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Chapter 11 Intelligence “Just Think Mr. Thompson”.

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1 Chapter 11 Intelligence “Just Think Mr. Thompson”

2 Origins of Intelligence Testing  Intelligence Test  a method of assessing an individual’s mental aptitudes and comparing them to those of others, using numerical scores

3 Origins of Intelligence Testing  Mental Age  a measure of intelligence test performance devised by Binet  chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance  child who does as well as the average 8-year-old is said to have a mental age of 8

4 Origins of Intelligence Testing  Stanford-Binet  the widely used American revision of Binet’s original intelligence test  revised by Terman at Stanford University

5 Lewis Terman (1877-1956)  Adapted Binet’s tests for use in the United States as the Stanford-Binet intelligence test  The test reported intelligence as a calculated IQ score.

6 Origins of Intelligence Testing  Intelligence Quotient (IQ)  defined originally the ratio of mental age (ma) to chronological age (ca) multiplied by 100  IQ = ma/ca x 100)  on contemporary tests, the average performance for a given age is assigned a score of 100

7 What is Intelligence?  Intelligence  ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations

8 What is Intelligence?  Factor Analysis  statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items (called factors) on a test  used to identify different dimensions of performance that underlie one’s total score  General Intelligence (g)  factor that Spearman and others believed underlies specific mental abilities  measured by every task on an intelligence test

9 Are There Multiple Intelligences?  Savant Syndrome  condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill  computation  drawing

10 Are There Multiple Intelligences?  Social Intelligence  the know-how involved in comprehending social situations and managing oneself successfully  Emotional Intelligence  ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions

11 Intelligence and Creativity  Creativity  the ability to produce novel and valuable ideas  expertise  imaginative thinking skills  venturesome personality  intrinsic motivation  creative environment

12 Howard Gardner (1943- )  Author of a contemporary theory of multiple intelligences consisting of eight separate kinds of intelligence

13 Gardner’s Types of Intelligence








21 Robert Sternberg (1949- )  Author of a contemporary theory of multiple intelligences consisting of: analytic, creative, and practical intelligence

22 Sternberg’s Types of Intelligence



25 The Dynamics of Intelligence  Mental Retardation  a condition of limited mental ability  indicated by an intelligence score below 70  produces difficulty in adapting to the demands of life  varies from mild to profound  Down Syndrome  retardation and associated physical disorders caused by an extra chromosome in one’s genetic makeup

26 The Dynamics of Intelligence

27 David Wechsler (1896-1981)  Developed the Wechsler intelligence scales which included: Different tests for different age groups Separate verbal and nonverbal scores Subtests and subtest scores

28 Assessing Intelligence  Standardization  defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested “standardization group”  Normal Curve  the symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes  most scores fall near the average, and fewer and fewer scores lie near the extremes


30 Getting Smarter?

31 Group Intelligence Test  Originally designed for the army in World War I  Can be given to large numbers of people  Those supervising the test do not need extensive training  Are very easy to score  Not the most reliable

32 Achievement Tests  Tests that attempt to measure what the test-taker has accomplished  i.e. classroom tests at the end of a unit

33 Aptitude Tests  Tests that attempt to predict the test- taker’s future performance  Examples: ACT and SAT

34 Test Reliability  The extent to which a test yields consistent results

35 Types of Reliability  Test-retest reliability - taking the same test and receiving a similar score  Split-half - the score on one half of a test’s questions is similar to the score on the other half  Scorer reliability – the score of the test should be similar no matter which scorer is scoring the test

36 Test Validity  The extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is suppose to  Does an achievement test accurately measure accomplishments?  Does an aptitude test accurately measure the person’s future performance?  One needs to know the purpose of the test

37 Assessing Intelligence  Content Validity  the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest  driving test that samples driving tasks  Criterion  behavior (such as college grades) that a test (such as the SAT) is designed to predict  the measure used in defining whether the test has predictive validity

38 Assessing Intelligence  Predictive Validity  success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict  assessed by computing the correlation between test scores and the criterion behavior  also called criterion-related validity

39 Group Differences in Testing  A number of studies show scoring differences between different racial, ethnic, and gender groups.  Are these differences due to nature or to nurture? Studies suggest environment is playing a heavy role.  Heredity and environment interact to produce intelligence in individuals.

40 Group Differences  Stereotype Threat  A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype

41 Genetic Influences  Heritability  the proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes  variability depends on range of populations and environments studied

42 The End

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