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GIS data formats GIS/CAD5. GIS data „Direct“ spatial data Spatial information is stored within datasets Data representation – Vector data – Raster data.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS data formats GIS/CAD5. GIS data „Direct“ spatial data Spatial information is stored within datasets Data representation – Vector data – Raster data."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS data formats GIS/CAD5

2 GIS data „Direct“ spatial data Spatial information is stored within datasets Data representation – Vector data – Raster data Data storage – Simple File structure – Complex File structure – Database structures „Indirect“ spatial data Spatial information is present only by reference Tables

3 Vector GIS data storage Simple file structures Geometry + Attributes – „Spaghetti“ system – No topology – One geometry in one dataset (point/line/polygon) ESRI shapefile – SHP, DBF, SHX (and other) Mapinfo TAB – TAB CityGML – XML text file

4 Example: CityGML -756520.399999999 -1058799.6 -722569.21000000 - 1034124.55 0 Praha-Ďáblice 7379231.74111 14948.125097 -736858.100000001 -1035305.55 -736849.59 -1035246.29 -736834.190000001 - 1035254.38 -736828.260000002 -1035257.49 -736799.48 -1035273.45 -736773.82 -1035288.27 -736746.890000001 -1035303.94 - 736740.77 -1035307.83 -736725.649999999 -1035317.42 -736722.539999999 -1035319.4 -736718.620000001 -1035321.89 - 736689.899999999 -1035339.88 -736662.32 -1035357.38 -736661.879999999 -1035357.66 -736632.41 -1035375.81 - 736605.239999998 -1035393.52 -736577.579999998 -1035411.43 -736549.129999999 -1035429.99 -736535.18 -1035438.96 - 736521.75 -1035447.6 -736490.350000001 -1035467.32 -736469.34 -1035481.03 -736439.949999999 -1035499.95 - 736431.239999998 -1035505.71 -736409.239999998 -1035520.26 -736406.239999998 -1035521.88 -736405.41 -1035521.22 - 736403.449999999 -1035519.66 -736402.809999999 -1035519.15 -736401.800000001 -1035518.35 -736401.530000001 - 1035518.13 -736401.059999999 -1035517.76 -736400.370000001 -1035517.21 -736399.989999998 -1035516.91 - 736285.149999999 -1035425.7 -736221.629999999 -1035378.52 -736219.010000002 -1035376.57 -736215.550000001 -1035374 - 736195.149999999 -1035358.85 -736189.91 -1035355.28 -736154.329999998 -1035331.04 -736119.780000001 -1035307.5 - 736107.18 -1035298.91 -736077.940000001 -1035309.44 -735998.329999998 -1035338.1 -735906.5 -1035364.2 -735906.800000001 -1035365.6 -735916.739999998 -1035479 -735923.420000002 -1035555.23 -735953.289999999 -1035896.14 -735953.489999998 - 1035898.31 -735953.52 -1035898.63 -735937.079999998 -1035898.9 -735909.59 -1035899.35 -735904.899999999 -1035899.42 - 735894.59 -1035899.59 -735890.27 -1035904.2 -735867.66 -1035918.77 -735850.300000001 -1035929.95 -735844.100000001 - 1035933.95 -735845.25 -1035936.48 -735762.879999999 -1035984.38 -735763.350000001 -1035997.75 -735764.350000001 -

5 Vector GIS data storage Complex File structure – Topology-oriented – Usually directories & system files ESRI coverage

6 Working with CAD Files in GIS Direct read, pure geometry Non-editable Export/Import to GIS formats available Discrete geometries interpretations No symbols/drawing keys

7 Raster data for GIS Raster data with spatial reference Information on reference system and position of raster – at header of raster (i.e. GeoTIFF) – in an extra tiny file - World File (i.e. tfw, jgw, pgw) Color rasters – cell values represents color values – Used for map creation Grids (attribute rasters) – cell values represents thematic values (height, speed, slope, concentrations, …) – Used for modeling and analyses

8 Special GIS data formats TIN data – Triangular irregular network Terrain – optimised multisurface terrain model (multiscale) LAS – laserscan/lidar data Pic: David Vojtek VŠB-TUO

9 Special GIS data formats 3D visualisation: 3D shapefiles 3D multipatches – X, Y, Z coordinates for each point – Standard shapefile structure Pics:

10 Geodatabases Storing GIS data in database systems Usually all types of data – Vectors – Rasters – Tables – TINs – Annotations (stored labels) Datasets and feature classes Definition and management of spatial/topology rules on feature classes Personal geodatabase – MDB File geodatabase – GDB Enterprise geodatabase – ArcSDE - Oracle Spatial, PostgreSQL, …

11 Format conversions in ArcGIS Interoperability extension – Quick import – Quick Export

12 Format overview interop-formats.pdf cgis10-desktop-functionality-matrix.pdf (page 10)

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