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Implementing Training Packages. 4 May 2010 Training Packages 2 What are Training Packages? Set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Training Packages. 4 May 2010 Training Packages 2 What are Training Packages? Set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Training Packages

2 4 May 2010 Training Packages 2 What are Training Packages? Set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing peoples’ skills. Describe the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace.

3 4 May 2010 Training Packages 3 Using Training Packages Consulting with Industry Developing Training and Assessment Strategies Developing Assessment Tools Assessment Validation and Review and Monitoring This resource has now been included on the InfoLinks page of MyTAFE

4 4 May 2010 Training Packages 4 How it Works National Training Package Course Design Course Delivery & Assessment Learning & Assessment Strategies What Units? Negotiated Training Plan How and where will the units be delivered How and where will the units be assessed Qualifications

5 4 May 2010 Training Packages 5 Unpacking a Training Package Training Packages are a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing peoples skills They are not curriculum documents They do not describe how to train an individual They do not describe learning outcomes

6 4 May 2010 Training Packages 6 Unpacking a Training Package Endorsed components 1.Competency standards 2.Assessment guidelines 3.Qualifications framework Non-endorsed components Training support materials

7 4 May 2010 Training Packages 7 Unpacking a Training Package Understanding competency units Competency unit describes a discrete area of work. It is NOT a description of the learning process. Five dimensions: Task skills Task management skills Contingency management skills Job/role environment skills Transferability skills

8 4 May 2010 Training Packages 8 Parts of a competency unit Unit Code Unit Title Unit Descriptor National code This is the unit of competence; a discrete area of work or skill Clarifies and amplifies the title ELEMENTPERFORMANCE CRITERIA Describe the tasks or skill outcomes which make up the broader unit. “Part of my job is to…” Statements which specify what is to be assessed and the required level of performance. “I know I can do this when …”

9 4 May 2010 Training Packages 9 Reading a competency unit RANGE STATEMENT EVIDENCE GUIDE The range of contexts and conditions in which the performance can take place. Previously called range of variables. Assists with interpreting and assessing the unit. Specifies the critical aspects of the unit and the evidence required to demonstrate the competency.

10 4 May 2010 Training Packages 10 Reading a competency unit Employability Skills CommunicationTeamworkProblem Solving Initiative and enterprise Planning and organising Self Mgt LearningTechnology 11111111 Defines life and general work skills and their performance levels required to perform the competency. Replaced by embedded employability skills from 2006.

11 4 May 2010 Training Packages 11 More Information _TAFE _TAFE

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