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Growth and Conflict Unit 1 Chapter 2. A. Key Events of Early Presidencies 1. George Washington’s Presidency  Developed cabinet of advisors  Political.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth and Conflict Unit 1 Chapter 2. A. Key Events of Early Presidencies 1. George Washington’s Presidency  Developed cabinet of advisors  Political."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth and Conflict Unit 1 Chapter 2

2 A. Key Events of Early Presidencies 1. George Washington’s Presidency  Developed cabinet of advisors  Political parties established over Bank of the US (interpreted constitution differently) – Democratic –Republicans (strong State govts) – Federalists (strong Federal govt)  Retires after two terms- established “no third term rule”

3 2. John Adams Presidency (1796)  Alien and Sedition Act (1798)  Designed to limit power of Democratic Republicans  Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions -Passed in response to A-S Acts

4 3. Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency  Marbury v. Madison (1803)  Judicial Review  Implied vs. enumerated powers  Louisiana Purchase (1803)  Lewis and Clark Expedition  Beginning of westward expansion to the Pacific


6 4. James Madison’s Presidency – War of 1812 (1812-1815) British burn White House Star Spangeled Banner Battle of New Orleans

7 5. James Monroe’s Presidency  Missouri Compromise (1820) -Missouri- slave state and Maine- free state  Monroe Doctrine (1823) -Warned Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere

8 Missouri Compromise (1820)

9 7. Andrew Jackson’s Presidency – Election of 1828 Decrease in voting restrictions – Manifest Destiny Americans had right to expand from Atlantic to the Pacific; – Indian Removal Act (1830) Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Trail of Tears (1838)

10 Indian Removal and Trail of Tears

11 7. Andrew Jackson’s Presidency – Election of 1828 Decrease in voting restrictions – Manifest Destiny Americans had right to expand from Atlantic to the Pacific; – Indian Removal Act (1830) Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Trail of Tears (1838) – Bank War Jackson forced Bank of the US to close – Tariffs and Nullification Controversy (1830) States vs. federal power

12 B. Growth and Reform during the 1800s  Industrial Revolution  Discrimination against Immigrants  Nativism- native born are better  2 nd Great Awakening (religion)  Social Reforms  Temperance Societies- no alcohol  Women’s Rights  Abolition Organizations- end slavery

13 Carrie Nation and the American Temperance Society

14 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Declaration of Sentiments

15 Abolition Movement

16 C. The Union Dissolves 1.Slavery 1.Free v. Slave states (Compromise of 1850) 2.Dred Scott Case (1857) 2.Kansas-Nebraska Act 3.Incident at Harper’s Ferry 4. Election of 1860

17 D. Formation of the Confederate States of America 1.S. Carolina first to secede followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas- create own country 2.Firing on Ft. Sumter (April 1861) 1.South attacked officially starting the war 3.Confederacy at war w/U.S. 1.Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee join Confederacy


19 D. The Civil War 1.North vs. South  North (Union) – $, industry, organized milt., lg. pop.  South (CSA) – Superior military leadership 2.Emancipation Proclamation (January 1863) 3.Gettysburg Address (November 1863) 4.Surrender at Appomattox (April 1865)

20 E. Rebuilding America 1. Reconstruction  Physical/political rebuilding of the US after Civil War 2. Lincoln’s Assassination (April 1865)  Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth 3. Reconstruction Amendments  13 th Amend. – Made slavery illegal  14 th Amend. – Made discrimination illegal  15 th Amend. – African American males right to vote

21 F. End of Reconstruction 1. Election of 1876/Compromise of 1877  No clear winner in electoral college  Compromise brings an end to Reconstruction - Republicans received the presidency -Democrats got an end to Reconstruction 2. African Americans after Reconstruction  Black Codes took away African Americans civil rights

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