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The Tibet Question 1919- present Independent Tibet was not “modern” --feudal & theocratic --13th dalai lama (d. 1933) wanted to modernize but conservative.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tibet Question 1919- present Independent Tibet was not “modern” --feudal & theocratic --13th dalai lama (d. 1933) wanted to modernize but conservative."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tibet Question 1919- present Independent Tibet was not “modern” --feudal & theocratic --13th dalai lama (d. 1933) wanted to modernize but conservative forces prevented reform

2 What is Tibet? Ethnic group? Linguistic group? Territory?

3 Tibet & geopolitics Tibet’s strategic location between bigger powers has both heightened interest in its people as well as made it a sacrificial lamb to larger political concerns. This was true in the past and has been true in the recent history

4 Tibet & the Nazis Nazis believed Tibetan were pure because of isolation and wanted to study their genetics. Central Asia of great interest--Aryan homeland Austrian climber served as Dalai lama’s tutor 1938 scientific Poster for the 1943 German film - Secret Tibet

5 Tibet in World War Two Western “double standard” complicated Tibet Question –Atlantic Charter affirmed peoples’ right to choose their own gov’t. BUT USA/GB –Didn’t want to alienate Chiang Kai Shek –Sent letters to Dalai lama as “spiritual” not political leader of Tibet –AT end of WW2, Allies urged China to recognize independent Mongolia (Stalin’s request) but didn’t force issue of Tibet.

6 China’s “Liberation” of Tibet 1950 invasion China creates T.A.R. Red Guards Cultural Revolution Dalai lama leaves in 1959 with 80,000 emigrés

7 Decolonization of South Asia Great Britain followed a double policy since 1912. When India became independent, Nehru’s agenda pursued good relations with China

8 Tibet in early cold war After Mao took over, USA saw Tibet as a proxy in fight against communism Nixon’s 1972 trip to China ended US support for Tibetan rebels. Why did Nixon go to China?

9 Buddhisn &Tibet in pop culture courtesy Dr. T Lewis

10 The Train to Lhasa Why did China build this train line? How will this train affect Tibet?

11 China v. Tibet: Dueling justifications Tibetans are one of the 5 races that have historically made up China Historically China has protected Tibet Tibet part of “motherland” Tibet is underpopulated & developed. It benefits from Chinese help. China has increased life expectancy & literacy rates- built 4000 schools Infrastructure projects Tibetans allowed autonomy Tibetans are a distinct people with non-chinese traditions Historically Tibet an independent nation China treats Tibet as a colony Tibetans remain disadvantaged in their own home Unrestricted immigration overwhelms Tibetan culture Tibetan traditions restricted

12 2008 Tibetan Protests

13 Tibet in the Media

14 Will this boy grow up in China or “Tibet”?

15 Does this sign indicate how this question will be resolved?

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