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Applying Evidence to Practice Niall Winters London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education, University of London

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1 Applying Evidence to Practice Niall Winters London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education, University of London

2 Participatory Pattern Workshops How do we articulate and capture knowledge on the design of technology-enhanced learning interventions? Build on people's experience of what has worked in the past for them in their own context

3 Design Template Overview Title Problem – What is the problem you are addressing? Context – What is the setting in which it occurs? What resources are available? Who needs to be involved? Why is the solution an improvement? Solution – A step-by-step outline solution to the problem – What contributes to the outcomes? – Key things you learnt through the process

4 What you'll do in the next hour Pick a general intervention type (e.g. support multigrade instruction), identify problem areas where mobiles could be leveraged to improve outcomes. Draw on the experiences of everyone in the group (15 mins). Elect a group member to write down & describe: – Title – Problem Statement (5 mins) – Context & Assumptions (10 mins) – Proposed Solution and limitations (15 mins) Allocated a person to format and give a 3-min presentation (10 mins) Assign a time-keeper!

5 Example Intervention type – Provide an appropriate level of language learning materials to young people in a local language Problem: How do we provide materials in situations where printed books are expensive? Title Yoza: engaging young people with mobile phone stories

6 Example Context – In SA books are unaffordable – Only 7% of schools have functioning libraries – However mobile texting and IMs is prolific MXit has 15m subscribers – Mobile phone penetration is 90% – SMS is part of the reading and writing of digital literacy

7 Example Solution – Publish stories on mobile phones – Make sure teens can engage with it Local language – Make it interactive Learners should be able to comment on events and characters in the story Embed it within a social network, e.g. Wall pages for characters

8 Example Solution (continued) – Pick a specific age group – Make it relevant: have learners come up with potential storylines pre-launch – Make it mobile Short chapters < 400 words Serialise it

9 Example Limitations – If used in formal school contexts, use of a social network may be problematic

10 Breakout Group Work A.Literacy A.Steve B.Matt C.Fancesc B.System Strengthening A.Anda B.Niall C.Mike C. Evidence and Scaling Up A. John B. Paul C. Scott

11 Guidance

12 Guidance Part 1 Participants are often too close to their context so try and get them to be explicit and as detailed as possible. Sometimes what is obvious to them is not obvious to others When they are discussing their cases, scaffold what they are doing by asking – What is the case an example of? – What made it successful? – What in the context made it successful? – When will it not work? – What other cases in the group are similar?

13 Guidance Part 2 Be explicit about the problem. Why is it a problem? How useful is the solution obtained? Can it easily be implemented by someone else? When can it (not) be used? Talk me through the solution Draw out the steps The context is the overall setting in which the problem occurs Tease out the solution. Can be implemented outside of this context? If not, why not? Remove non-essential details

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