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19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 1 Conflicts and Convergence in Media.

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Presentation on theme: "19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 1 Conflicts and Convergence in Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 1 Conflicts and Convergence in Media Coverage about the Euro Crisis in Eight European Countries Paper presented at the 5th European Communication Conference Lisbon November 2014 Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz I University of Koblenz-Landau

2 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 2 European Public Sphere vs. National Stereotypes Differences between coverage on routine events and crisis: National coverage on European topics seems to assimilate during routine periods Coverage of crisis and unique events differs substantially across countries and seems to be dominated by national perspectives Socio-psychological causes for different media coverage of same events: Stereotypes Journalists’ Worldviews: Theory of instrumental actualization; Journalists’ attitudes and opinions guide perception of reality Establishment of Frames: “Event as event” vs. “event as news”; Future events are interpreted in the light of past experiences

3 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 3 1.In all European countries exist dominant views on the Euro Crisis. 2.Dominant views will coin the coverage on the major political events. Therefore, readers in different countries are confronted with different pictures of the same events. 3.Dominant views are caused by the preference of the media for domestic sources. Assumptions

4 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 4 Study Design and Method Content analysis of media coverage around eleven major economic and political events between 2010 and 2012 in ten European countries

5 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 5 Selected countries for analysis: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK Selection criteria: a)members and non-members of the Eurozone b)members of the Eurozone with and without debt problems c)countries with different views on the crisis (roots, responsibility, mechanisms) d)countries with a sufficient number of articles Identification of Countries for Analysis

6 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 6 Dominant Views Roots Responsibility Mechanisms National Policies Starting Conditions Political Roots National Policies Starting Conditions National Policies Germany France UK Italy Spain Finland Netherlands Belgium Eurozone members Supranat. Orga. Eurozone members Loans with supervision Loans without supervision ECB loans Loans without supervision Reduce of budget deficits Loans without supervision Reduce of budget deficits

7 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 7 Immediate Impact of Political Events on Media Coverage? Quasi-Experiments Amount of dominant views in national coverage seven days before the events Amount of dominant views in national coverage seven days after the events Central political and economic events ∑ 11

8 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 8 Effects of Political Events GEFRUKITSPBELFINNET %

9 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 9 Direction of Significant Effects Roots: Italy Dominant view: National Politics Mechanism: Italy Dominant view: Loans without supervision  All of the significant changes reduced the dominance of the typical views Responsiblity: UK Dominant view: Euro zone members Mechanism: Germany Dominant view: Loans with supervision %

10 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 10 Delayed Impact of Political Events on Media Coverage? Comparing Periods n

11 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 11 Delayed Impacts GEFRUKITSPBELFINNET % At least 54 % of all possible changes are significant

12 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 12 Convergence Regarding Roots and Mechanisms % % GE National Policies UK Starting Conditions BEL National Policies FIN National Policies GE Loans with supervision FR Loans without supervision IT Loans without supervision FIN Loans without supervision NET Loans without supervision

13 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 13 Consolidation of Dominant Views Regarding Responsibilities % GE Eurozone members FR Eurozone members BEL Eurozone members FIN Eurozone members

14 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 14 Effect of National Players? National Players (Politicians, Business, Economists, Bankers…) Non-National Players (Politicians, Business, Economists, Bankers…) JournalistsMedia ? ?

15 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 15 Relevance of National Players n  Dominance of domestic sources in two countries under investigation only

16 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 16 Significant Role of Sources: Responsibilities only GEFRUKITSPBELFINNET % Only 17 % show significant difference in the number of sources

17 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 17 Instrumentalizing International Sources GE Eurozone members FR Eurozone members IT Supranat. Orga FIN Eurozone members %  Dominant views on responsibility coincides with the dominance of international sources

18 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 18 Instrumental actualization National Players (Politicians, Business, Economists, Bankers…) Non-National Players (Politicians, Business, Economists, Bankers…) JournalistsMedia

19 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 19 Findings: Dominant views on roots, responsibility to solve and mechanisms needed shaped coverage more than major events From period 1 to period 3, the public controversies between some countries diminished; exception: dominant views on responsibilities Explanation:  Instrumental actualization: The media used international sources to legitimize national views Effects:  The readers got the impression, that not only national but also international actors support their domestic point of view. This might have contributed to the growing feeling in many European countries to be the victim of unnecessary, unfair and dangerous political and economic decisions. Conclusions

20 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 20 De Vreese, Claes H. (2001). Europe in the News: A cross-national comparative study of the newscoverage of key EU events, European Union Politics, 2(3): 283-307. De Vreese, Claes H.; Peter, Jochen and Semetko, Holly A. (2001). Framing politics at the launch of the euro: A cross-national comparative study of frames in the news, Political Communication, 18(2): 107-122. Entman, Robert M. (1991). Framing U.S. Coverage of International News: Contrasts in Narratives of the KAL and Iran Air Incidents. Journal of Communication, 41 (4), 6-27. legel, Ruth C. and Chaffee, Steven H. (1971). Influences of Editors, Readers, and Personal Opinions on Reporters. Journalism Quarterly 48: 645-652. Gattermann, Katjana (2013). News about the European Parliament: Patterns and external drivers of broadsheet coverage, European Union Politics, 14(3): 436–457. Kepplinger, Hans Mathias; Brosius, Hans-Bernd and Staab, Joachim Friedrich (1991). Instrumental Actualization: A Theory of Mediated Conflicts. European Journal of Communication, 6 (3): 263-290. Kepplinger, Hans Mathias and Lemke, Richard (2013): Communication in Conflicts: Instrumentalizing Fukushima. Paper Presented at the ICA Conference. London 2013. Halloran, James D.; Elliott, Philip and Murdock, Graham (1970): Demonstrations and Communication: A Case Study. Middlesex. Lang, Kurt and Lang, Gladys Engel (1953). The Unique Perspective of Television and its Effect: A Pilot Study. American Sociological Review 18: 2-12. Larcinese, Valentino; Puglisi, Riccardo and Snyder Jr, James M. (2011). Partisan Bias in Economic News: Evidence on the Agenda-Setting Behavior of U.S. Newspapers. Journal of Public Economics, 95: 1178-1189. Lippmann, Walter (1949). Public Opinion. New York: The Macmillan Company. Molotch, Harvey and Lester, Marilyn (1974). News as Purposive Behavior: On the Strategic Use of Routine Events, Accidents, and Scandals. American Sociological Review 39: 101-112. Negrine, Ralph; Kejanlioglu, Beybin; Aissaoui, Rabah and Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos (2008). Turkey and the European Union: An analysis of how the press in four countries covered Turkey's bid for accession in 2004, European Journal of Communication, 23(1): 47-68. Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth and Mathes, Rainer (1987): The ´Event as Event´ and the ´Event as News´: The significance of ´Consonance´ for Media Effects Research. European Journal of Communication 2: 391-414. Peter, Jochen; Semetko, Holly A. and de Vreese, Claes H.(2003). EU politics on television news: A cross-national comparativestudy, European Union Politics, 4(3): 305–327. Pfetsch, Barabara; Adam, Silke and Escher, Barbara (2008).The contribution of the press to Europeanization of public debates. A comparative study of issue salience and conflict lines of European integration, Journalism,9(4): 465-492. White, David M. (1950). The „Gatekeeper”: A Case study in the Selection of News. Journalism Quarterly, 27: 383-390. References

21 19. Juni 2016 | Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz | Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Christina Koehler, Senja Post | 21 Identification dominant views RootsResponsibilityMechanism nnn Germany72302426 France76302204 UK9310691 Italy30230154 Spain2711238 Belgium178053 Finland24196137 Netherlands36243134 All articles in which dominant views on one topic (i.e. roots, responsibility, and mechanisms) were combined with inconsistent views on other topics were excluded from the analysis

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