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Structure of DNA. Nucleus - Chromosomes - Genes - DNA.

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Presentation on theme: "Structure of DNA. Nucleus - Chromosomes - Genes - DNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure of DNA

2 Nucleus - Chromosomes - Genes - DNA

3 D NA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Controls the production of proteins in the cell

4 Shape of DNA double helix (2 strands twisted together) Watson and Crick Rosalind Franklin

5 DNA is composed of nucleotides

6 Cytosine C Thymine T Adenine A Guanine G DNA has four different nitrogen bases : C=G A=T

7 DNA has 2 strands that fit together like a zipper. Hydrogen Bonds "stick" the 2 strands together

8 DNA Replication when DNA copies itself

9 Replication occurs before mitosis and meiosis. Why???

10 Semi-Conservative Replication each piece of DNA is made up of 1 old strand and 1 new strand

11 Transcription

12 DNA - the master copy of directions a cell needs to make proteins DNA in the nucleus is safe DNA in the cytoplasm can be destroyed

13 RNA (ribonucleic acid) copy of DNA that goes out into the cytoplasm tells the cell what to do


15 What is transcription? When RNA is made from 1 gene in DNA The type of RNA made - mRNA (messenger RNA) it sends a message from DNA to the cytoplasm

16 Steps in Transcription 1. Unzip one gene in DNA 2. Match up bases to one side of a gene in DNA 3. mRNA detaches from the DNA 4. mRNA moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm Codon - 3 bases

17 Translation making the protein


19 How does mRNA tell the cell what to do? mRNA is a message that codes for a protein Proteins are made in the cytoplasm & then work to keep the cell alive Translation (protein synthesis): Process of making a protein There are 20 different types of amino acids

20 Process of Translation 1. mRNA moves out of nucleus and into cytoplasm 2. mRNA attaches to a ribosome 3. Transfer RNA (tRNA) decodes the mRNA & brings amino acids to build up the protein 4. Protein (chain of amino acids) detaches from ribosome & goes off to work in the cell t RNA A mino acid A nticodon (3 bases on tRNA): Matches up to codons on mRNA

21 ACU Different codons code for different amino acids!!!

22 ACAATGTAG mRNA Amino Acid -

23 Mutations

24 Mutations can happen when cells make mistakes in copying their own DNA. 2 Types of Mutations Gene Mutations Chromosomal Mutations

25 Gene Mutations 1. Point Mutations: single base change Substitutions

26 Substitution Changes 1 base for another A T T C G A G C T A T T C T A G C T

27 Sickle Cell Anemia Caused by A changed to T (glu to val)

28 Frame Shift Mutations Change multiple bases in the code thefatcatatetherat the-fat-cat-ate-the-rat Insertion – a piece of DNA is copied too many times thefatcatateateateatetherat the-fat-cat-ate-ate-ate-ate-the-rat Deletion- a piece of the DNA code for 1 gene is lost Thefatcatatetherat The-fat-ata-tet-her-at

29 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Cause – deletion in the gene that codes for a muscle protein

30 Chromosomal Mutations Changes the number or structure of whole chromosomes Deletions Duplications Inversions Translocations

31 Chromosomal Deletions Piece of chromosome is lost Duplications Piece of DNA is copied too many times

32 Huntington’s Disease Degenerative Brain Disorder Lose ability to walk, think, talk, reason Cause – addition of extra CAG repeats

33 Inversion Segment flips and reads Translocation Segment breaks off and joins a different non- homologous chromosome

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