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MUTATIONS *Mutations are mistakes made in DNA. *Mutations can be caused by either naturally occurring, random events, or by factors in the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "MUTATIONS *Mutations are mistakes made in DNA. *Mutations can be caused by either naturally occurring, random events, or by factors in the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUTATIONS *Mutations are mistakes made in DNA. *Mutations can be caused by either naturally occurring, random events, or by factors in the environment. *Any environmental factor in the environment that causes a mutation is a mutagen. (UV light, radiation, chemicals, etc...) Types_of_Genetic_Mutations.asf

2 Gene Mutations: Changes in a single gene. (like errors in a sentence) EX: THE CAT ATE THE RAT THA CAT ATE THE BAT Types of Gene Mutations Point Mutation: (Substitutions) *A change in a single base. Ex:Sickle Cell Anemia *ATT CGG AAT TAA GCG TTA Frameshift Mutation: *A base is inserted or deleted. *It ruins the reading frame. Protein_Synthesis_and_Sickle_Cell.asf

3 Types of Gene Mutations:


5 Chromosomal Mutations Involve changes in the number of chromosomes or in their structure. Types: *Nondisjunction: failure of chromosomes to separate correctly during meiosis. EX: Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) *Deletion: part of a chromosome breaks off during mitosis or meiosis. (often cause death) *Inversion: a section of a chromosome breaks off, changes direction, and recombines on the same chromosome. (not serious) *Translocation: a piece of a broken chromosome combines with a different chromosomes. (cause serious developmental and physical disabilities) *Duplication: a section of chromosome is repeated. (cause serious developmental and physical disabilities)



8 CONSEQUENCES OF MUTATIONS Depends on the type of cell in which the mutation occurs. (somatic or gametes) Only those that occur in gametes are passed down to the next generation. Somatic mutations can often lead to cancer.

9 Attachments Types_of_Genetic_Mutations.asf Protein_Synthesis_and_Sickle_Cell.asf

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