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 Weighs: 4 lbs. to 6 lbs.  Egg Shell Color: White.  Use: Eggs  Origin: city of Leghorn, Italy.  Characteristics: Small, noisy, all white in color.

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Presentation on theme: " Weighs: 4 lbs. to 6 lbs.  Egg Shell Color: White.  Use: Eggs  Origin: city of Leghorn, Italy.  Characteristics: Small, noisy, all white in color."— Presentation transcript:

1  Weighs: 4 lbs. to 6 lbs.  Egg Shell Color: White.  Use: Eggs  Origin: city of Leghorn, Italy.  Characteristics: Small, noisy, all white in color  The most numerous breed  Known to take flight

2  Standard Weight: 5 ½ lbs to 8 ½ lbs.  Egg Shell Color: Brown  Use: Dual purpose  Origin: Massachusetts and Rhode Island  Known for being a hardy bird, can produce eggs even in poor conditions  Dark red/brown in color

3  Recognized for its long wattle and head plumage  Originated in Poland  Can only see forward and downward  Considered a fancy breed

4 Can only see forwards and downwards  Considered ornamental/fa ncy

5  Famous for its fighting skills during the revolutionary war.

6  Delaware’s regiment was nicknamed “The Blue Hen Chickens”  Not a “TRUE” breed  University of Delaware’s mascot  UD has one of the only remaining pure bred flocks

7  Any breed of chicken raised specifically for meat. (Typically Plymouth Rocks)  Grown to specific weight and age.  Between 5-12 weeks in age. Average is 7 wks from egg to processing  Selected to gain lean (no fat) weight quickly

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