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Notes on Homogenization of Periodic Mediums (I) #3.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes on Homogenization of Periodic Mediums (I) #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes on Homogenization of Periodic Mediums (I) #3

2 Modelling mechanicals static action and reaction from solid materials point of view took linear tendency in what so called elastic region. Evaluate elastic constants is a topic of modelling and design evaluation. Topology homogenization Mixing rule Experimental Math- experimental relations

3 Method of Stiffness Prediction Rule of Mixture special cases as Hart-Smith 10% Rule –Used in aerospace industry as a quick method of estimating stiffness Empirical Formulae –Based solely on test data Classical Laminate Analysis –LAP software

4 Rule of Mixtures A composite is a mixture or combination of two (or more) materials The Rule of Mixtures formula can be used to calculate / predict… –Young’s Modulus (E) –Density –Poisson’s ratio –Strength (UTS) very optimistic prediction ; Strength very difficult to predict.

5 Mechanical properties structurally dependent relations Regression based relations According to topological and experimental data Imperial relations that best fit Usually -Power law form;

6 Topology of Periodic Structure media






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