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WSLL Philosophy. WSLL Mission Statement All Directors, Officers, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the.

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Presentation on theme: "WSLL Philosophy. WSLL Mission Statement All Directors, Officers, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the."— Presentation transcript:

1 WSLL Philosophy

2 WSLL Mission Statement All Directors, Officers, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary and the molding of the future citizens is of prime importance.

3 Have Fun ~ Recreational (all play) ~ Put players in situations that stretch their skills and your confidence ~ Sportsmanship ~ Team work ~ Grade your success by the number of returning players ~ Be proud of the progress your players make during the season ~ When players see you having fun, they will have fun too

4 It’s a game ~ Develop your middle and bottom players ~ Get as much parent help as you can ~ Be open to parent suggestions ~ Respect the umpire, avoid histrionics ~ Respect the opposition, applaud and cheer good plays by your opponents. ~ Have fun, we want you back next year ~ It’s a game

5 Care of the Fields  Leave the field in better condition than you found it. (Emphasize @ MSJLL and @ NCLL)  Rake and smooth the area around home plate, the base paths, and the mound  Hand water home plate, the mound, and bases.  Hand water dry spots in the infield  Rake the first and third base lines lengthwise  Avoid wear and tear on the infield. Do as many drills and exercises in the outfield as possible.

6 Be Prepared Practice Start and end practices on time Have a prepared plan for each practice Plan your practice in 15-25 minute increments Know where you want your players to be Bring shovel, wiffel balls, tennis balls, water, medical forms, and medical kit Carry bases for Leitch or Mormon church Do not hold up practice to give one player instructions Use parents to chase foul balls, and watch for safety Do not leave until every child has a ride home

7 Be Prepared Games a.Plan line up and positions before the game a.Require the parents to inform you in advance if a player cannot attend b.Post line up and positions in the dugout b.Younger Teams a.Designate spot for their hats and gloves b.Sit on the bench in batting order c.Have an assigned warm up catcher d.Plan your substitutions before the game e.Keep records of playing time f.Plan your pitching at least one week in advance g.Avoid slaughters

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