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Chapter 10: The Plant Kingdom Chapter: Plants Table of Contents Section 3: Seed PlantsSeed Plants Section 1: An Overview of Plants Section 2: Seedless.

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2 Chapter 10: The Plant Kingdom

3 Chapter: Plants Table of Contents Section 3: Seed PlantsSeed Plants Section 1: An Overview of Plants Section 2: Seedless PlantsSeedless Plants

4 Between 260,000 and 300,000 plant species have been discovered and identified. Without plants, most life on Earth as we know it would not be possible. What is a plant? An Overview of Plants 1 1 Plants are important food sources to humans and other consumers.

5 Plants range in size from microscopic water ferns to giant sequoia trees that are sometimes more than 100 m in height. Most have roots or rootlike structures. Plant Characteristics An Overview of Plants 1 1

6 Plants are adapted to nearly every environment on Earth. All plants need water. Plant Characteristics An Overview of Plants 1 1

7 A plant cell has a cell membrane, a nucleus, and other organelles. In addition, plant cells have cell walls that provide structure and protection. Plant Cells An Overview of Plants 1 1

8 Most plant cells contain the green pigment chlorophyll, so most plants are green. Chlorophyll is found in a cell structure called a chloroplast. Plant Cells An Overview of Plants 1 1

9 This structure plays an important role in regulating the water content of the cell. Plant Cells An Overview of Plants 1 1 Most plant cells have a large, membrane- bound structure called the central vacuole that takes up most of the space inside of the cell.

10 Algae can survive only in damp areas. Why? (p.364) How does the structure of plants allow them to live in dry areas? Comparing Plants to Algae An Overview of Plants 1 1

11 Plants and green algae have the same types of chlorophyll and carotenoids in their cells. Does this mean that plants and green algae have a common ancestor? Comparing Plants to Algae An Overview of Plants 1 1

12 Most animals have bones or other hard parts that can fossilize. Plants usually decay before they become fossilized. Fossil Record An Overview of Plants 1 1

13 However, we have found some fossilized plants. To form fossils, you need…  Quick burial.  Water, in the right amounts.  Suitable minerals. …so, conditions during the Genesis flood were ideal for “fossilizing” millions of animals and plants. Fossil Record An Overview of Plants 1 1

14 More sunlight and carbon dioxide—needed for photosynthesis—are available on land than in water. (where do you find plants?) During photosynthesis, plants give off oxygen. Plant Structure An Overview of Plants 1 1

15 Plant Structure: Protection and Support An Overview of Plants 1 1 The cuticle slows the loss of water. Covering the stems, leaves, and flowers of many plants is a cuticle, a waxy, protective layer secreted by cells onto the surface of the plant.

16 Like all cells, plants cells have cell membranes, but they also have rigid cell walls outside the membrane. Plant Structure: Protection and Support An Overview of Plants 1 1 Long chains of cellulose molecules form tangled fibers in plant cell walls. These fibers provide structure and support.

17 Cells of some plants secrete other substances into the cellulose that make the cell wall even stronger. Other Cell Wall Substances An Overview of Plants 1 1 Trees, such as oaks and pines, could not grow without these strong cell walls.

18 Vascular tissue An Overview of Plants 1 1 Many plants have structures that distribute water, nutrients, and food to all plant cells.

19 Some plants reproduce through water- resistant spores Reproduction An Overview of Plants 1 1 Other plants produce water-resistant seeds in cones or in flowers that develop into fruits.

20 Classification of Plants An Overview of Plants 1 1 Scientists group plants into 2 major groups: vascular or nonvascular plants.

21 Vascular plants have tubelike structures that carry water, nutrients, and other substances throughout the plant. Classification of Plants An Overview of Plants 1 1 Nonvascular plants do not have these tubelike structures and use other ways to move water and substances.

22 1 1 Section Check Question 1 Why are most plants green? Most plants contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Plants need chlorophyll to make food using the process of photosynthesis. Answer NC: 4.03

23 1 1 Section Check Question 2 Plants and green ______use the same pigments for photosynthesis. A. algae B. fungi C. sponges D. viruses NC: 4.03

24 1 1 Section Check Answer The correct answer is A. Both plants and green algae have the same types of chlorophyll and carotenoids in their cells. Carotenoids are red, yellow, or orange pigments. NC: 4.03

25 1 1 Section Check Question 3 Why might you expect a plant living on land to use photosynthesis more efficiently than an aquatic plant? More sunlight and carbon dioxide are available on land. Both of these are needed for photosynthesis. Answer NC: 7.02

26 Seedless Nonvascular Plants Nonvascular plants are usually just a few cells thick and only 2 cm to 5 cm in height. Instead of roots, threadlike structures called rhizoids (RI zoydz) anchor them where they grow. Seedless Plants 2 2

27 Seedless Nonvascular Plants Most nonvascular plants grow in places that are damp. Seedless Plants 2 2

28 Seedless Nonvascular Plants Water is absorbed and distributed directly through their cell membranes and cell walls. Nonvascular plants also do not have flowers or cones that produce seed. They reproduce by spores. Seedless Plants 2 2

29 Mosses Mosses have green, leaflike growths arranged around a central stalk. Sometimes stalks with caps grow from moss plants. Reproductive cells called spores are produced in the caps of these stalks. Seedless Plants 2 2

30 Liverworts In the ninth century, liverworts were thought to be useful in treating diseases of the liver. Liverworts are rootless plants with flattened, leaflike bodies. They usually have one-celled rhizoids. Seedless Plants 2 2

31 Hornworts Most hornworts are less than 2.5 cm in diameter and have a flattened body like liverworts. Almost all hornworts have only one chloroplast in each of their cells. Hornworts get their name from their spore-producing structures, which look like tiny horns of cattle. Seedless Plants 2 2

32 Nonvascular Plants and the Environment Mosses and liverworts are important in the ecology of many areas. They can grow in thin soil and in soils where other plants could not grow. Spores of mosses and liverworts are carried by the wind. Seedless Plants 2 2

33 Nonvascular Plants and the Environment Mosses often are among the first plants to grow in new or disturbed environments, such as lava fields or after a forest fire. Organisms that are the first to grow in new or disturbed areas are called pioneer species. Seedless Plants 2 2

34 Nonvascular Plants and the Environment As pioneer plants grow and die, decaying material builds up. This, along with the slow break- down of rocks, builds soil. Seedless Plants 2 2 North Face Of Piatra Craiului MountainsNorth Face Of Piatra Craiului Mountains

35 Seedless Vascular Plants Ferns and mosses are alike in one way. Both reproduce by spores instead of seeds. However, ferns are different from mosses because they have vascular tissue. Seedless Plants 2 2

36 Seedless Vascular Plants The vascular tissue is made up of long, tubelike cells. These cells carry water, minerals, and food to cells throughout the plant. Seedless Plants 2 2 Vascular plants can grow bigger and thicker because the vascular tissue distributes water and nutrients to all plants cells.

37 Types of Seedless Vascular Plants Besides ferns, seedless vascular plants include ground pines, spike mosses, and horsetails. Ferns are more abundant, with at least 12,000 known species. Seedless Plants 2 2

38 Ferns The largest group of seedless vascular plants is the ferns. They have stems, leaves, and roots. Seedless Plants 2 2 Fern leaves are called fronds. Ferns produce spores in structures that usually are found on the underside of their fronds.

39 Ferns Seedless Plants 2 2 Fern spores

40 Club Mosses Ground pines and spike mosses are groups of plants that often are called club mosses. Seedless Plants 2 2 These seedless vascular plants have needle-like leaves.

41 Club Mosses Seedless Plants 2 2 Spores are produced at the end of the stems in structures that look like tiny pine cones.

42 Horsetails The stem structure of horsetails is unique among the vascular plants. Seedless Plants 2 2 The stem is jointed and has a hollow center surrounded by a ring of vascular tissue.

43 2 2 Section Check Question 1 Sometimes stalks with caps grow from moss plants. What is the importance of these stalks? The stalks are reproductive structures of the moss plant. Reproductive cells called spores are produced in the caps of these stalks. Answer

44 2 2 Section Check Question 2 How are ferns different from mosses? A. they are seedless B. they are vascular C. they contain chlorophyll D. they produce spores NC: 7.02

45 2 2 Section Check Answer The correct answer is B. All of the other characteristics are shared by ferns and mosses. Because ferns have vascular tissue and mosses do not, ferns can grow to be much larger than mosses. NC: 7.02

46 2 2 Section Check Question 3 Submerge seedless plants in water and mud. Do not let them decay. Continue to add layers and let them compact and compress. These statements are a “recipe” for making what? NC: 4.04

47 2 2 Section Check This is a recipe for making coal. Today a similar process is taking place in bogs. When plants die in bogs, the waterlogged soil slows decay. Over time, the plants are compressed into a substance called peat. Answer NC: 4.04

48 Characteristics of Seed Plants Most seed plants have leaves, stems, roots, and vascular tissue. They also produce seeds, which usually contain an embryo and stored food. Seed Plants 3 3 The seed plants generally are classified into two major groups—gymnosperms (JIHM nuh spurmz) and angiosperms (AN jee uh spurmz).

49 Gymnosperms Gymnosperms are vascular plants that produce seeds that are not protected by fruit. Seed Plants 3 3

50 Gymnosperms Seed Plants 3 3 Another characteristic of gymnosperms is that they do not have flowers. Leaves of most gymnosperms are needlelike or scalelike.

51 Gymnosperms Four divisions of plants—conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes (NE tuh fites)— are classified as gymnosperms. Seed Plants 3 3 You are probably most familiar with the division Coniferophyta (kuh NIH fur uh fi tuh), the conifers. Pines, firs, spruces, redwoods, and junipers belong to this division.

52 Gymnosperms All conifers produce two types of cones— male and female. Seed Plants 3 3 Cones are the reproductive structures of conifers. Seeds develop on the female cone but not on the male cone.

53 Gymnosperm Life Cycle Seed Plants 3 3

54 Angiosperms An angiosperm is a vascular plant that flowers and produces fruits with one or more seeds. Seed Plants 3 3 The fruit develops from a part or parts of one or more flowers.

55 Angiosperms Angiosperms make up the plant division Anthophyta (AN thoh fi tuh). Seed Plants 3 3 More than half of the known plant species belong to this division.

56 Flowers The flowers of angiosperms vary in size, shape, and color. Seed Plants 3 3 Nearly every color can be found in some flower. Multicolored flowers are common.

57 Flowers Some flower parts develop into a fruit. Seed Plants 3 3 Most fruits contain seeds, like an apple, or have seeds on their surface, like a strawberry.

58 Flowers Seed Plants 3 3 Angiosperms are divided into two groups—the monocots and the dicots— shortened forms of the words monocotyledon (mah nuh kah tuh LEE dun) and dicotyledon (di kah tuh LEE dun).

59 Monocots and Dicots A cotyledon is part of a seed often used for food storage. Seed Plants 3 3 Monocots have one cotyledon inside their seeds and dicots have two.

60 Monocots and Dicots Many important foods come from monocots, including corn, rice, wheat, and barley. Seed Plants 3 3 Lilies and orchids also are monocots.

61 Monocots and Dicots Dicots also produce familiar foods such as peanuts, green beans, peas, apples, and oranges. Seed Plants 3 3 Most shade trees, such as maple, oak, and elm, are dicots.

62 Angiosperm Life Cycle Seed Plants 3 3

63 Importance of Seed Plants What would a day at school be like without seed plants? Seed Plants 3 3 Paper is made from wood pulp that comes from trees, which are seed plants. Clothing that is made from cotton would not exist because cotton comes from seed plants.

64 Importance of Seed Plants Bread, fruits, and potato chips all come from seed plants. Seed Plants 3 3 Milk, hamburgers, and hot dogs all come from animals that eat seed plants. Without seed plants, your day at school would be different.

65 Products of Seed Plants Conifers are the most economically important gymnosperms. Seed Plants 3 3 Most wood used for construction and for paper production comes from conifers.

66 Products of Seed Plants The most economically important plants on Earth are the angiosperms. Seed Plants 3 3 They form the basis of the diets of most animals.

67 Products of Seed Plants Seed Plants 3 3 Angiosperms are also the source of many of the fibers used in clothing.

68 3 3 Section Check Question 1 If you eat carrots for lunch, you are eating a part of the carrot plant that _______. A. has a palisade layer B. is the organ of photosynthesis C. stores food for the plant D. supports the leaves of the plant NC: 4.03

69 3 3 Section Check Answer The correct answer is C. The part of the carrot that you eat is an example of a root that stores food. Plants that grow in dry areas often have roots that store water. NC: 4.03

70 3 3 Section Check Question 2 What is the difference between where the seeds of gymnosperms are found and where the seeds of angiosperms are found?

71 3 3 Section Check Answer The seeds of gymnosperms are not protected by fruit while the seeds of angiosperms are found either in or on fruits. The word gymnosperm actually means “naked seed”. Another difference between these two groups is that angiosperms produce flowers while gymnosperms do not.

72 3 3 Section Check Question 3 What are the two major groups of angiosperms? Angiosperms are divided into monocots and dicots. The cotyledon is the seed leaf, which provides food for the embryo. Answer

73 Leaves Leaves are the organs of the plant where the food-making process— photosynthesis— usually occurs. Seed Plants 3 3 The structure of a typical leaf is adapted for photosynthesis.

74 Leaf Cell Layers Seed Plants 3 3 On the upper and lower surface of a leaf is a thin layer of cells called the epidermis, which covers and protects the leaf.

75 Leaf Cell Layers Seed Plants 3 3 Most leaves have small openings in the epidermis called stomata (STOH muh tuh).

76 Leaf Cell Layers Each stoma is surrounded by two guard cells that open and close it. Seed Plants 3 3 Just below the upper epidermis the palisade layer.

77 Leaf Cell Layers Seed Plants 3 3 It consists of closely packed, long, narrow cells that usually contain many chloroplasts. Most of the food produced by plants is made in the palisade cells.

78 Leaf Cell Layers Between the palisade layer and the lower epidermis is the spongy layer. Seed Plants 3 3 It is a layer of loosely arranged cells separated by air spaces.

79 Stems Stems usually are located above ground and support the branches, leaves, and reproductive structures. Seed Plants 3 3 Materials move between leaves and roots through the vascular tissue in the stem.

80 Stems Plant stems are either herbaceous (hur BAY shuns) or woody. Seed Plants 3 3 Herbaceous stems usually are soft and green while trees and shrubs have hard, rigid, woody stems.

81 Roots The root systems of most plants are as large or larger than the aboveground stems and leaves. Seed Plants 3 3 Water and other substances enter a plant through its roots.

82 Roots Seed Plants 3 3 Roots also act as anchors, preventing plants from being blown away by wind or washed away by moving water.

83 Roots Roots can store food. When you eat carrots or beets, you eat roots that contain stored food. Seed Plants 3 3 Root tissue also can perform functions such as absorbing oxygen that is used in the process of respiration.

84 Roots Because water does not contain as much oxygen as air does, plants that grow with their roots in water might not be able to absorb enough oxygen. Seed Plants 3 3 Some swamp plants have roots that grow partially out of the water and take in oxygen from the air.

85 Vascular Tissue Xylem (ZI lum) tissue is made up of hollow, tubular cells that are stacked one on top of the other to form a structure called a vessel. Seed Plants 3 3 These vessels transport water and dissolved substances from the roots throughout the plant.

86 Vascular Tissue Phloem (FLOH em) is a plant tissue also made up of tubular cells that are stacked to form structures called tubes. Seed Plants 3 3 Phloem tubes move food from where it is made to other parts of the plant where it is used or stored.

87 Vascular Tissue Cambium (KAM bee um) is a tissue that produces most of the new xylem and phloem cells. Seed Plants 3 3 The growth of this new xylem and phloem increases the thickness of stems and roots.

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