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TCTF General Assembly Meeting Chair’s Report December 2011, Kobe, Japan Mizuhiko Hosokawa, TCTF Chair

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Presentation on theme: "TCTF General Assembly Meeting Chair’s Report December 2011, Kobe, Japan Mizuhiko Hosokawa, TCTF Chair"— Presentation transcript:

1 TCTF General Assembly Meeting Chair’s Report December 2011, Kobe, Japan Mizuhiko Hosokawa, TCTF Chair

2 1. Structure of TCTF (Nov. 2008-Dec. 2011) Chair: M. Hosokawa Technical Secretary: Y. Koyama (NICT) WG on MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement) Coordinator: H. Ito (NICT) WG on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Coordinator: B. Warrington (NMIA) Sub-Coordinator: Y. Fujii (NMIJ) Sub WG on Remote Calibration: M. Imae (NMIJ) WG on TWSTFT (Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer) Coordinator: H. Maeno (NICT) Joint WG on OFM (Optical Frequency Metrology) Coordinator: F.-L. Hong (NMIJ) New TCTF Chair (to be approved at GA) : H.-T. Lin

3 2. TCTF activities since last meeting in Pattaya At the last TCTF meeting, it was determined to perform a questionnaire to ask (1) opinions on the proposal to change peer reviewer appointment procedure (2) to register potential reviewers if the proposed change is agreed (3) what is required by the institutes in the Developing Economies (4) what can be provided from the supporting side The questionnaire was circulated to the TCTF member institutes in Dec. 2010. 12 NMIs have returned the filled questionnaire. (1)Proposal to change peer reviewer appointment procedure Before : Each NMI proposes a peer reviewer to the TCTF chair for approval. Proposal : Each NMI proposes the name of NMI to the TCTF chair for peer review and TCTF chair appoints a peer reviewer from the registered candidates who belong to the proposed NMI. Agree : 11, Disagree : 0, Abstention : 1

4 (2) Registered potential reviewers KRISSTaeg Yong Kwon KRISSSang Eon Park MSLTim Armstrong NICTMizuhiko Hosokawa NICTYasuhiro Koyama NICTTsukasa Iwama NICTHiroyuki Ito NIMGao Xiaoxun NIMZhang Aimin NPLIAmitava Sen Gupta NMIABruce Warrington NMIJTakeshi Ikegami NMIJMasaki Amemiya NMIJTomonari Suzuyama NMIJMichito Imae TLChia-Shu Liao TLHuang-Tien Lin

5 (3) Various needs from member NMIs technical training on —GNSS and TWSTFT time transfer, and automated daily reporting to BIPM. —how to establish TA(k). —maintenance and improvement of the quality of UTC(k). —dissemination (ntp, ptp, and radio code transmission). —peer review (uncertainty evaluation). want to know information about —works/projects which have industrial impact. —procedures for conducting peer review. —new methods and new techniques. —how to establish dissemination services and traceability. technical supports —to reduce type B uncertainty in the Circular-T. —for frequency calibration services. —on time transfer receiver’s calibration. joint cooperation, joint research, bilateral/multilateral comparisons. financial supports for a peer review assessment. standard documents (procedures) on calibrations and uncertainty evaluations.

6 (4) Possible supports A*STARTraining on T&F metrology, calibration on frequency standard, counter, timer and stopwatches. KRISSTraining on QS, measurement uncertainty and its application, national time scale system, precision measurements, calibration services. NICTProvide opportunities to learn R&D on advanced metrology, T&F transfer, and time keeping. NIMOffer facilities for seminars and workshops. NMIJProvide lectures and technical advisers for time keeping, time transfer, and calibration systems. TLWant to share experiences on CMC table submission and T&F calibration procedures. VMIProvide experiences on submission of CMC table and calibration procedures. Can participate bilateral, inter-laboratory comparisons. ITDTOffer venue and host meetings, workshops and related meetings. SIRIMCan participate bilateral, inter-laboratory comparison or proficiency testing. MUSSDHost meetings and workshops. Share experiences.

7 3.1 WG on MRA (i) Review of CMCs from APMP member NMIs APMP.TF.9.2010 (NPLI) -4th round review began on Apr. 15, 2010. -Intra-regional review is completed on Oct. 18, 2010. -Posted CMCs on JCRB website for inter-regional review on Nov. 4, 2010. -Reviewed comments were received from AFRIMETS, EURAMET and SIM in Nov., Dec. 2010 and Jan. 2011 respectively. -Posted revised CMCs on Jun. 13, 2011. -Published the BIPM KCDB on Jun. 18 2011. APMP.TF.10.2010 (A*STAR) - 4th round review began on Apr. 15, 2010. -Intra-regional review completed on Dec. 8, 2010. -Posted CMCs on JCRB website for inter-regional review on Dec. 8, 2010 -Reviewed comments were received from SIM, AFRIMETS and EURAMET in January and March 2011. -Posted revised CMCs on Mar. 15, 2011. -Published the BIPM KCDB on May 17 2011.

8 (ii) Review of CMCs from other RMOs EURAMET.TF.7.2010 (NIS, Egypt) -Posted APMP’s comments on JCRB website on Dec. 17, 2010. -Revised CMCs were posted by NIS on Mar. 3, 2011. -AFRIMETS and APMP did not approve the CMC. -Inter-regional review is currently in progress. EURAMET.TF.8.2011 (INRIM, Italy) -Posted APMP’s comments on JCRB website on May 18, 2011. -Revised CMCs were posted by INRIM on Aug. 1, 2011. -The CMCs were approved by APMP on Aug. 4, 2011. -Published in BIPM KCDB on Aug. 16, 2011. SIM.TF.6.2011 (NIST, U.S.) -Posted APMP’s comments on JCRB website on May 18, 2011. -Revised CMCs were posted by NIST on May 19, 2011. -The CMCs were approved by APMP on Jun. 10, 2011. -Published in BIPM KCDB on Jun. 11, 2009.

9 EURAMET.TF.9.2011 (GUM, Poland) -Posted APMP’s comments on JCRB website on Jun. 16, 2011. -Revised CMCs were posted by GUM on Jun. 30, 2011. -The CMCs were approved by APMP on Jul. 29, 2011. -Published in BIPM KCDB on Aug. 16, 2011. COOMET.TF.5.2011 (KazInMetr, Kazakhstan) -Posted APMP’s comments on JCRB website on Jul. 26, 2011. -Revised CMCs were posted by KazInMetr on Sep. 27, 2011. -The CMCs were approved by APMP on Oct. 24, 2011. -Published in BIPM KCDB on Oct. 26, 2011. SIM.TF.7.2011 (CENAMEP, Panama) -Posted APMP’s comments on JCRB website on Jul. 26, 2011. -Revised CMCs were posted by CENAMEP on Sep. 1, 2011. -The CMCs were approved by APMP on Oct. 25, 2011. -Published in BIPM KCDB on Oct. 27, 2011. (iii) APMP TCTF Technical Workshop on Guidelines for CMC - Nov. 30-Dec.2, 2011 at NICT, Japan.

10 3.2 WG on TWSTFT 1) Asian Link GE-23 Satellite, NICT and TL - to be merged with Asian-USA Link by changing frequency of the transponder 2) Asian-European Link AM-2 Satellite, NICT, TL, PTB, NTSC, NIM, VNIIFTRI, and NPLI KRISS will join near future 3) Asian-USA Link GS-23 and AMC-1, with a relay station at Kauai, USA NICT and USNO - frequency of the transponder will be changed to merge with Asian Link 4) Other Activities 19th Meeting of CCTF WG on TWSTFT was held at NMIJ on Sep. 12-13, 2011. 43th Annual PTTI Systems and Applications Meeting of CCTF WG on TWSTFT was held at Hyatt Regency Long Beach on Nov. 16, 2011

11 3.3 WG on OFM 1)Information exchange on optical clocks and combs. 2)Attending the BIPM workshop on Development of Advanced Time and Frequency Transfer Techniques. 3.4 WG on GNSS 1)Development of GPS time-transfer comparison protocol. 2)Circulation of calibrated receivers to improve Type B uncertainty in Circular T

12 4. Conferences in the T&F research field 1)URSI GASS 2011 (Aug. 12-20, 2011 @Istanbul, Turkey) 1108 participants from 55 economies. 13 sessions for Commission A (Electromagnetic Metrology) 5 sessions are directly related to Time and Frequency Metrology Low Noise Microwave Generation / Time Scale / Optical Frequency Metrology / Pulsar Timing and Time Transfer / Enabling Technologies for Millimeter and THz Wave Applications Commission A Elections Chair : William Davis (VirginiaTech, USA) Vice-Chair : Yasuhiro Koyama (NICT, Japan) Ex-Chair : Parmeswar Banerjee (NPLI, India)

13 2)APMP TCTF Technical Workshop on Guidelines for CMC Nov.30-Dec.2, 2011 at NICT 26 participants from following 14 NMIs A*STAR, KAZIN-METR, KIM-LIPI, KRISS, MUSSD, NICT, NIM, NIMT, NMIJ, NMISA, NPLI, SIRIM, TL, VMI A set of documents (1 preamble, 2 supplementary guidelines, 9 examples of uncertainty evaluations in CMCs) were prepared and discussed. - 3 for time scale difference services - 5 for frequency calibration services - 1 for time interval service The resulted documents are to be discussed during the TCTF meeting towards official release to the community.

14 3) APMP 2011 Mid-Year Meetings (Jun. 26-Jul. 2, 2011, @Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) TC Chair’s Meeting EC and TC Chairs Meeting National Awareness Symposium Workshop on Strategic Planning and Regional/National Roadmapping Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology

15 TC Chair’s Meeting Implementation of CIPM MRA Revision of detailed flow chart (next page) Prepared simplified one to explain APMP’s unique points to JCRB ⇒ Approval of Technical and QS Peers prior to review ⇒ On-site review of every technical capability TC Initiatives 8 projects were supported => limited budget for each project fewer projects for 2012 EC and TC Chairs Meeting DEC Support Projects : 3 projects out of 7 proposals were approved. A Proposal from TCTF (CMC Workshop) was approved but the support could not be made since the 2011 fiscal year is from Oct. 2010 to Sep. 2011.

16 APMP Secretary TCQS Chair TC Chair JCRB MRA Appendix C – BIPM Database Completed CMCs RMOs QS-1 with Evidences CMCs with Evidences CMC Reviewers 5 Review Request 6 Review Results QS Reviewers 5 Review Request 6 Review Results QS-3 7 Additional information/questions 8 Reply 7,14 Review results 8,15 Revision 4 CMC Submission 11,17 Review Request 12,18 Review Results JCRB CMC website JCRB NMI: TC / TCQS delegate Peer Review / Assessment Team 13 Review Results 19 CMC Approval Notice NMI action TC Chair action JCRB action TCQS Chair action Reviewer action RMOs to/from NMI or TC Chair (if necessary) APMP Secretary action 10,16 Posting CMCs 9 QS Approval Notice 10 20 3 On-site peer review / assessment 2 Approval of technical reviewers 1 Request for approval of technical reviewers 21 Confirmation of CMC publication QS-9

17 Workshop on Strategic Planning and Regional/National Roadmapping 1.Learn Roadmapping techniques (Dr Duncan Jarvis, Euramet) 2.Identify regional and national technical areas with future needs for new metrology applications and potential cross NMI collaboration that could that would benefit from roadmapping or similar strategies 3.Discuss roadmapping experiences within APMP iMERA Roadmap

18 4) TC Chair’s Meeting (Dec.4, 2011 @Kobe, Japan) 1.CMC review and submission process 2.Outcomes of JCRB Meeting and Brainstorming Session in September 3.APMP Web Site 4.TC and TC Chairs Meetings 5.TC Initiatives 6.Integration of Nanometrology in CC/TC Structure 7.Follow-up from Strategic Planning and Roadmapping Workshop in Mongolia 8.Use of Carnets for Comparisons 9.Guide on Comparisons for Developing Economies 10.Reports to GA and Executive 11.Other Business

19 5. Other Activities 1)Special Issue of MAPAN A special issue of MAPAN (International Journal of Metrology Society of India) on Advanced Frequency Metrology has been planned to be published as a March issue of 2012. Guest Editors : Y. Koyama (NICT) and A. Sen Gupta (NPLI) A call for paper has been circulated to the community (APMP TCTF members and URSI GASS 2011 Session Conveners) and two papers have been submitted. 6 more papers are expected. 2) Maintenance of member list on the APMP website New APMP website has a function to update member list by the TCTF chair (not by APMP secretariat like before). Please send removal, correction, and modification request to TCTF chair. A new member application can be sent to the TCTF chair from the website. The new member is added to the list upon approval by TCTF chair. It is safer to notify the TCTF chair by e-mail, too.

20 Matters to be discussed Promotion of R&D Activities in the TCTF Community Possible Technical Supports for Developing Economies Actions for Future Meetings New Structure of the TCTF Guidelines for Uncertainty Evaluations in CMC Tables

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