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First Aid. Giving First Aid  “the immediate care given to someone who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be provided”

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid. Giving First Aid  “the immediate care given to someone who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be provided”"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid

2 Giving First Aid  “the immediate care given to someone who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be provided”

3 Choking Signs of choking:  Grabbing at the throat and neck  Coughing  Gagging  Wheezing  Turning blue in the face  If a person can cry, speak, or cough forcefully then do not give first aid. Air is able to enter the lungs.  If a person cannot talk or make sound, give first aid immediately.

4 Heimlich maneuver  First ask, "Are you choking? Can you speak?" DO NOT perform first aid if the person is coughing forcefully and is able to speak. A strong cough can often dislodge the object.  If the person is choking, perform abdominal thrusts as follows:  If the person is sitting or standing, position yourself behind the person and reach your arms around his or her waist. For a child, you may have to kneel.  Place your fist, thumb side in, just above the person's navel (belly button).  Grasp the fist tightly with your other hand.  Make quick, upward and inward thrusts with your fist.  If the person is lying on his or her back, straddle the person facing the head. Push your grasped fist upward and inward in a movement similar to the one above.

5  You may need to repeat the procedure several times before the object is dislodged. If repeated attempts do not free the airway, call 911.  If the person loses consciousness, start CPR.  If you are not comfortable performing abdominal thrusts, you can perform back blows instead on a person who is choking.  To give back blows stand slightly behind the person and place one arm diagonally across the chest and lean them forward. Strike the person between the shoulder blades 5 times.  If you start to choke with no one around then you can perform abdominal thrust on yourself with your hands or use the back of a chair or low railing to perform abdominal thrust.

6 Take universal precautions  Protect yourself and the victim when giving first aid.  Minimize the chances of contacting blood or other body fluids.  Wear gloves when giving first aid to a victim  Avoid touching objects that were or are in contact with the victims blood  Wear or use a face mask/mouthpiece when giving rescue breaths when available  Always wash your hands immediately after providing first aid

7 Basic First Aid Action Plan- DRS ABCD  Check for D anger: Make sure the area or situation is safe for you, the victim, and bystanders.  Check for R esponse: Talk and touch. Ask their name or if they are okay. Tap or squeeze them on the shoulders. If no response...  S end for help: Call 911 or have someone near by call 911.  Open the A irway: Use the head tilt and chin lift technique to open the airway. If the airway is blocked roll the victim on their side to clear the airway.  Check for B reathing: Look, listen, and feel for normal breathing. If not breathing or not breathing normally begin CPR  C PR: Give 30 compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths. If unable or unwilling to give rescue breaths, give compression only CPR.  Attach a D efibrillator (AED=Automated External Defibrillator): Attach an AED as soon as available and follow the prompts.

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