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The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic The Voice of Business.

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Presentation on theme: "The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic The Voice of Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic The Voice of Business in the Czech Republic E-mail:

2 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Non-governmental Voluntary Federation of Employers and Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic

3 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Membership 1600 Member-organizations representing industry,transport and other services 27 Branch and professional associations 120 Direct members 1.600.000 Employees

4 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Trade and Business networking Trade missions Workshops and conferences Trade fairs and catalogue exhibitions Outsourcing service

5 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Czech Republic Development Cooperation Overall Objective: To reduce powerty in less-developed countries To maintain sustainable development

6 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Main Principles Partnership Efficiency Transparency Aid volume makes 0,11% of the GDP

7 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Priority Countries Angola,Zambia, Yemen Vietnam, Mongolia Moldavia,Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro

8 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value 2005 Statistics Czech Republic realized 114 bilateral development projects: 34 - Environmental protection 19 – Development education and culture 16 – Agriculture 12 – Migration and security 12 – Industrial Development 9 – Education 5 – Healthcare 4 – Social development 2 – Coordination 1 – Transport The total volume of development aid – USD 135 milion

9 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Private Sector Engagement Private Sector Platform for Development Cooperation Coordinates and supports participation of the Czech Businesses in the bilateral foreign development cooperation projects Iniciates proposals for sectoral and geographical strategies and priorities 30 members – companies and institutions

10 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Main Goal of the Platform To support private sector´engagement in the ODA To promote basic principles of development aid among Czech entrepreneurs To initiate and create more efficient system of ODA in the Czech Republic To promote coherency of the export and development policy of the Czech government To provide Czech companies assistance in multilateral ODA projects

11 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Top recipients of EU bilateral Aid (MS and EC), Millions US$, 2004 (*) Other non DAC donors excludes all EU countries. (**) Total ODA, including non DAC donors. Source: IDS Online- DAC Database - Destination of Official Development Assistance and Official Aid - Disbursements (Table 2a). Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia data collected by the European Commission (DG Development). 1st to 10th 11th to 20th Ranking of countries: 21st to 30th 31st to 40th EU Share of ODA in 2004 **Total Aid (bilateral and multilateral) EU Aid: At a Glance *

12 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value

13 The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic representing those who create value Thank you for your attention Dagmar Kuchtová Deputy Director General Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

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