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Supply Change in Quantity Supplied Or Change in Supply???

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Presentation on theme: "Supply Change in Quantity Supplied Or Change in Supply???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply Change in Quantity Supplied Or Change in Supply???

2 Ex: "War in Middle East Causes Oil Prices to Skyrocket" Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: change in supply Shifts to left – decrease in supply Determinant of supply: change in the price of raw material inputs

3 “Typhoon hits Alaska – Extensive Damage to Fishing Vessels” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply:

4 “Engineer Invents Faster Way to Make Computer Chips” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply:

5 “House Prices More Expensive for Second Year in a Row” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply:

6 “New Book Store Opens in Shopping Mall” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply:

7 “Price of Gas on the Rise” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply:

8 “Damage to Panama Canal Will Slow Coffee Imports Next Month” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply:

9 “National forest logging permits reduced.” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Lumber

10 “Gasoline producers are expecting prices to rise in the future.” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Gasoline

11 “New technology increases number of chips per silicon wafer.” Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Wafers

12 U.S. government bans imports of Chilean grapes. Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Grapes

13 Two major electronic businesses go out of business. Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Calculators

14 New diamond mines found in South America. Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Diamonds

15 Farmers strike in demands for higher prices. Change in Supply or Quantity Supplied: Shifts to left or right or movement on the curve? Determinant of Supply: Food

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