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Energy Efficiency in your Manufacturing Operations Reduce energy costs, increase profit margins.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency in your Manufacturing Operations Reduce energy costs, increase profit margins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficiency in your Manufacturing Operations Reduce energy costs, increase profit margins

2 Who am I?  Wayne Layugan, Project Engineer  Email:  Phone: 808-539-3702

3 Who are we?  Program of High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC)  Innovate Hawaii is federally funded to assist manufacturers in Hawaii  Training programs  Direct Service  Innovate Hawaii represents manufacturing in Hawaii  Create  Build  Grow

4 Energy Efficiency in your Manufacturing Operations Reduce energy costs, increase profit margins

5 Measureable = Improvable  What you can’t measure, you don’t know  What you don’t know, you can’t improve  Without observation and measurement, there is no improvement

6 How to get started?  Do It Yourself (FREE!)  Don’t Do It Yourself ($$)

7 Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star Tools (FREE!)


9 Develop an energy management plan Use Energy Star Guidelines for Energy Management

10 Baseline/Benchmarking (Assess Performance)  How are you doing? How do you know?  Comparing energy performance to something similar  Performance at the same time last year  Performance compared to similar facilities  Helps determine where to focus efforts

11 Portfolio Manager (Assess Performance)  Secure online tool  Helps you measure and track  Energy Use  Water Use  Greenhouse Gas Emissions  Multiple properties  Add property, enter data, view results/progress  Create custom reports and charts

12 Assess your Energy Program  Energy Program Assessment Matrix (Excel)  energy-program-assessment-matrix-excel energy-program-assessment-matrix-excel  (alt) (alt)  Energy Team will plan, implement, benchmark, monitor, and evaluate your energy management program


14 Assess your Facilities  Facility Assessment Matrix (Excel)  facility-energy-assessment-matrix-excel facility-energy-assessment-matrix-excel  (alt) (alt)  Conduct walkthrough and looks for areas to implement “Sure Energy Savers”  Lighting, Windows and Walls, Office Equipment, HVAC, Water


16 Identify Energy Savings  Energy Star Guide for Identifying Energy Savings in Manufacturing Plants  Manufacturing-specific tips to save energy and money  Motor Systems  Compressed air  Steam Systems  Additional links and resources for your plant or business

17 DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC), Case Studies, IAC Database (FREE!)




21 Managing and Optimizing Systems and Equipment  EERE Software tools website (FREE!)  Steam System Modeler  Process Heating Modeler  AIRMaster+  MotorMaster+  Pump System Assessment Tool (PSAT)  Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT) 

22 Manufacturing Assistance Program  $2 million matching award  Manufacturing Grant for State FY16  July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016  Reimbursement award, 20% of cost up to $100K on qualified manufacturing expenses  Minimum grant amount is $1,500  One grant application per company per year

23 Manufacturing Assistance Program  Qualified manufacturing expenses:  Manufacturing equipment  Training of employees to use manufacturing equipment  Energy efficiency projects in manufacturing process  Feasibility studies for expansion

24 Eligibility Requirements  1) Conducts manufacturing activities in the State 2) Categorized as a manufacturer as defined by the federal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 31, 32, and 33 3) Duns and Bradstreet (DUNS) number 4) If awarded, will own and operate manufacturing equipment in the State for a minimum of two years 5) Demonstrate financial viability of business and ability to cover the balance of the cost of the good or service 6) Registered to do business in the State

25 How to apply?   Review process  Proof of purchase/invoice  Demonstration of company financial viability  Site Visit  Review Committee approves award  Questions, Issues with application  Email:



28 Summary  You can’t manage what you don’t measure  Free tools to get started    Manufacturing Assistance Program  Reimbursable grant for qualified manufacturing expenses  Apply at

29 Wayne Layugan Email: Phone: 808-539-3702 Questions?

30 Hawaii Administrative Rules   Grants may be used by any recipient for any of the following purposes: 1. Purchase of manufacturing equipment 2. Training of employees on the use of manufacturing equipment 3. Improving existing energy efficiency manufacturing equipment or the purchase of improved energy efficiency equipment in the manufacturing process 4. Studying or planning the implementation of a new manufacturing facility

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