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Published byBrittany Stevens Modified over 8 years ago
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 2 nd General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives” Helsinki – National Institute for Health and Welfare 20 th/ 21 st June 2011
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 2 1. Agenda Day 1 13.00 Welcome by the Chair 13.15 1. Confirmation of the draft agenda 13.20 2. Approval of minutes 13.30 Introduction (Information) 3. Recent developments in the JPI MYBL 4. European Commission Evaluation of the JPI MYBL 5. JPI MYBL and other European Activities (AHA-EIP, ERA- AGE/FUTURAGE) 15.00 6. Current Working Group activities 16.00 7. Strategy for the JPI in 2012 17.00 8. Future financing of the JPI secretariat 18.00 Information on dinner Day 2 08.30 8. Cont’d Future financing of the JPI secretariat 10.00 9. Implementation Process of the Scientific Advisory Board 10.30 10. Rules of Internal Order 11.30 11. Next Meeting: Date and Location 12.00 End of Meeting
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 3 2. Approval of the minutes by the GA members AustriaDenmark Finland France GermanyItaly Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK BelgiumIreland Norway 13 Members 3 Observers
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 4 3. Recent Developments in the JPI 3 Constitutional Meetings of JPI Working Groups have taken place in May and June. A first Troika meeting was held on 20 May 2011 in Berlin.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 5 Participation in a number of major events and workshops on the European Level: 22 Feb 2011Vice-Chair Paolo Rossini (and the Secretariat) participated in the ERAC Seminar on the AHA EIP 1 March 2011Secretariat participated in the ERA-AGE Forum „Ageing and Technology“ in Vienna 15 March 2011Secretariat participated in the GPC Meeting and presented the current JPI Status 7 April 2011Secretariat participated in the ERA-NET Watch Strategy Workshop – „Innovation Union: Joint Programming and its instruments“ in Brussels 2 May 2011Steering Board Meeting AHA-EIP with JPI-Chair Bernhard Rami 15 June 2011AHA-EIP Working Group on Innovation for Independent living (with Secretariat)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 6 Upcoming events: 23 June 2011ESFRI - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures: Workshops on JPI (with Secretariat) 23/24 June 2011 AHA-EIP Working Group on Innovation for Care and Cure – Denmark will represent the JPI 28 June 2011AHA-EIP Workshop in „Mapping Research on Ageing“ (with Secretariat)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 7 Dissemination Activities: The vision paper and other material, including a JPI flyer leaflet, have been prepared and uploaded on our website.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 8 Health and Performance Social Systems and Welfare Work and Productivity Education and Learning Housing, Urban- rural development and Mobility 5 Logos for the Working Groups
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 9 In the course of the Commission Evaluation of JPIs, the JPI Secretariat has prepared a status report on the JPI for the Commission. This report is based on the available documents and activities within the JPI and is also available in the internal section of the JPI website. Furthermore, the GA members have provided Letters of Commitment to the European Commission. The commitment letters of France, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland are still missing. The general feedback of the EC underlines that the substantial advancement of the initiative is recognised. The JPI-MYBL marks the forefront of this phase’ initiatives to be approved in 2011. 4. European Commission Evaluation of the JPI MYBL
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 10 The EIP has established three working groups that will contribute to the general “Strategic Implementation Plan”. The EIP-Working Groups are as outlined at the 2 nd Sherpa Meeting on 16th of May: 1.Innovation in awareness, prevention & early diagnosis (1 st Meeting on 20/21 June) 2.Innovation in care & cure (1 st Meeting on 23/24 June) 3.Innovation in independent living & ageing (1 st Meeting 15 June) The JPI participates in all EIP WG due to thematic and political reasons (Troika members, JPI-secretariat plus additional experts from the GA). 5. JPI-MYBL and the EIP-AHA
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 11 A Memorandum of Understanding between ERA-AGE/FUTURAGE and the JPI MYBL could be signed. The work of the WGs of the JPI takes into account the results from ERA-Age and FUTURAGE and aims at identifying complementary topics (sharpening of the JPI profile). There is a certain personal overlap between ERA-Age/FUTURAGE and the JPI-WGs that ensures thematic interchange. Prof. Alan Walker (Sheffield, Leader of ERA-AGE/FUTURAGE) might be nominated as external expert for the SAB to have some formal linkage. 5. Cooperation with ERA-Age and FUTURAGE:
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 12 Procedures and preliminary internal organisation of your Working Group Enlargement of the Working Group Thematic development and sharpening of profile towards a Strategic Research Agenda 6. Current Working Group activities Main tasks for the first meetings of the Working Groups were/are:
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 13 First meeting on 26 th of May 2011 in Berlin. 14 experts +2 GA-representatives + secretariat. In order to profile the thematic perspective of the Working Group on “Health & Performance”, it was suggested to define a “common ground” that provides a tangible European added value and that integrates the large variety of interdisciplinary knowledge and diversity. Based on the input provided by the Vision Paper of the JPI and on additional remarks from the experts and input from FUTURAGE etc., the general setting for the common thematic perspective of the Working Group was formulated as follows: Disparities in ageing in relation to health and functioning Promotion of functioning (ways of compensation) Plasticity: Translation of basic biology into human ageing, life course studies A task force consisting of Prof. Rudi G.J. Westendorp, Prof. Taina Rantanen and Prof. Emily Grundy will elaborate a 6 page seed paper in order to further outline the thematic concept of the Working Group. Next meeting in September/October in Berlin. Health & Performance
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 14 First meeting on 31 st of May 2011 in Berlin. 3 experts + 1 GA-representatives + secretariat. The working group came to the conclusion that its name “Education& Learning” does not cover the whole picture of research topics which are important under the demographic change perspective and decides to rename itself as ‘Learning& Wellbeing’. It was agreed that the definition of the concepts “learning” and “wellbeing” would be a good starting point to come up with some research questions. Three research subfields were defined: Learning at the end of working life (impact on learning on labour capacities) Learning at the 3rd age (longer educational life for what purpose?) Learning at the end of life (management of the heritage, transfer of values to the next generation). Prof. Stephen McNair will prepare a first rough draft on the main issues concerning the subfields of research mentioned above. The next meeting of the working group is scheduled in Berlin in September/October 2011. Education & Learning
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 15 First meeting on 8 th of June 2011 in Berlin. 7 experts + 1 GA-representatives + secretariat. Joint concern of the WG was agreed to reveal “blind spots” inside the discourse and scientific research on labour productivity affected by demographic change. Core topics identified to be the focus for future work on work & productivity: Levels from macro to micro: societal, policy, institutional, organization (e.g. work context), individual. Cross-cut concerns for future discussion/research: What evidence/data exists? Are there blind spots of missing data? What about monitoring of policies and societal developments etc.? Specific Thematic Clusters. Prof. Paulien Bongers structures a mapping of the areas of interest and sends it to the WG members. The next meeting of the working group is scheduled in Berlin in October 2011. Two additional experts should be integrated in the WG. Work & Productivity
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 16 Social Systems & Welfare 13. September 2011 - Berlin Housing, Urban and Rural Development and Mobility 14. September 2011 - Berlin 1 st Workshop Meetings to come
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 17 7. Overall Strategy for the JPI in 2012 General aim of the work in 2012: Elaboration and implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda. Steps to be carried out: 1.Thematic progress of the Working Groups (input for integrated SRA). 2.Update of the mapping of European programmes. 3.Execution of a foresight exercise. 4.Overview on the existing pool of surveys and long-term studies. 5.Critical reflection of the preliminary findings and sketching of the Strategic Research Agenda. 6.Small conference for relevant national programme owners. 7.Consultation event for societal stakeholders in the 2 nd half of 2012.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 18 8. Future Financing of the Secretariat A first description of Work and possible Financing Models have been distributed before the meeting. VDI/VDE-IT offers to continue the operation of the secretariat for 2012/2013.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 19 1.Support of bodies of the JPI 2.Contact point for the initiative / public relations 3.Education and maintenance of an expert- community 4.Support of core activities of JPI: Joint programme planning Secretariat: Description of Work
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Financing model I - 250.000,- EUR Budget – Share based on nominal GDP CountryGDP (in Mio. EUR) Financial Share (in EUR) Pitched model (in EUR) Denmark 232.985 5.032 11.000 Germany (G 8) 2.489.628 53.768 33.000 Finland 178.789 3.861 11.000 France (G 8) 1.947.993 42.071 33.000 Italy (G 8) 1.549.211 33.458 33.000 Netherlands 586.733 12.672 11.000 Austria 281.825 6.087 11.000 Poland 354.362 7.653 11.000 Sweden 346.055 7.474 11.000 Switzerland 403.910 8.723 11.000 Spain 1.052.243 22.725 22.000 Turkey 455.799 9.844 11.000 UK (G 8) 1.707.730 36.882 33.000 Average (13 JPI Member States) 891.328 250.250 242.000 Average share (Euros) 19.250 18.615
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Financing model II - 250.000,- EUR Budget – Share based on GDP per Capita Country GDP per capita (in PPS) 2010 Financial Share (in EUR) Pitched model (in EUR) Denmark 125 22.045 20.000 Germany (G 8) 119 20.986 20.000 Finland 116 20.457 20.000 France (G 8) 107 18.870 20.000 Italy (G 8) 100 17.636 20.000 Netherlands 134 23.632 20.000 Austria 125 22.045 20.000 Poland 62 10.934 10.000 Sweden 123 21.692 20.000 Switzerland 146 25.748 30.000 Spain 101 17.812 20.000 Turkey 48 8.465 10.000 UK (G 8) 113 19.928 20.000 Average (13 JPI Member States) 109 250.250 250.000 Average share (Euros) 19.250 19.231
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 22 Financing model III - 250.000,- EUR Budget – Share based on nominal GDP and GDP per Capita Country Nominal GDP Financial Share (in EUR)GDP per capitaFinancial Share (in EUR)Financial Share Nominal + GDP/2 Denmark 232.985 5.03212522.045 13.538 Germany (G 8) 2.489.628 53.76811920.986 37.377 Finland 178.789 3.86111620.457 12.159 France (G 8) 1.947.993 42.07110718.870 30.470 Italy (G 8) 1.549.211 33.45810017.636 25.547 Netherlands 586.733 12.67213423.632 18.152 Austria 281.825 6.08712522.045 14.066 Poland 354.362 7.6536210.934 9.294 Sweden 346.055 7.47412321.692 14.583 Switzerland 403.910 8.72314625.748 17.236 Spain 1.052.243 22.72510117.812 20.269 Turkey 455.799 9.844488.465 9.154 UK (G 8) 1.707.730 36.88211319.928 28.405
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 23 Optional: Co-Funding via a FP7-Coordination and Support Action by the Commission: A project consortium has to be established. Workplan and packages need to be defined. Peter Wintlev will give some details about the potential project funding and the rights and duties that are involved.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 24 The SAB is composed of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Working Groups (to be elected) and 5 additional external experts. Each General Assembly Member is asked to propose one Expert Scientist for the Scientific Advisory Board of the JPI. The selection criteria are: o Scientific Excellence o International reputation o Broad overview knowledge (“bird’s eye view”) in ageing-related research, ability to synthesise the results of the 5 JPI Working groups Also non-European Experts can be nominated. First proposals for nominations can be made on today’s GA meeting in Helsinki. The GA needs to decide on the final selection procedure. Selection should take place in the next GA meeting (October(November 2011). 9. Implementation of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 25 The rules of internal order aim to give a common framework and a description of working and decision making procedures of the JPI General Assembly. The rules are a supplement to the Governance Structure Document from 27 January 2011. A proposal of the RIOs (approved by the Troika) has been provided in advance of today’s GA-meeting (Version V.03 from 6 June 2011). 10. Rules of Internal Order (RIOs)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 26 11. Next GA Meeting Location: Rome Date: 23/24 November 2011
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 27 CONTACTS Christian Wehrmann E-Mail: Simone Ehrenberg-Silies E-Mail: JPI Secretariat at VDI/VDE-IT Web: E-Mail: Thank you for your kind attention!
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