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Presentation on Tomas Bata University in Zlín

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1 Presentation on Tomas Bata University in Zlín

2 Czech Republic Population: 10,5 million Area: 78 866 km 2 Capital: Prague Currency: Czech Crown (EUR 1= CZK 27) 1 January 1993 (former Czechoslovakia) Joined the European Union: 1 May 2004

3 Czech Republic Did you know? Czech people are the world‘s heaviest consumers of beer (followed by Germany, Austria and Ireland). Otto Wichterle, the inventor of modern contact lenses, came from the CZ. “Dollar“ (US currency) is historically related to “tolar“ – a former Czech currency. Neil Armstrong took a recording of the New World Symphony, written by A. Dvořák, a famous Czech composer, to the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission. The most effective anti-AIDS drug so far is based on a compound developed by A.Holý, a Czech scientist. Karel Čapek, a Czech writer, used the world “Robot“ in his play for the first time in 1921. Jan Jánský, a Czech serologist, discovered the 4 blood types. Škoda Auto - automobile manufacturer. Sugar Cube was invented by Czech entrepreneur Jakub Kryštof Rad. Baťa Schoe Company was founded 1894 in Zlín, Czech Republic. Czech Republic is home of famous sportsmen – Petr Čech (football player); Pavel Nedvěd (former football player, recipient of Golden Foot award); Jaromír Jágr (hockey player); Martina Sáblíková (speed skating); Emil Zátopek (quadruple Olympic Champion, endurance runner)…

4 THE TOWN OF ZLÍN Eastern part of Czech Republic, 75 000 inhabitants Natural beauty and greenery, dynamic economy and living folk traditions Modern student town offers a range of different facilities available not only to students Friendliness and hospitality of local people Unique redbrick functionalist architecture Tomas Bata, the world-renowned entrepreneur had significant role in the development of the Zlín

5 Tomas Bata – Business Genius Tomáš Baťa 1876 - 1932 1894 – Bata Shoes company was founded 1895 – 50 employees 1931 – 29,500 employees Zlín 1900 – 2,975 inhabitants 1932 – 26,350 inhabitants 1923 Tomas Bata – mayor of Zlín

6 HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN ZLÍN 1960: Independent unit of the Slovak University of Technology established in Zlín. 1969: The Faculty of Technology of Brno University of Technology established in Zlín. 1995: The Faculty of Management and Economics of Brno University of Technology established in Zlín. 2001: Establishment of TBU in Zlín (as of 1 January 2001).

7 TOMAS BATA UNIVERSITY IN ZLÍN The University is named after world-renowned entrepreneur Tomas Bata The multicultural, dynamic and youthful environment Prestigious European certificate – ECTS – holder Bilingual University (English and Czech are of equal importance) 12,600 students and 900 students from 40 countries all over the world 3-level of study – Bachelor´s, Master´s or PhD programmes Great facilities for students and R&D activities

8 TOMAS BATA UNIVERSITY IN ZLÍN Modern library Wi-Fi connection in all buildings of the University 2 Refectories and Restaurant offering healthy meals Czech, Chinese and Russian language courses for foreigners free of charge Student accommodation is available in the TBU Halls of Residence Student organization Buddy System Zlín

9 STUDY AT TBU 100 accredited degree programmes (approx. 1/3 of them in English) Graduates are issued the Diploma Supplement recognized all over Europe More than 250 bilateral agreements within the Erasmus programme Almost 100 partnership contracts with universities all over the world

10 Faculty of Technology Fields of study:  Polymers and their modifications  Packaging technology  Food and biochemistry  Footwear hygiene and technology  Material engineering  Environmental protection Centre of Polymer Systems (focus on applied polymer research)

11 Faculty of Management and Economics Fields of study:  Management  Marketing  Enterprise economics  Public sector administration  Finances, accounting, taxes  Industrial engineering  Production and quality management  Management in health care  Economics of tourism

12 Faculty of Multimedia Communications Fields of study:  Marketing communications  Advertising, promotion  Design  Advertising photography  Animation  Audiovisual arts (Photography, editing, production, direction, etc.)

13 Faculty of Applied Informatics Fields of study:  Information and control technologies  Process control methods  Security engineering  PC and communication systems  Automation, control technologies Commercial Research – Technology Park (Information and Communication Technologies)

14 Faculty of Humanities Fields of study:  English philology  German philology  Social pedagogy  Nursing TBU Nursery School

15 Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management Fields of study:  Risk control  Logistics  Dealing with crisis situations

16 STUDY AT TBU – DEGREE STUDIES  Bachelor degree programmes (3 years): – Faculty of Management and Economics Economics and Management – Faculty of Applied InformaticsEngineering Informatics – Faculty of HumanitiesPhilology  Follow-Up Master‘s degree programmes (2 years): – Faculty of TechnologyChemistry and Materials Technology – Faculty of Management and Economics Economics and Management Economic Policy and Administration – Faculty of Multimedia CommunicationsMedia and Communication Studies – Faculty of Applied InformaticsEngineering Informatics  Doctoral degree programmes (3-4 years): – Faculty of TechnologyChemistry and Materials Technology – Chemistry and Food Technology – Process Engineering – Faculty of Management and EconomicsEconomics and Management – Economic Policy and Administration – Faculty of Multimedia CommunicationsVisual Arts – Faculty of Applied InformaticsEngineering Informatics

17 STUDY AT TBU – EXCHANGE STUDIES Deadline 1 June – for the winter semester or the full academic year 1 November – for the summer semester. Application documents (to be delivered before deadline to International Office) Student Application Form (to be filled online in Portál) (ECTS link) Learning Agreement (to be filled online in Portál) Copy of Student ID Card Transcript of Records CV Manual for application is possible to receive from – Mr. Býček Accommodation Halls of Residence – 2910CZK per month (twin room) – necessary to apply in Portál

18 BUDDY SYSTEM IN ZLÍN Student organization, member of ESN Help international students before and during their stay in Zlín Organize events for long term or short term students PICK UP SERVICE -

19 RESEARCH AT TBU The University puts strong emphasis on R&D activities carried out in cooperation with universities and R&D institutions from all over the world. Every year lots of students and academic workers are awarded in different prestigious competitions, both national and international. Research Institutions at TBU: Centre for Security, Information and Advanced Technologies Centre of Applied Economic Research Centre of Polymer Systems University Institute Polymer Centre Technology ParkICT Technology ParkTechnology Innovation Centre Ltd.

20 Selected Scientific Awards and Recognition  Rolex Award for Enterprise – „a mini Nobel Prize“Prof. Kolomazník1998  UNESCO-L´OREÁL Award For Women in ScienceProf. Hausnerová2007  EXXON Mobil Chemical European Science and Engineering Aw.Prof. Zatloukal2007  Morand Lambla AwardAssoc. Prof. Pavlínek2009  Research into 5000-year-old Alpine Mummy (Ötzi) - UNESCOAssoc. Prof. Hlaváček2003  Terracotta Warriors‘ Footwear research – UNESCOAssoc. Prof. Hlaváček 2006-2009  Former President of the Polymer Processing Society, USAProf. Sáha  World-famous economist, the most published and cited among Prof. Zelený Czech economists

21 Conclusion Thank you for your attention.

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