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List 3. CALLIGRAPHY Calli (beautiful) + graphein (to write) Pretty words Bellus Calli.

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Presentation on theme: "List 3. CALLIGRAPHY Calli (beautiful) + graphein (to write) Pretty words Bellus Calli."— Presentation transcript:

1 List 3

2 CALLIGRAPHY Calli (beautiful) + graphein (to write) Pretty words Bellus Calli

3 CANDIDATE Candio (light) From Roman candidates who wore white.

4 CAPTAIN Caput (head) Head words: caput, cephal, cheif

5 CARPET Carpere (to pluck)

6 CARTOGRAPHY Cartere (card) + graphein (to write) Write words: graph, script, cripe

7 CATACOMB Cata (among) + tumbas (tombs) Words for tomb: Taphos/tumbas

8 CAUSTIC Kaustus (to burn)

9 CHAPEL Cappas – cape of St. Marten preserved in first chapel

10 CHAUVINISM Nicholas Chauvin – French soldier in Napoleon’s army known for his patriotism. Now used to describe a bias.

11 CHIROGRAPHY Chiros (hand) + graphein (to write) Hand words – chiros, manu

12 CHROMOPHOBIA Chroma (color) + phobia (fear of )

13 CIRCUMSTANCE Circum (around) + stare (to stand) Circle words – circum, kyklos

14 COHABIT Com (with/together) + habitare (to dwell)

15 COMRADE Chamberfellow/roommate

16 COMPARE Com (with/together) + par (equal)

17 CONOID Konos (cone) + eidos (to look like)

18 CONDONE Com (with/together) + donare (to give)

19 CONSPIRE Com (with/together) + spirare (to breath)

20 CONVINCE Com (with/together) + vincere (to conquer)

21 COSMOGRAPHY Cosmos (universe) + graphein (to write)

22 CREDIT Credere (to trust)

23 CRUSADE Crux (cross)

24 CUTANEAOUS Cutis (skin) Skin words: cutis/dermos

25 CONFIDE Com (with/together) + fidere (to trust)

26 DANDELION Dent (tooth) + de (of) + leo (lion) Tooth of the lion

27 DECIMATE Decem (10) Every 10 th man punished to reduce numbers

28 DECUMBENT De (down) + cumbere (to lie/recline)

29 DEICIDE Deus (god) + cide (to kill) Words for God: Theos, deus, got

30 DENTIST Dent (tooth)

31 DEUTEROGAMY Deuteros (second) + gamos (marriage)

32 DIGIT Digitus (finger/toe) Finger words – digitus/dactyle

33 CONGREGATION Com (with/together) + gregare (to gather/flock)

34 CONVEY Com (with/together) + via (way)

35 CORRODE Com (with/together) + rodere (to gnaw)

36 COUNTERFEIT Contra (against) + facare (to do or make)

37 CYCLONE Kyklos (circle)

38 DAISY Deag (days) + eage (eye) Day’s Eye

39 decelerate De (down) + celer (swift)

40 dendrochronology Dendros (tree) + chronos (time) + logy (study of)

41 dispsomania Dipso (thirst) + mania (madness) Thirst for alcohol

42 Orthodontist Orthos (straight/right) + dent (tooth)

43 pachyderm Pachy (thick) + dermos (skin)

44 polytheist Poly (many) + theos (god)

45 velocipede Velos (swift) + ped (foot)

46 exfenestracide Ex (out) + fenentra (window) + cidere (to kill)

47 sunflower Heliotrope –helio (sun) + tropos (to turn)

48 Philo (love) Philogynist – love + gynos (woman) Philocracy – love + kratos (ruler/rules) Philosophy – love + sophia (wisdom) Philotheism – love + theos (God) Philology – love + logos (speak) Philanthropy – love + anthropo (man) Philharmonic – love + harmonia (agreement)

49 Philo words Pediphelia – pedi (child) + philo Hippophelia – hippo (horse) + philo

50 Miso (hate) Misoneism – hate new or changed things Misopedia – hate + children Misogamist – hate + gamos (marriage) Misogynist – hate + gynos (women) Misanthrop – hate + anthropo (man) Misology – hate + logos (to speak) Misophobia – hate + phobia (fear)

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