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Eyeblaster Overview Rich Media Platform Creative Capabilities Video Studio In-stream & Pre-roll Solutions Video Reporting In-Game Advertising.

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Presentation on theme: "Eyeblaster Overview Rich Media Platform Creative Capabilities Video Studio In-stream & Pre-roll Solutions Video Reporting In-Game Advertising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyeblaster Overview Rich Media Platform Creative Capabilities Video Studio In-stream & Pre-roll Solutions Video Reporting In-Game Advertising

2 Eyeblaster Overview  Digital ad serving and campaign management since 1999  Recognized rich media and video leader  16 Offices in 13 Countries - providing 24/7/365 coverage

3 EYEBLASTER Customers and Partners

4 Rich Media creation and delivery tools and technologies Digital Ad Serving & campaign management across all digital channels FULLY INTEGRATED Digital Marketing Solutions Advertising Campaign Management (ACM) Suite Integrated solutions that help clients and the parties they serve - bring brands to life Search bid mgmt application Standalone or integrated into ACM Casual gaming solutions Pre-roll & mid roll video Services  Media  Creative  QA  Data Rich Media PlatformCampaign Manager EB.Search EB.In-Games

5 Eyeblaster Rich Media Platform  Acts a hub between all parties – Offers a single point of contact, fulfilling media, creative and publisher needs PLATFORM FORMATS PUBLISHERS MEDIA CREATIVE

6 control & flexibility Eyeblaster Rich Media PlatformUnlimited Creative Options

7  Advanced specs management tool for Publishers – Eases the process of managing and publishing creative specs – Reduces lost revenue and inventory by helping ads go live on time – Ability to incorporate specs, managed by Eyeblaster into website’s HTML  Enables planners and designers to have visibility to specs earlier in creative process  Saves time with automatic collation of multiple specs across different site sections  Find the lowest common denominator spec – Accepted banner sizes, file sizes, reminder types, close-button requirements, expandable banner definitions, audio acceptance and much more… CREATIVE SPEC DATABASE Eliminate creative conflicts by ensuring build to requirements

8 RICH BANNER FORMATS  User or auto-initiated push down banner  ‘Slides’ publisher content aside rather than covering it  Multiple panels and/or floating ads launch from banner via click, mouse-over or auto- initiation  Initial ad creative displayed whilst page loads, then choice of 2.2MB or 4.4MB can be served  Overrides banner size restriction Xerox Polite Expandable Push-down Adam Corolla Coldplay

9 OUT-OF-BANNER FORMATS  Floating ad to banner  Banner can include additional multiple expandable panels  Ads display on transparent layer over page  Can cover entire content within a web browser  Ads display on transparent layer over page  Works within dimensions specified by sites John Lewis Floating Full-Page Floating Floating Expandable Nike Audi A3

10 OUT-OF-BANNER FORMATS 2  Image replaces web page background  Subtle watermark effect used in sponsorship  Interstitial or ‘pop-up’ window  Downloads politely then plays when loaded  Full-page transitional ad  Displays on site entry or between pages Discovery Channel Commercial Break Window Wallpaper British Airways Bounty

11 CREATIVE FEATURES  Users involve themselves to determine the outcome  Users control the pace of the message being revealed  A series of animated effects in response to user interaction Volvo XC90 Page Wipes Fold-Out Interactivity Seat Leon Adidas

12 INTERACTIVE FUNCTIONALITY  Live data fed into the ad  Updateable ad content  Optional personalisation  User interactions determine what ad is shown next  Unlimited creative ‘paths’  Multiple ad units seamlessly interact across a page  Works like a page ‘mask’ Lynx Click Synchronized Behavioral Dynamic Data (XML) Levi’s Canon EOS

13 INTERACTIVE FUNCTIONALITY 2  Users respond to question/s in the ad  Aggregated results displayed to the user in real time  User responses within ads are linked to other external devices  Allows push / pull interactivity  Shorten the marketing life-cycle by capturing data on route  Works with our own data capture tools or can pass to site direct Cadillac Data Capture Coupons / Uploads Live Polling Senseo NRL

14 VIDEO AD FORMATS  High impact full-page media player  Optional control buttons  Strip of video plays in banner space  Rollover reveals complete video in full size with audio  Video served within fixed size ad unit  Can ‘tease’ by looping few frames until user interacts Honda Civic Video Banner Video Strip Full Page Louis Vuitton Constantine

15 VIDEO FUNCTIONALITY  Video segments are delivered in response to user interaction  User controls the experience  Interactive layer plays on a timeline over the video  Additional content can be navigated within the video  Push multiple media streams into ad unit  One video can trigger another via synchronisation WOTW Multi-stream Hot-spotting Purpose Shot Ford sMax BBC Ideal


17 CHALLENGES FACING ONLINE VIDEO Where have we been falling short?  Is my ad truly reaching my audience?  Plug-ins  Connection speed  Operating System  Am I delivering the highest quality experience?  Resolution  Encoding  Bit rate  Can I create and implement video ads quickly and easily ?  Multiplicity  Cost effective  User experience REACH QUALITY EASE

18 REACHING A WIDER AUDIENCE Supporting the leading video formats, players, connections  Support for FLV 7, FLV 8 and WMV (higher quality formats) – Flash 6 can still be supported if required  Real time bandwidth detection – up to 1Mbps video bit rate  System automatically creates up to 12 versions – Serves the best video to individual users PLUG-IN PENETRATION RATES

19 BROWSER GLOBAL STATISTICS  IE: More than 85% of online users have an IE browser  FIREFOX: Stabilised at around 11%  MAC SAFARI: Around 2%  OTHERS: Up to 2% – (Netscape/Opera, etc)  Eyeblaster now supports Mac OS Firefox and Safari – Both ad-serving and platform preview Internet Explorer still dominates, Firefox increases Source: 05 / 2006 BROWSER PENETRATION RATES

20 QUALITY SO SHARP YOU CAN SEE A PIN DROP Full screen resolution and increased file size  Full screen ads with crystal-clear video quality – Pushing boundaries online with integrated WMV and FLV  File sizes up to 4.4MBs and higher – Allows a 30 second high quality video ad on a 1024x768 resolution  Interactive layer for hot-spotting on full page video – First to offer full screen interactive video  Robust infrastructure to support online video ad delivery – Enables multiple simultaneous high quality video streams over broadband

21 FULL-SCREEN EXAMPLES  Auto-detection of plug-in delivers optimum experience  FULL PAGE FULL PAGE – Flash 7 detected  FULL PAGE FULL PAGE – Flash 8 detected  FULL SCREEN FULL SCREEN – WMV detected Full Page + Full Screen = Full Impact! ?

22 IN-STREAM video advertising Delivering video advertising before or during publisher's own video content

23 [index] IN-STREAM ADVERTSING  What is it? – An easy way to create, manage, serve and track video advertising within existing video content streams; either before, during or after the content  Who is it for? – For publishers and media owners who want to generate video ad inventory  How does it work? – Two products exist and choice is dependant upon whether the publisher has currently implemented a media content player  Yes – then you require Pre-Roll (integration-free ad serving) Pre-Roll  No – then you require VideoClip (integrated ad serving) VideoClip Introduction to advertising within video content

24 IN-STREAM VIDEO FORMATS  Stream video advertising before or during an online game  Can include full rich media interactivity  Integrated player that enables delivery of video ads and content  Ads can be served at any time during video stream  Integration-free solution that plays video ads before site’s content  Additional rich media unit can be served alongside Samsung Pre-Roll VideoClip In-Gaming Virgin ShowBiz Quake

25 PRE-ROLL SOLUTION  Pre-roll serves a video ad before the site’s own content player – The site code informs us when to run the advert  Video ad is launched from within a banner space on user’s request – Video is called from an adjacent ad placement on the page (or a 1x1 pixel) – Plays over the top of the publishers page to the same dimensions of the player – User can interact with optional rich media components if desired  Publisher video content plays – Site’s own player is called in turn after the pre-roll advert is finished – If there is a play-list, advert can be inserted in between clips – Advert can also be configured to play at the end of content stream  Can work in conjunction with other ad placements for rich experience – Contextual content can be revealed – Expandable banner can shrink to standard Integration-free ad serving within an existing media player

26 PRE-ROLL DEMONSTRATION On page load, the video ad plays in position over the media player Rich content can be launched from within the video or by accompanying ad units When video content stream plays, advertising can remain on page

27 PRE-ROLL INTEGRATION  Eyeblaster creates a generic API to be used fro Pre-Roll (JavaScript)  Site includes the Pre-roll JavaScript on their pages  Site requires a function to handle playing content when ad ends  Eyeblaster calls this function when the ad ends  Ad serving controlled by publisher ad server Technical Information


29 VIDEOCLIP SOLUTION  VideoClip serves ads within a supplied Flash media player – The player skin can be fully customised to site’s own requirements  Video advert is called from within the player itself on user’s request – Up to 3 ads (up to 15 or 30 secs each) can display with any VideoClip – Ads can be placed anywhere in the stream; before, during (configurable) or after – First ad displayed can be a simple 5 sec sponsorship / bumper ad  VideoClip ads can be managed through publisher’s own ad server – Can include rotation of ads for different advertisers – VideoClip ads are fully trackable and can be interactive – Adverts are created by the agency, therefore no production cost to publisher  Publisher video content plays – Display up to 8MB (4 mins) of high-quality streaming video content on any page – If publisher has own video content we can host that content (optional) – Video repository for multiple content streams can be included Integrated ad serving and player for publisher video content

30 User selects the content that they want to view Content player is launched triggering the ad play Player can also be served in a pop-up and be customised Video repository allows for multiple content streams VIDEOCLIP DEMONSTRATION

31 VIDEOCLIP INTEGRATION  Video buffering using ‘Progressive Download’ – Playback only starts when the remaining download duration is shorter than the movie, guaranteeing that download will complete before the buffer empties  Bandwidth detection included – Ensures users are presented with video of the most appropriate quality – A user can specify his connection type, or have it automatically detected  Works with the most widely pre-installed plug-ins – Flash 7 or above – If plug-in is missing, user will be prompted to install  Works with the following media players – Windows Media Player 7 – RealPlayer Technical Information

32 VIDEOCLIP INTEGRATION 2  FORMATS: FLV 1.1 and above; WMV; RealPlayer  PLAYERS: Flash 7 and above; WMP 9 and above  BROWSERS: IE5 and above  DIMENSIONS: 320x240 or 240x180  PLAY TIME: 4 minutes content; up to 1.5 minutes ads  ADS: Title Sponsorship ID (5 secs); 15 sec spot; 30 sec spot  MAX PLAY TIME FOR ADS: 30 secs  HIGH BANDWIDTH: Broadcast at 300kbps up to 2MB file  LOW BANDWIDTH: Broadcast at 100kbps up to 340KB file Technical Specifications

33 MICROSITE ADS destination banner space Challenging the perceptions of user interactivity online

34  Most online advertising uses banners to point at a destination website  So why does the ‘Pull’ not always bring results? – Only one measure of success i.e. Yes or No - Click thru – Industry average CTR is below 0.3% – Clicks are not qualified – Small file sizes and pixel sizes compromise the online message – Users are focused on online goals and don’t want to be side tracked FROM PULL… WEBSITE YAHOO! MSN AOL ORANGE Trying to attract the users to your website

35  Eyeblaster brings the website into the banner, reaching 100% of users – Interaction rates show at least 300% uplift on click-thru’s – Average duration over 1 minute* – Polite & progressive downloading enhances user experience – Benefit from 4.4MB file size – Costs can be combined with website development – Customised tracking and detailed reporting TO PUSH… YAHOO! MSN AOL ORANGE WEBSITE Delivering content to the user, exactly where they are

36 PUSHING USER APPLICATIONS Viral mechanism Voting, user participation Before & AfterBiosUnique content –Serving the content in user-initiated layers allows a rich brand experience as well as the means to measure those interactions in multiple ways

37 BRAND RESPONSE ADVERTISING  Negates need for user to leave the publisher site  Provides greater real-estate and file size for interactivity  Publishers benefit from co-branding opportunities  Provides a fully measurable, immersive brand experience  More interactions means better ROI analysis  Can be fully integrated with client’s site back-end  Delivers content direct to the user where they are  Offers choice to the 90%+ users who don’t click-thru  Results prove interaction overrides typical ad timeout … Enhanced Experience For Users For Clients For Publishers … Meaningful Metrics … Permanent Presence

38 REPORTING Advanced Creative opportunities with the Eyeblaster Rich Media Platform features & functionality

39  These reporting metrics are now standard within Video Studio ™ INTERACTIVE VIDEO REPORTING  Percentage of users who enabled / muted the audio  Impressions  Unique visitors  Frequency  Clicks and CTR Giving you visibility on your users’ behavior  Interaction rate  Ad duration  Average video duration  User initiated: close, mute, pause  Number of video replays  Percentage of users who viewed – 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% of ad

40 POWERFUL REPORTING FEATURES  Complete campaign data for analysis – Easy to manipulate and display – Automatic email distribution – Better way to optimise campaigns and create reports  Report types: – Delivery & Performance report – Interaction report – Performance by frequency – Time of day, day of week – Domain & Site serving statistics – and many more… Access a wealth of data on your campaign performance REPORTS BY CREATIVE REAL-TIME STATS REPORTS ACROSS AGENCY SITE SERVING STATS

41 CUSTOMIZED REPORTING  Custom Reports Builder – Data fields defined by you – Reports formatted to your unique definitions – Save formats for future campaigns  Report Types – Delivery – Ad interactivity – Reach / frequency – Post click activity  Data Mining Tool (upon request) – Eyeblaster collates performance data, by industry / format / interaction type Delivering data to your own specifications

42 CUSTOM INTERACTIVITY TRACKING  BEST PRACTICE: Track all elements in an ad Get a full view of your campaign success TV Camcorder Camera Logo Main Click



45 IN-GAME ADVERTISING a growing channel, unlimited opportunities Getting the most out of the Eyeblaster Technology

46 In-Game Advertising Tapping the Casual Game Market Eyeblaster In-Games delivers ads in the gaming environment Launched June 2006 Initial Partner, RealNetworks The Premier platform for in-game ad solutions

47 Defining the Space The Gaming Market Console Games – xbox, playstation, etc… Casual Games (– fun/easy to play, yet hard to master In-Browser– Played within the browser. Games are free, encouraging players to test a game before downloading the full version Try & Buy Downloadable – download and install a time-based trial version. Player must purchase the game to continue playing  Famous titles: Tetris, Bejeweled, Super Collapse, Mahjong and more  Internationally accepted form of entertainment  $2 billion+ industry by 2008, with an estimated 40% coming from advertising and sponsorships  Online gamers projected to exceed 123MM by 2008 U.S. Online PC Gaming 2004–2008 Forecast and Analysis: Growth Continues (December 2004, IDC #32473)

48 Source: eMarketer, April 2006 (Yankee Group 3/2006) In-Game Advertising Strength Spending Will Reach $733 Million By 2010 US In-Game Advertising Revenues, 2004-2010 (in millions) A “new medium” that is exhibiting rapid growth

49 Source: Nielsen//NetRatings and RealArcade 2005 Annual User Survey Gender : 68% female Age:80% aged between 35-64 Family:60% married, 50% have children Education:70% college educated Income:50% have HHIs $50K+ Internet:95% use the Internet daily; 90% from home, 84% broadband Loyalty:93% satisfaction index Social:50% of users refer their friends Usage:6.5 hours per week Picturing The Gamer Casual Gamer Characteristics

50 1 Intro message In game reminder 2 Branded playing space 3 Between level pre-roll Launched with 12 GameHouse titles in July and expanding to 50 games 15 & 30-second commercials shown between levels w/ one ad every 10 minutes max Full Screen Video & Clickable In Game Reminder Users are granted an additional 30-min of demo time or free forever game in exchange for ads Sponsorship opportunities with dynamic logo placement eb.ingames - dynamic & engaging

51 In Browser; Dynamic Pre-Roll In Game; Dynamic Video In-Game Advertising Tapping the Casual Game Market

52 Source: RealNetworks and Eyeblaster data, May 2006 In-Game Ads Work Survey Highlights 53% Were happy to view a video ad in exchange for free game play Beta test users who viewed 15-30 second video ads served into games: 22% Enjoyed watching the ads 32% Thought the ads were effective 21.8% Click Through Rate More than half played the video in full More than a third agreed the duration of the ads was appropriate

53 Eyeblaster/RealNetworks In-Game Ads Creative. Interactive. Brand Focused. Response Oriented Click for Demo Review List of Games

54 THANK YOU your time is appreciated For More information contact: Marc Gaccione (646) 202-1331

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