additional Courses at Swansea: Fluid Mechanics (5 ECTS) Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics (5 ECTS)

9 Second Semester (at Swansea) Solids & Structures ECTS EGIM07-Dynamics of Structures5 EGIM07-Dynamics of Structures5 EGIM08-Computational Plasticity5 EGIM08-Computational Plasticity5 EG-M25-Advanced Structural Analysis5 EG-M25-Advanced Structural Analysis5 EGIM14-Computational Case Study (structures)10 EGIM14-Computational Case Study (structures)10Fluids EGIM06- Computational Fluid Dynamics5 EGIM06- Computational Fluid Dynamics5 EGIM14-Computational Case Study (fluids)10 EGIM14-Computational Case Study (fluids)10 Other (subject to timetable constraints and availability) EGIM16-Communication Skills for Research Engineers5 EGIM16-Communication Skills for Research Engineers5 EGM-27-Advanced Geomechanics5 EGM-27-Advanced Geomechanics5 EG-M07-Optimisation5 EG-M07-Optimisation5 EG-M60-Engineering Design Optimisation5 EG-M60-Engineering Design Optimisation5 EG-M61-Computational Intelligence in Engineering5 EG-M61-Computational Intelligence in Engineering5 EGNM04-Nanoscale Simulation5 EGNM04-Nanoscale Simulation5

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